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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. im going to take a guess and say ....Lurgen Beach? or Point Clark area.....Happy BDay to your daughter...its a good thing she isnt growing as fast as Zoe Diving board has been gone since 2000
  2. Dan ....im just wondering if you had the sunglasses on because your eyes were open? and didnt want to hurt the fishes feelings for not being wholeheartily in the moment of endearment
  3. Congrates on the floating machine....best to winterize it now and hit the rivers...lol...
  4. Bravo !!!!Excellent video brings back alot of great memories for me and my son....
  5. Twocoda


    Thanks Terry ....i missed the fights last night and what better way to entertain myself with this insomnia...
  6. there is only one way to properly dispose of the remnants...but it requires a second trip to your buddies vehicle to pop the nicely tied up package after a few days in the sun
  7. SSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!....I know you really ment to say the Credit River....located conveniently in Missisauga Ontario
  8. locals are wearing T shirts that say..."FUF3" Its good to see the spirits of Godrock hasnt been broken
  9. Tell the plumber your not questioning "his" rate but ask to see the credentials of the assistant to justify the other 60 bucks....if he quoted the job and changed his price then thats another issue....if it was a "service call" then you may find yourself at the mercy of his ethics... Good Luck Simon...try and express your views in a respectable mannner to the owner..
  10. WTG Paul....according to CNN tomorrow you should be able to open your front door and just welcome the fish into the house...
  11. wallis cast is a different animal all together....you tube wallis cast and spinning side cast....if your "trotting" youll find the swivel is more effective ABOVE your float (pending on the type of float you use)
  12. put a swivel above your float.....try to learn a spinning side cast....both will help your cause to a degree
  13. if they cant find you handsome....might as well find ya handy?....daughter #2 must have a handsome boyfriend
  14. "hiccup" too me...
  15. Hope nobody is seriously hurt or worse....looks like there is going to be quite the task to clean it up http://www.945thebull.ca/news.php?cat_id=7 for the facebookers http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150738660535220.717198.894675219&type=1#!/pages/The-Bullpen-on-945-The-Bull/262801602854?closeTheater=1
  16. now there is one hell of a fish fry!!!....nice shootin ....let me know when they are ready to eat...
  17. i have at least 50 shirts like those...seriously....ya have to be very secure with your masculinity to pull it off all the time...lol...and it doesnt hurt that i get random kisses from strange near sited women either...
  18. K i wont tell ya i was fishing ..... ....mostly working though....i check in from time to time but normally too tired to post....
  19. The Doc should have taken his pulse...i think he was already gone but forgot to laydown
  20. sounds like you might want to take them Pike fishing instead...
  21. thats the least of her problems ....owner is a redneck ....speaking of such ....i thought all rednecks named their dog Rex or Yeller Mocha is awesome!
  22. and now we know how Jens unused meds are being disposed of....
  23. try port credit....im sure you will stir up something down there
  24. you need to fix the "tune out switch" when your wife is talking about Oprah to you ...
  25. i went out last night with a buddie that just bought the same unit ...his VHF is a uniden and there was zero interference ....it was my first time playing with the machine and honestly i found it to be rather user friendly but im sure i could have set it up better if i had the manual to read...all in all i thought it was a decent buy for the price.... the thing that i wasnt paticularily fond of was...the sensor that automatically illuminates the finder takes along time to get the screen bright enough to see until its pitch black on the water but then again ....i didnt have the manual so mabe there was an adjustment for this
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