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Everything posted by scugpg

  1. The show is actually pretty entertaining and has some good tips on where to go around here. Buy lots of jigs if you're fishing the river
  2. Hi Roy, I thought it might be EMI as well, but I've been testing this w/o the trolling motor plugged in as well. Same result. I've heard conflicting results whether you should expect the same detail or not.
  3. Hi folks, Do any of you using a Minn Kota with a Universal sonar notice a significant difference with clarity and marking fish compared to using your factory Humminbird or Lowrance transducer? I'm finding I'm not getting near as much detail with the US2 compared to the transom mount skimmer.
  4. I was checking out an Elite 5 at Angling Outfitters the other day - its crazy how much mapping is included with them!
  5. Much appreciated. Something really needs to be done about all the phosporus/nitrates going into those lakes.
  6. I use a suction cup and it has no issues at 20-25mph. It doesn't mark fish past 5mph though, not sure if it should anyhow.
  7. Is this for swimming or everything? Fanshawe reservoir is a complete disaster right now. Not sure about Pittock and Wildwood.
  8. The X67 would be a great investment is you're looking for something portable! Plus they are a great unit. If you go bigger you can always get the ice kit as Terry mentioned.
  9. What's that saying? Something about crap flows downhill
  10. If you fish north/east of Adelaide on the North branch, you will notice a big difference in water quality. There are several pollution plants in London that dump all their treated (and sometimes untreated in large rains) into the river. At the forks you have Woodstock and Ingersoll's waste coming in as well. Couple that with all the farm runoff & fertilizer and pesticides....she's hurting IMO. Just check out any local reservoir to see the large algae blooms because of the nutrient loading. That said, I do eat fish from the reservoirs on occasion, but never from the river. The fish eating guide seems to say its ok.
  11. Sorry for your luck. You may be able to fabricate a jack plate that sets the motor back and down a bit...but its a stretch whether it will work or not. Much easier to do the opposite. Check if Nissan has an extension kit or if you can buy a different bottom end. Probably worth your while with that older motor though. Best option might be selling it and getting a long shaft there's lots of little motors around...especially in long shaft.
  12. I've heard similar reports. The water is pretty gross as of late downstream and in Fanshawe lake.
  13. I run the IT for a small company in London.
  14. I need to start lubing the knots before I tie....I've seen a couple expensive lures fly off mid-air as the knot breaks while casting. This could also be the know catching on one of the eyes on the rod though.
  15. Isn't it illegal to just dump the remains in the lake?
  16. Wow buddy looks great! Glad to see you getting her out on the water.
  17. Hi all - I'm going to try and get up to the Pinery in the next couple of weeks and was wondering where to fish. Last time we rented canoes and fished on the top part where the rentals are...saw tons of panfish and a couple pike and bass. I'm wondering if its worth trying below the rental spot? I've heard there's bowfin in there also and was wondering how to target them. Any advice would be appreciated! cheers.
  18. So what did you go with?
  19. Guy what do you use for worm binders? Looking for something to house my twisters and senko worms.
  20. Mike as per this catalog the Cumara weighs CUC711M Medium Fast 136 grams = 4.8oz $239.99 CUC711MH Medium Heavy 132 grams 4.6oz $239.99 CUCX711MH Medium Heavy Extra Fast 136 grams 4.8oz $239.99 If you're considering the highest end St. Croix, I would be putting a Loomis stick on your list of choices before a Cumara! I'm a St. Croix fan first (really love the Legend Tournament Series), but if money was no object I'd go Loomis GLX all the way. I think there is a new series from Loomis as well. Unfortunately Loomis catalogs don't seem to have weight of the rods Good luck....whatever one you go with at that caliber I'm sure you'll be very happy.
  21. I have to disagree with the 12V setup for you. I really think you should consider a 24V for your rig. Yes the 12V will push you around on a calm day for a decent amount of time. It will struggle at times and you will be running it alot harder. A 24V will keep you going all day in any condition and reasonable current.
  22. Check out BPS's pro qualifier bibs and jacket...a little cheaper than the 100mph. I do agree the high end Goretex Suits are like no other....whether its BPS, Cabelas or Gander Mountains gear. If I was in a pinch I'd go with the Columbia jacket and bibs. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_103922_625011000_625000000_625011000_625-11-0 http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_103921_625011000_625000000_625011000_625-11-0
  23. I'd recommend a Terrova 80# with Ipilot. I wouldn't trade my Terrova for anything! My parents have a 55# powerdrive V2 on a 14ft Lund and I find it kind of weak. I like a motor that can handle big wind and even hobble me home if need be. If you have the room I wouldn't think twice about running 24v.
  24. Maximizer on the Traxxis - http://www.minnkotamotors.com/advantage/freshwater.aspx?sectionID=1
  25. Totally agree....I'd put Loomis in there as well but I guess its a Shimano product as well Quantum has a good product, price point and warranty, but the feel just isn't the same as above.
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