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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. Dan im thinking a magazine rack should be installed to the exterior of your hut...lol...if anything but convenient ...it would also double as a conversation piece...lol
  2. reason # 5642 why i dont ice fish!!!!
  3. get well soon Spiel...theres a few people that are missing your Mod Que Methods.. speedy recovery!
  4. thats the position for praying to the fish gods
  5. next time go to the observatory and bring 50 bucks and a camera....lol...make sure it isnt raining though
  6. now i feel like i should go see my mom ....nice shots...too bad about the weather though ...raw deal ... favorite shot is the empty wide angle pier...looks great in B/W and then the barnacles on the pier standards ...beach was nice and clean usually this time of year its littered with sea weed ....did ya hit HOLLYWOOD Hills and the walk of fame?
  7. ive got a sister named Terry...just sayin
  8. he will be when he has a garage sale at the apartment though ...
  9. i would have thought the F19 would have had bigger wings then an F18
  10. Ice tiles on Lake Huron ...i know nothing funny about it but ...if i was an ice fisherman the picture would look the same as it does now ...cuz i would be under the ice seems Irish is the only one that knows how to properly post pics...lol
  11. thats a great idea....but i dont have any funny ice shots yet...
  12. oh that seems further away ... 89 days ta go.... 89 days ta gooooooooo
  13. spank me !!!! spank me !!!!
  14. i hope you didnt pose with the deer like the cop in london did with the bear...that wasnt a classy move...lol...
  15. i seen your post on the status thing yesterday and thought 90 days????how long is that in minutes.......
  16. ok no one else asked it so i will...FshNA....in the last year how many times have you drawn your weapon on someone ....and in the last 5 years ...and in the last ten years...???
  17. looks like fun ...where do i sign up?
  18. hey B check yer calendar 2011...lord tunderin ...
  19. we really dont know the whole story ....
  20. im glad he didnt ask his parents ...cuz i have a ton of firewood to pile and i feel like crap ....this has been much more fun ....the kid is probably giggling through this whole thread...lmao
  21. duely noted...just curious was salt licks listed in there? every WMU is different
  22. i beg to differ...your not allowed to sit on bait for deer...bears yes... no sport in that though IMO but not deer...without checking im going to say the bait has to be removed 24? hours prior to your hunt... i guess its your choice as to weather or not you would do the same as this guy ....hopefully you never have to come across this situation so you dont have to find out first hand if youll get off as easy as him...there are other ways of dealing with things then pulling out a gun...by doing so in my mind is imposing the idea you are willing to use it ....isnt that a death threat ???? and last i checked ...death threats are illegal punishable by longer then a year in jail... there isnt a problem that cant be resolved by other means ...this guy went about it all wrong ...and i bet ...if you asked him if would he do it again the same way ...his answer would be no...who is going to protect his pond now? or feed his family or put a band aide on his kids knee when he is locked up...this isnt the wild west anymore with gun totin cowboys...there are times i wish it was but it isnt ...its the careless attitude of this guy that makes it that much harder for the legal gun owners...that use their weapons for the pure enjoyment of the sport of hunting ...( just my opinion ) i would bet he will never own or be permitted to own/hold a weapon again legally ...but ...since his judge is obviously kind ...he will probably have it back in ten years... there is no doubt the entire situation sucks...if the cops wouldnt help then some strategically placed cameras catching them in the act on his property would be greatly appreciated by the cops for doing their job for them ...without a weapon involved...and saving the hardships his family has had to endure ... regarldess the little asses that trespassed should be charged for it to the max ...so they could feel the hardships this guy is feeling in legal fees.. now do tell for what reason would you have a weapon on board a boat firing it across my bow ? or is that just a gun totin comment of testosterone?
  23. i believe you wrong ...DUI isnt a traffic act ...its a federal offense
  24. ANYTHING with a motor...including your boat or motor rigged skateboard or moped including the new E bikes with electric motors...
  25. im my experiences anything low to the ground ...got trampled and stamped...stay HIGH and loud when being engaged it confuses them to think your bigger/stronger and they back down ...best to have a long stick to lance the animals chest (not head) when it rears up to pounce Elk =Wapati Male = Bull Female = Cow edit to add ...yes similar to caribou but normally you wont get close to a caribou
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