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Everything posted by Dano

  1. Way to get out there and stick with it guys! Looks pretty chilly!
  2. Nice fish Deg! Congratulations. Fun, arent they?
  3. Ha ha, right on. That is a great idea, and to see it to fruition, very admirable. Nice job.
  4. yea, thats pretty cool, nicely done!
  5. Hey man, I wish you well soon and hope you find some relief.
  6. Those ticklers are thick enough, you shouldn't catch anything..... Nice colours too!
  7. Good read Cliff, thanks for that. I dont fully agree with the "coming in like a log" thing though.Sure, I have caught them and they have felt that way, but for me those were caught trolling with fairly heavy equipment. I generally target walleye in the spring and early summer in the north east areas like Cochrane with a light jigging rod and fairly light jigs, say 1/8 to 1/4 oz. At times we smash them casting minnowbaits (right Keith?). I find the walleye downright scrappy and a ton of fun to catch. They can also hit like a ton of bricks at times and......I have caught them off the surface during a mayfly hatch. How can anglers opinions on the same species of fish differ so much? Several things factor in here and I think it depends what season it is, the choice of equipment and technique, coupled with your geographical location determine what perception we may develop about this wonderful fish. Besides, look how pretty they are. I love them for all of the above reasons.
  8. Wha choo talkin bout Willis? Dont you know its the de rigeur thing to do?
  9. Thanks for the short Cliff, it was fun. Didnt get as many kids as I thought I would, only 70 or so. Your daughter is a cutie pie!
  10. Welcome to the board. You can pretty much find out anything here.
  11. Yea, thats awesome Peter, very cool stuff. Congrats and kudos to you.
  12. Hmmmm, must be mass halucination as we are all seeing what you did..... Nice pike man!
  13. Nice fish, gotta love those big eyes huh? Congrats on the PB! Lloyd is a great guy to go out with.
  14. Well done guys, nice to break the boats GB muskie cherry!
  15. Nice way to spend the weekend, guess your turn to catch all the fish will come at Quinte , huh? lol
  16. Nice post, thanks. Guess pike do eat at night, huh?
  17. Yea, thanks for posting that, looks like a great year, some real nice fish!
  18. Looks like a great time, thanks for the post, love the pics.
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