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Everything posted by glen

  1. It sure is hard to watch How do they look in the mirror or sleep at night Most of these players just can’t win. Lou better make a list of who to get rid of. Don’t get me wrong I’m a leaf fan I guess there is always next year
  2. I’m surprised the leafs are that weak. Lucked if they get one goal a game. They sure suck on defence.
  3. Ok they should let the leafs have six players on the ice. Might have a chance then.
  4. Nice Dan. If you were near me I’d have you work on mine. Hope you get your money Rizzo. Ad this to the long list of thieves. Rogers grrrr.
  5. Next Olympic sport drone shooting. I thought drones were going to be used for pot deliveries.
  6. Why didn’t he have a fish tank then he could of had fresh fish instead of frozen.
  7. The cops will be busy shooting trouble animals if no one is hunting. I guess you’d rather kill moose and deer with your car.
  8. Didn’t fish while I was there but the surf pounds the north end. All kind of junk washes up on shore there. Should be good fishing if not windy. Guy I know did a charter and they did well off the north end.
  9. the tire on the Bush buggy is holding it’s going to get a workout with all the snow. Just filled the back tires on my car. Only three more tires to do.
  10. The two on my trailer are galvanized but my spare is white. I want to change them all out and get radials. But I ain’t doing it till the tires need replacing.
  11. I got a 3l or whatever size the big jug is. Easy to use I did a tire on my trail buggy. She was fun today in all the snow the slime reminds me of the blood from predator.
  12. Well the boat tire only needs air about once a month so it’s a pretty slow leak. I could put the spare on but the rims are a different colour. Does that matter. As you can’t see both sides at the same time lol. Maybe I’ll slime some of the off road tires and see how that goes. I wonder if there is a stay in foam that goes solid
  13. I’m going to put new rims and tires on in 2or3 more years. Just want to limp it till then. Now that I count them I’ve got about six other slow leaks on off road buggy’s and trailers.
  14. Slow leak boat trailer tire around the rim. Anyone use green slime? I see it’s about $50 for 3.78l at crappy tire. Does it put the tire out of balance a lot? Does the repair last? Does it work every time? I have burnt out a bunch of 12volt tire pumps over the years. When you want to jump in and go it sucks to have to wait for a tire to fill up.
  15. This is kind of like the question who would you eat lunch with. How close can you be before you condone it.
  16. As long as gas is under $1.50 I am happy. Im sure there are good reasons for it to yo-yo
  17. The loneliest player in the nhl Standing still 10 ft in front of the leaf net But at least he will get a goal
  18. Fisherman says Im blind or did he say deaf but he didnt mind saving $45. Your welcome. Glad it was good info.
  19. Well I guess I will call the store to see if Im deaf.
  20. Heard on the radio Cabelas BARRIE is having 20% off everything in store on the weekend. Only heard the ad once so I hope thats the correct info
  21. Busy hi way traffic jam in bad weather. Ooops just ran out of battery power. Do you want a charge or a tow. That may take a while.
  22. . It can also travel 300 km (186 mi) on one charge. Needs better batteries that are not available yet. Maybe in ten years from now.
  23. I've got a bushnell bino that doesn't have any focus on it. Just set it to width of you eyes and it's clear. Great for people of different eye sight.
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