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Everything posted by capt_hooked

  1. Always a delight to see your photos Joey... And always a delight... the company... all the above folks.... wish I could have spent more time visiting... but I can see from everyone's posts.. things went well... Glad to see the musky pics... Best to all...!
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1K3_0FtR2A0
  3. not at all... nice I hate to see that... but thanks for pulling her out of the water... and other wise cleaning up the mess... sheesh! These turtles can live to be over 100 years... and deserve respect...!
  4. Was going to let this go.. but... (after a week of the same post..... what the hell... Years ago (years and years ago... ) I was guiding a gentleman and we landed a 10lb-0oz large mouth in a small lake near the French River... This weight was established on our "official" house scale only after a two hour hike out of the bush... lots of time to lose a few ounces.. (drying out) For the next 15-20 years, NONE of the Ontario fishing contests came close to this big bass... 10lbs in the southern states is common.. 10lbs large mouth in northern Ontario is very rare... the cap't...
  5. Been there.. done that...! 120 miles from the West Arm, Nipissing to Georgian Bay in 7 days..... Great trip... see any rattle snakes.?
  6. I tend to do the same Dave...and I am no pilot... however spent many hours in bush planes... and know things can go wrong fast... My condolences to the families. and friends of these three men....
  7. Ha...! Lew... never knew you were such a bad ass.... Lew: "the shoulder problem is arthritis and I don't spose it's gonna go away" ..... Lew.. maybe you better lay off those big muskies... and give your shoulder a break....
  8. Margo's got the cargo and Reggie's got the rig... Stompin Tom..
  9. Electronics are fun to play around with when the fish are not biting..
  10. Was great to see you Lew....! And glad you showed that boy a few tricks on musky fishing....! But... I have not seen him since...?????? And one of my boats is missing? Cheers....!
  11. Fantastic pics Joey... as ever... Thank you so much for your art work... we love it...!! Was good to see you and Paul..... (maybe I will be more chatty next time....?) best.... the cap't....
  12. Good to see you guys...! Glad you got the big one.. the cap't p.s. thanks for the fish.....
  13. One year ago the Algo Centre Mall in Elliot Lake collapsed, killing two persons and damaging the sense of well being for this retirement community, located within a fishing wonderland. Found an interesting article on the history of this village: [url=http://books.google.ca/books?id=ERA1xcCCDUsC&pg=RA1-PT171&dq=Elliot+Lake+Real+Estate+and+Bob+Izumi&hl=en&sa=X&ei=5cXFUefnKc-vqQGkq4CQAQ&ved=0CDoQ6AEwAA] the cap't
  14. thanks for the read...
  15. Hi Maureen... sorry we missed you.. but will be around for your next visit... The moose story was exciting.. best, the cap't ...
  16. As a fairly new and somewhat terminal cancer patient..... I am not sure what to say? So I will keep it brief... Thank you to all who donated their time and items to this worthy cause....! the cap't
  17. Too much tackle...!!!
  18. Capt - I'm def open to suggestions. As long as they have nice washrooms (ladies coming) and hydro, I can handle the rest. I'd love to hit some Walleye/Bass. Any recommendations? I have a good friend runs this place: www.lakair.com Only transient camping, good docks... marina and great fishing... walleye, bass, pike and musky A small clean park.. very clean washrooms water and hydro at each site.
  19. Joey Gyotaku... what a great name...! Interesting art work..
  20. there are also a few private parks in the Sudbury area.. that give you good access to fishing....
  21. The Canadian Coast Guard (out of Parry Sound) is responsible for buoys on Lake Nipissing and for the last ten years they have not been maintain them well, resulting is huge damage to many boats and unnecessary risk to human life. The Coast Guard is part of the Canadian Hydrographic unit. I have been after them for over 15 years to fix these buoy issues... with no results.
  22. Wow..! Great pics...! And they get much bigger..!
  23. Well I have been fishing Nipissing for 55 years now... and have fished some great lakes... miles up north... (2-3 hour fly-in)... and have never caught a 48-inch pike... I know they are out there... but they do not show often. How many have you caught?
  24. We had a fishing contest on the West Arm of Nipissing this past weekend... and rumor (good source) has it the winning team landed a 48-inch Northern Pike..! -
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