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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. This year we will experience 4 unusual dates.... 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11 ......... NOW go figure this out.... take the last 2 digits of the year you were born plus the age you will be this year and it WILL EQUAL .... 111.
  2. Twocoda


    i know B but Ive come accustomed to watching it on the comp...what i find interesting is its going to be a LIVE feed through the social network...
  3. Twocoda


    Fight for the troops is on tonight apparently you can watch the first 4 fights on facebook....interesting eh?...im going to have to read and give it a try .. http://www.ufc.com/ all ya have to do is "like" the page and you should be good to go http://www.facebook.com/UFC?v=app_4949752878
  4. They all break Mike (with the exception of an old Diawa Eliminator i have) but then again ...i put things to the TEST as im sure your crowd does too...but this being the first Raven ive ever owned and based on their response through this rod...i just thought it was worth mentioning... Cheers
  5. caught them on the saugeen too ...just thought WOW thats a huge Crayfish! and put him back...now if they get to be the size of lobster..i wont be putting them back in cold water...
  6. caught me by surprise too ...
  7. Last Spring i bought a 3 piece 14' Raven rod because my (removed name) met an untimely demise and i was having warranty issues with them ...i was dead set against purchasing another of their products because of this and just so happen to find a Raven display set up right beside theirs in our local tackle shop...so as the story goes.... after several months of extreme use i blew up the Raven in the center section and thought "oh great!!!! here i go again "...so i went into the tackle shop to get the info i needed to send this rod in for repair or replacement...got it all packaged up in a carpet tube and ready for mail...well...lets just say i got side tracked with life because i actually didnt sent the rod into Raven until the 6th of January this year ( almost 6 months after the fact). I tracked the rod and found they received it on the 13th of January and thought i should smash out an email to find out what the next step is... the very next day i got a response from a lady to call her regarding my rod. Now honestly ...i was expecting there to be a confrontation over the phone as it was in the past with a few other rod companies...but much to my surprise the little voice on the other end of the phone was telling me my rod is ready to be sent back ...i asked what the damage is for the replacement and she said (shipping costs only)22 bucks) HOLY CRAP!!!!! i thought .....i couldnt belive it !!! im prepared for battle and there isnt going to be one ... To Raven i say ....Thank you for being an ethical company that stands behind your products...it truly gives piece of mind to know this for the sometimes extreme situations your products can encounter .. To the little voice at the other end of the phone ( Bridget) you represent Raven's company with the highest of standards!!!! Thank you!!! To the "other" rod manufacturers....you have alot to learn when it comes to getting repeat customers and keeping them happy..I suggest you call Raven for a seminar on how its done . For the record.....I have no vested interest in Raven other than a completely satisfied customer and this post in OFC is for others to know when they are considering dropping hundreds on fishing rods Best Regards Dave
  8. photoshop is so cool....im just teaching myself this very technique ...i now have a 50 dollar bill with my sons pitbull on it ... ...the next time he asks to borrow money im going to print off as much as he needs
  9. they were tied for first the day before the season started...
  10. but who is wearing it ? Slowpoke?
  11. exactly so the NEXT time he gets caught ...they will give him two lifetime bans....
  12. this is hilarious!!! If your day is going not so well....well this should help you out .. another link to the same video with out having to sign in to Utube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWvNzzn2phE Cheers
  13. This one makes up for the last few you forgot to post...
  14. Richard..just an idea...might be worth the while of swaping these ones with some more active fish...just an idea...before the kids start to name them...
  15. trebien!!!!! merci buckets...
  16. how are you maintaining the water temp Richard?
  17. yep...not enough daylight hours to go out and play with his friends ...so instead ...stays in ...and plays with himself...
  18. nice ride...enjoy!...i think i still have some K-tel sound explosion 8 tracks around here somewhere...yours if ya want them ..
  19. i doubt that would work GBW...they are very Hardy and durable animals...if you dont hit then in the head with a .22 they still walk away ...might want to look into see if there is a bounty on the snout...ive seen them fall 40 feet from a tree hitting branches all the way down and still walk away...
  20. now i know the rest of the story...as a kid we use to go to the Bob Hayward YMCA all the time...but never knew who he was...i wonder if Thompson road is name after Jim...(more then likely i would think)...we used to love going to the annual Molson Speed Boat Challange on Fanshawe Lake...it was a sad day when they ended the series.. My 140h Merc pushes me along at 57 mph... Cheers >>>good article!
  21. last week the movie Knocked Up was on television and im pretty sure every single word was said several times through the movie...but then again ...it was late and i suppose sensitive ears were sleeping .. i was actually surprised nothing was censored out ...not even the birthing of a child
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82mij_d6q20&feature=fvst i cant beleive they used the word "disco" in this song.....
  23. Yet another chapter completed in the book of your life...may it be a never ending story .. Happy Birthday
  24. Grand Slam!!!! Very nice shooting
  25. lol...buy a hover craft and live forever
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