I lived in that area for a long time, and still have family there. So I know a bit about the area.
If you don't like people I'm glad you don't live down here in London, because you would really hate it! Its not friendly down here. I've been lucky to meet a few good folks off of here though which I'm thankful for.
It'd be hard to beat living in the country up there or on the lake around Bobcaygeon, Bridgenorth, Buckhorn etc. If we could find comparable jobs up there I would be there tomorrow. I don't think Peterborough is that bad, but I'd be buying on the lake or in the country anyhow.
Hooked, I would stay away from the 401 corridor if you have to; living around the PTBO area if you can give you so much access to good fishing and its a much quieter environment. Again good luck in your decision!