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Everything posted by Dano

  1. Good stuff bunk, always look forward to your posts! Thanks.
  2. Didja save any for me? Looks like a great time.
  3. I hope they dont reproduce, who knows how they would affect the Nippissing fishery as a whole.
  4. Sweet stuff Sean, the Grand old lady is indeed a special river. I lived on her for nearly 20 years logging countless hours fishing for smallies in a myriad of ways and always having a good time. The water levels in these parts of the Grand have been going down steadily since I came here and I dont even bother anymore, the fish are so stressed out from the heat, its a dam shame. I wonder if the widely adopted practice of tile draining farm fields around here has something to do with it, hell theres still places here where farmers let their cattle wander around in the river!
  5. Fraid your right Roy. Good night.
  6. Great report and pics Mike, I always enjoy your posts, thanks.
  7. Dano


    Welcome, there is lots of knowlege and a TON of info here .... some of it even correct!
  8. AD..... its something you have to ease into if you know what I mean.... Plenty of thigh, but only the tryptophan-free kind, I may have to go back to Montreal for a rest!!!. Didja find someone to go north with ya?
  9. Nice report, well done getting the young ones involved.
  10. yea!!! Nice hog man. Congrats.
  11. Good stuff Cliff! A buddy of mine caught what I believe would be a record mooneye a few years back and I caught a monster rock bass that was so big it didnt look normal at all and I thought (after) it would be cool to have a record, any record but difficult to find official scales when you are in the middle of nowhere.
  12. Wow, nice fish dude! Congrats on your PB! What was the length on this fish?
  13. Lol, looks good Wayne! You staying in Ottawa tonight or going back to Marcs? Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, safe drive!
  14. I must say this was one of the finest trips I've ever been on, fishing or otherwise. I wasnt sure what to expect as it has been many years since I've been to Quebec and I have never fished for musky. The Montreal area really surprised me with its fishing opportunities seemingly around every corner. Marc told me how many species were available just in the Ottawa and Larry and it just blew me away. It was really cool seeing the sturgeon jumping out of the water all around us and the ocean freighters passing by. The fishing was off the hook (as were many musky that I missed!) the first follow I had up to the boat caught me off guard, I just froze and said, "There's a fish...." Marc or Wayne, I cant remember which, probably both said, "Well, do something dummy, dont just stand there breathing through your mouth!" So I scared it away!! I never did entice any boatside followers to hit, but Wayne did. I decided that I like to hook my fish away from the boat anyway so I have more line to reel in...... Casting was my preferred way to catch these fish, I guess it made me feel a little more in control and it gave me something to do, plus feeling these fish smash the bait was out of this world, nevermind the powerful runs they would make, with most of my fish breaking water. Marc is an excellent guide and a nice guy, unfortunately there was no one around for him to follow, so he had to find his own spots . We had a lot of fun, but you have to fish hard, which was fine by me. He truly knows his stuff and has put in monster amounts of time on the water developing his portfolio of hot musky spots, so please dont ask. Already looking forward to next year, these fish get under your skin, they should have cigarette pack like warnings on every musky- Caution- extremely addictive! lol Again, thanks to Wayne for this opportunity, you are a good friend. Thanks to Marc for the unreal fishing and laughs and Roy and J for your hospitality, this is a trip I will remember for the rest of my life.
  15. So did you fillet or steak it? Congratulations Ron, thats a beast!!
  16. Very sad news, my deepest condolances.
  17. Sorry for your loss. That was a lovely tribute.
  18. Man, thats too bad, your poor Mom... Glad to hear she is OK and going on with the trip!
  19. I could not have put it better, thank you very much Wayne, Marc, Roy and Jan, the fishing was awesome, the company even better. I'm still pumped!!! Love that shot of old snaggletooth.....
  20. Yea, you called that right on the button Wayne. Been working my butt off getting some stuff done to be able to go to Montreal. Would love to go, but cant. Thanks a ton anyway bud!
  21. Kareem does indeed sound special. Very touching and humbling report, thank you for sharing that.
  22. So sorry to hear this news Mike, my thoughts and prayers go out to your friend.
  23. Good stuff Justin. Those are some healthy looking fish, thanks for the report!
  24. Nice shots and report. I havent been there since I was a teemager, it was beautiful then and it looks like that hasnt changed. Thanks for sharing.
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