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Everything posted by scugpg

  1. Do you ever plan to add a 2nd unit and network together? If so the HDS would be your only option. I haven't used the Elite but the HDS screen is better resolution and when you're talking a 5'' screen it might be worth the upgrade. I think the HDS has built in (although not super detail) of the great lakes. For inland lakes the Hotmaps Canada series would be the best bet for an HDS chip. You can rig up the hst-wsbl transducer included with the HDS or Insight......or you can buy the actual ice-ducer which will work on either unit. I would pick the HDS over the Insight, but if you don't intend to do networking and don't mind the display the Elite is a nice unit and the price is right.
  2. Hey Dan I didn't. The RPM's wouldn't settle down below 1000 so I backed off the adjustments to where we started. Hoping to sync and try it again.
  3. I found some 6mm welding tips that work perfectly for my fittings, and they act as a restrictor. Also added more fluid to the tool hoping this will make it level enough to balance.
  4. Great video thanks Art. I'll try the home made with some restrictors and if it don't work than I'll go from there.
  5. Talked with Slowpoke and DanD today and it was suggested that you can build one. As soon as I track down some metric barbed fittings I should be good to go!
  6. is there any updates to the unit? maybe that will help?
  7. Thanks guys I'll check those!
  8. Guys I need to sync the carbs on my 4 stroke motor and there is a vacuum sync tool that you use for it. Does anyone know if its possible to rent one of these? Its a really easy procedure according to the service manual, but need to track down a this fancy tool. Will take to dealer if I have to but would prefer not. Thanks!
  9. Great job you guys? Jigging for them must be a blast. Killer stache btw!
  10. Nice job guys. Bob is a great guy to get out with and find the fish.
  11. Thought it was around $20
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1PXoxgCXus
  13. If your still concerned, what about using low-pressure compressed air through the tell-tale hole? Or through the water intakes on the lower unit? That might get any remaining water out. Leaving the motor all the way down should suffice though as it should drain everything out.
  14. Did you see anywhere if you can mix blue and red without incident?
  15. Looks like we're about one shave away from Movember! Anyone else going to sport something for the month ahead? http://ca.movember.com/
  16. Their website seems to indicate that it has the stabilization properties but the marine version also has extra cleaning agents and corrosion preventers http://www.goldeagle.com/brands/stabil/products.aspx#marine_formula
  17. I have a carbed 4....so draining them is better? Have some marine stabil for it also.
  18. Now that is a great trip! Way to put him on fish
  19. I've read conflicting info on this - the safe to eat articles I read stated to ensure you don't eat any organs (liver etc) that absorbs the majority of the bacteria from the algae and eat only the fillets.
  20. I lived in that area for a long time, and still have family there. So I know a bit about the area. If you don't like people I'm glad you don't live down here in London, because you would really hate it! Its not friendly down here. I've been lucky to meet a few good folks off of here though which I'm thankful for. It'd be hard to beat living in the country up there or on the lake around Bobcaygeon, Bridgenorth, Buckhorn etc. If we could find comparable jobs up there I would be there tomorrow. I don't think Peterborough is that bad, but I'd be buying on the lake or in the country anyhow. Hooked, I would stay away from the 401 corridor if you have to; living around the PTBO area if you can give you so much access to good fishing and its a much quieter environment. Again good luck in your decision!
  21. Too funny....you think ptbo is worse than lindsay? Heck even some of the small towns around those two towns are worse. Either way it beats gta or sw ontario in my opinion any day.
  22. They want a very broad skillset and high education but nice posting and salary for up there. For IT jobs it's mostly the city, schools or hospitals for good $...and the odd company like quaker etc. It's a great area to live but as others said you should have something lined up. I might move back there some day as well if it works out that way....the location is great in so many aspects. Good luck.
  23. I like the Sony Tx5. Zoom isn't too crazy but worth considering. I see they have a Tx10 now. Here's a review which includes the TS3 http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/Q311waterproofcompactgrouptest/page12.asp
  24. It would be interesting to see what the poll would say....let the community decide
  25. I find this forum runs a tight ship, but do see the odd comment in NF threads that make me wonder why they read it in the first place. It would be nice to have a separate sub-forum for the NF posts. That said I thoroughly enjoy the ability to post/participate in NF stuff as there are some very smart folks on here willing to give advice on just about anything.
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