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Everything posted by TDunn

  1. Awesome fish Mike! Can't wait to get out! TDunn
  2. Great Fish! Especially the lakers.
  3. TDunn


    Ben- Ya there is a herd east of the Soo. There may even be another further east somewhere around Iron Bridge... I think.... Thanks everyone
  4. Not much of a report to read but I do have some pictures to share! Video- landing rainbow Chillin around the fire! My only whitie one long afternoon My favourite eats! Seen some elk just east of the Soo last week. There was a big bull that I wish I could of taken a picture of but couldn't stop in time. I did manage a blurry pic of a few others. It was taken out the window of a moving vehicle.... Also had this guy flying around us for awhile getting ready for the upcoming forest fire season Water Bomber Bring on the open water! TDunn
  5. Your site looks great Justin! Bookmarked! TDunn
  6. x2 Nice!
  7. He will be a fishing machine in no time!
  8. Great browns Mike! Wish we had more of those up here! TDunn
  9. Really, nice site Ben. There is a ton of work put into websites. Great job it looks great. Very professional and well laid out. Good luck to you in the future and I hope to read more about your adventures, tips and tactics!
  10. Nice! Some good eats!
  11. My aunt started watching this last year. Pretty cool
  12. TDunn


    Ben, Good eye! Had a hard time getting them to commit but it seemed if I bulked up abit with a minnow head on the rear treble is seemed to work on the odd one. I'm not 100% sure if it was the bigger profile or if it had to do with scent. Whatever it was it helped ice a few more. Doc, That trail almost killed me earlier on in the year. It was a piece of cake with the trail you guys left. Thanks! I have only fished that the lake with lake trout twice. Ive only seen one speck. The rest have been LT's although we havent fished much shallower than 30 feet. Thanks to all for the nice comments!
  13. Last Wednesday I got back from my first ever trip to camp in Hornepayne during the winter. I have only been told horror stories of the gongshow it is to get into during the winter. Well, I don’t doubt them. We were greeted with a ton of snow when we arrived at midnight! We didn’t know what to expect but to our surprise there was a huge, ploughed trail right to camp, the sauna and sheds with the fire started in the main camp. Yup, the new neighbours (who are now year round) are in my good books! Got up the next day and met the people next door and gave them thanks. Then proceeded to do stuff around camp and get settled in for our short vacation. Headed out for the evening bite in front of camp and we landed a few smaller walleyes which we kept to eat with dinner the next day. Snow... I was up every morning.....alone.... Amy and Ted both slept in each day until noonish... So, I had the mornings to get out and fish in front of camp then come in and start lunch. Out of the 3 mornings I had out there alone....nothing big, all hammer handles and small walleye. Breakfast! My AM fishing buddy Camp trophies Once everyone was up and had eaten we headed out onto the ice for an hour or two before dinner. This time was actually the hottest time of the day. There is a bay just down the shoreline and each afternoon we had a descent but not great walleye bite. Our flashers were basically lite up all day but there was a window in the afternoon that they actually came alive. Amys first fish of the trip Teds first My first A few other pics Tip-up pike All in all it wasn’t a bad trip but the fishing wasn't as hot as I had expected. A little short for how far we had to travel and the effort it took to get settled in and out of camp....but I’d do it again in a heartbeat! Since that trip I have been out twice. Once for steelies through the ice which resulted in four guys being skunked. Two days before that trip we had ventured in to LSPP for probably our last crack at trout up there on the ice. My cousin Mike and I took 2 park newbs in for a day of specks. Well we got to the lake and we had 24 landed in the first hour and a half. At the end of the day we had landed 49 specks.It felt good to leave the park on a high note for the year! average size 12-14" Around lunch that day Mike and I hiked into the next lake over. We hooked 5 in two hours with mike being the only one to put put lakers on the ice. A few trips on the ice left but I think its time to get my waders wet! TDunn
  14. http://www.anglersinternational.com/downloads.html open the catalogue
  15. Archie, The RV9 retails for $349.99 The IM9 retails $250-$300 Matrix MXG retails $149.99 I have the RV9 and MXG. I don't have the IM9. If you decide on Raven PM me.
  16. Just rigged up my new 13.6' RV9... If your looking for a float rod archie the RV9 is mint! Ravens Matrix lineup is also great for the price. I purchased a 12"6 for under $200. For bouncing I like my 9.6" St Croix Wild Rivers but I have used a few 8'6 and a 10"6 before. Picked mine up in town for $149.99 at the trading post...doubles as an atlantic rod also! TDunn
  17. I will! PM when you start
  18. Nice specks and great video!
  19. May long = snow up here... not always but every 2-3 years tho! Now I have to go shovel my driveway
  20. Great fish Mike!
  21. ^^^^^Agreed! Did slabs for 5 years and dont miss it!
  22. My bad ch312....metres....
  23. Ya I would think Ryan and yes thats a cubic yard. I couldnt tell you forsure but there is a math equation that will tell you I think. My boss cheats and uses a construction calculator for that. Concrete work is fairly easy. Just makesure your forms are square and level before you pour. Laser levels come in handy for this. Rebar the outside(footing) and fill the middle with mesh if you don't want to rebar the entire pad. After your done pouring is when the babysitting begins. There is also an accelerator you can put in the concrete that helps speed up the process of hardening. If you have no experience finishing the pad you might want some help for someone who has but you did say you finished pool pads. I'm not sure if your looking for a brushed look or a smooth, glossy floor.
  24. Wicked season Steve!
  25. Its 200/yard up here. my guess would be 12-15 yards is what you would need. A 24x24 - with pad, framed, siding, soffit, facia,window, man door and garage door is usally around $14,000. I'd like to see pics of that mercer guy pouring some concrete with ya!
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