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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. From the sounds of it your probably out of fish...Im sure it wont take the better half too much time to replenish the stock for the next wave of guests.. Good on ya for the hospitality
  2. a photograph of something ....is that for real ???? it almost looks fake
  3. are all catholic priests pedophiles?
  4. can you not contact him directly ? a friend of mine has one of the same prints...but im not sure of the number on his print I think that is one of several in a series...IF memory serves me correct
  5. Again we are with out power as mother nature unleases her fury on us....spectacular lightening show to say the least.....HEADS UP INLANDERS.....its a doozy
  6. Welcome aboard young man...so far so good Salmon .....Check Steel.......Check Fly tyeing..Check Hockey team? Cheers (with a Dr Pepper)
  7. i wonder how many of the people that are forced to take the day off are just claiming it as a "sick day"
  8. Shouldnt an employer make money off the service they run?...maybe im taking your statement out of context but to me it sounds like because Canada Post makes money its the employees union(god) given rights to get more out of them...honestly...when the crap hits the fan for a bail out...and denied it ...then they will see how to make ends meet on a different kind of paper route
  9. Looks like Lake Michigan is healthy.....Nice shooting !
  10. Actually ... NO test for new anglers but...a test for people that get caught performing an infraction isnt a bad idea ...$200.00 bucks for the test and a fine for the infraction (what ever it is ) ...if they choose not to take the test no more fishing for them ...if they get caught fishing without a licence after an infraction ....Dont drop the soap!!!
  11. quite honestly there are tales to prove any one given wind direction is better or worse then the other ...but the bottom line is ..."if ya dont go ....ya wont know"... Ive had steller days of fishing on the lakes and in the river in every given wind direction possible...ive also had no fish days in any given wind direction (fortunatley this doesn't happen very often for me)but i can guarantee you will not catch a fish sitting on your couch as opposed to sitting in your boat or on the river bank DONT EXPECT to catch fish ....and you will never be disappointed Cheers!!
  12. LMAO i kinda find that "whip" noise mildly exciting i would buy it if i comes with speakers
  13. high velocity fluids apply in all cases Paul
  14. power just came back right now Brian...still no confirmation on an actual tornado but North Bruce to Chesley is one heck of a mess...
  15. We are still sitting here in the dark power has been out since the wicked stormed that rolled over us this morning...some people are reporting tornados in North Bruce...anyone inland get hammered by this system? Hope the power comes back before the fights and hockey game tonight so i can turn off the generator
  16. Way cool Brandon ...Ill wait till i turn 60 to do it ...(just like my mother did)....the go-pro paid for itself right there instead of having to pay them to record for you ...
  17. i sooooooooooooooooo want one ...
  18. Nice shootin Ron!!! ...It was nice of your daughter to let you have your pic taken with her fish... Cheers to ya ALL!
  19. Vinni make sure you have the extra bracket installed ....two bolts as you mentioned then on the other end of the starter there is another bracket that gets secured right to the block...Just thinking out loud..hope it helps
  20. Im kinda glad Boston won....this translates to ensuring the CUP stays in Canada
  21. what do you call a dog with no legs? Nothing ...he wont come to you what do you call a dog with no legs ...on a leash? A drag and one of my all time favourites..
  22. Nice shot Brandon ....i got caught without a camera ...but the backside of the thunderheads after they passed us would have made some great images... it was quite the site
  23. This is an image of Dan B's perch he recently caught and reported a few days ago ... i ran it through HDR as a single layer and this is what i came up with .. Now here is the original image Dan had posted on OFC in his report...notice the difference in texture of the fish Dan B i hope you dont mind me using your fish ...you had made comment in your thread that you really liked the colours on this fish ...so i thought i would use it as an example HDR is alot of fun...
  24. My condolences to you and your family...Its appears he accomplished doing "RIGHT" by you from your tribute..
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