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Everything posted by express168

  1. Thanks Roy.
  2. Just wanted to say hi to those who remember me and also to those who were not around when I was. Well I have been putting my home and commercial property inspection business together and have not had much time for posting or fishing but I hope to be around a bit more often. I really missed this place and look forward to popping in from time to time.
  3. My Parents are immigrants to this country and are proud to call Canada home. The Canada that the souls fought for, in order to free complete strangers across the world. To those who have died and to those who serve today, Thank You.
  4. Huey; Sent you a reply to your PM, I got a couple guys that can do it if you want me to send them your way to give you price. If you want to do it the way Gerrit suggested it is not that hard to do. You can get small loads delivered by Canadian Ready Mix, they have a mix by the meter truck that they can send to small jobs . They mix onsite and you are only charged for what you use, I belive the rate right now is around the $150 per cubic meter. My cellphone number is in the PM if you would like to talk further.
  5. Nothing better than a parent standing behind their childrens dreams , even if it isn't the parents first choice. That support improves the odds of success incredibly, good work!
  6. Heading to Cooks Bay on either Wednesday or Thursday with the kids and wife for some perch fishing. I was just wondering what type of water depths should I concentrate on for best results. Plus I think I am going to launch out of Cooks Bay Marina, I was wondering if there is anywhere to grab minnows nearby. Or if anybody can recommend another good launch with bait nearby, other than the beach launch at the end of 89 I believe. I have a 5 and 2 year old with me so I don't mind paying for a launch with a decent dock and parking. Thanks.
  7. Thanks Guys. I agree with you Gerritt about Marineland , but the kids love it and it is not about me anymore. So we will see what happens next week , I was leanining towards Cooksbay but the only launch I have ever used is the beach one at the end of 89 I beleive, and it is not that great with young kids so I was hoping to find a decent marina nearby to use. Once again I don't mind paying for a good launch with the family. P.S. Gerritt I do plan on the Toronto Zoo, I love it there , I have never been to the Killman Zoo and never really plan on it either.
  8. Hi folks, well next week I am on holidays for a week with the family . We are staying home and doing day trips all week ,Wonderland, Marineland , the Zoo, and one of the days I am going to take the wife and kids fishing in the boat, hopefully for some perch to keep the kids interested and hopefully feed daddy. I am flip flopping between Port Maitland or Cooks Bay, any opinions? Also I would like a recomendation for a good launch facility at either location with a good dock to make it easier to launch with the 2 little kids. I don't mind paying as long as it is a good launch. Thanks for any info.
  9. Addy79 , sorry we detoured to Port Loring because of the forest fires. The lodge we were staying with was evacuated the day before we were supposed to go.
  10. I was on the Pickeral River near Port Loring 2 weeks ago and the walleye were non-existent that weekend. Only one caught the whole weekend at the resort we were at . Hopefully things have changed but thats what things were like that weekend.
  11. Krisco I stayed at White Birches resort in Port Loring, nice people and decent facilities, I have stayed there on 4 different occasions. The whitefish( my mistake for thinking it was a sucker) and moose pictures came from along the Pickeral River, the pike are from a bay on Duck Lake. Kyle I couldn't tell you how the pike tasted as they were released after a quick picture. My partner had a fish on at the same time so thats why I am not holding them in the pics. There were quite a few smallmouth caught while slowly trolling trying to find some walleye but all were quickly released without pics. All in all it sure beat getting caught up in that fire near Onaping.
  12. Well I don't really fish for suckers or whitefish, could be a whitefish. It was very slimy and hard to hold so I went with the assumption of a sucker. Either way all the fish swam away for another day. If it is a Whitefish thanks for the correction and that is another species to add to my caught list.
  13. These are some of the pics of a couple pike, a sucker( I mean the fish not me) and the moose that swam across the river in front of us( I hope you can see it in the pics as I didn't want to get to close and freak it out.) P.S. Please don't make fun of the belly and man boobs
  14. Well Vance, We talked as I was headed for the showers on the Monday and you invited me to check out the lake maps at your trailer. Sorry, I didn't notice the hat at the time. I hope to be there again as they treat me pretty well when I am there and maybe we can sit and talk and share a few drinks . That is a good thing you are doing helping them out there, truly shows that you are a class act.
  15. Thats great, I have a picture of my sons first fish on the wall and I plan on it being there for the rest of my life. Now I just have to add my 2 year old daughters first fish to the wall to.
  16. WOW , Nice report and those are some great pics. May I also say hi to a fellow member wearing a Local 183 toque( assuming he is a member of course.)
  17. WOW , Nice report and those are some great pics. May I also say hi to a fellow member wearing a Local 183 toque( assuming he is a member of course.)
  18. As the old saying goes " Those who enjoy their job never truly work a day in their lives."
  19. Well just got back from White Biches in Port Loring after having to change our plans because Northwoods Lodge had to evacuate Lower Onaping lake during the fire at Halfway Lake Provincial Park. Thanks for the heads up on the evacuation Walleyejigger, it allowed me to quickly find another place to go. I have spoke with Northwoods today and they apologized ( no need for it as it is not their fault) and they are going to honour our deposits for a future trip, maybe this fall for some pike and walleye if the WIFE ok's it. Fishing was OK with a bunch of pike and a few OOS bass(no pictures) and one sucker, but couldn't get into the walleye at all, only one between all the people there this weekend. The best part was watching a moose come out into the river in front of our boat, swim across to the other side. I have some pics but no time to download tonight, going to spend some time with the kids. There was a Smokercraft docked at White Birches with OFC stickers all over it , it appears to be docked there for the season as the owner never appeared the whole weekend. Was just wondering who the OFNer was that I missed out on meeeting. Oh well I know it is not that exciting a report but it is better than what could have been if Walleyejigger didn't give me the heads up on the fire and we drove up there from Hamilton only to get stopped.
  20. My deepest condolences Lew.
  21. Hey Wayne, I was supposed to leave for Lower Onaping Lake tomorrow morning but walleyejigger gave me the heads up on the fire situation. I have not been able to get a hold of the resort all day and no one has called me back so I guess they have been evacuated. Luckily I was able to get a hold of a place I go to in the Port Loring area regularly and they said they have a couple little camping cabins available if we decide to detour tomorrow morning. Oh well!, but I hope everything turns out well for everybody that had to be evacuated up there.
  22. Well I was originally going to the Gogama or Shining Tree area this weekend but that trip fell through. I am hooking up with some other friends and heading to Lake Onaping a little north of Sudbury this weekend. We are staying at Northwoods Lodge , if anybody has fished Onaping before I would appreciate any advice or tips as this is a first for us. Thanks for any info and I will post a report when I get back.
  23. Beats , I put the map in the mail today so it should arrive some time next week. It was large and is laminated so it is difficult to copy , so i sent you the original, I just ask that you mail it back after. Good luck and enjoy the trip.
  24. Thank God you finally got in for the surgery, hope you have a speedy recovery.
  25. I was there last May 24, but the weather was so bad that fishing was really tough, it snowed on the Sunday. We got into some Pike in the smaller bays but that was about it. There is alot of water to fish, I have a map of it , if you PM me your address I'll be happy to mail a copy of it to you. Jerry
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