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About Dano

  • Birthday 05/30/1963

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  • Location
    Grand Valley Ontario

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Guide (6/10)



  1. Mitchell 300 lol
  2. Temagami has a couple of houseboat rental place, we went with Leisure Island. Great lake, nice people and you can get away to some pretty secluded spots, water is excellent, fishing is good.
  3. Dano


    Not sure about that. On one northern trip we took a few bananas with our lunches and the pike bite was pretty hot so we tossed ribbons of the peel on hooks and landed more than a few on those peels lol.
  4. Yes, I remember it well. Andy was a great guy and I hooked up with him to help with setting up some temperature regulators at the atlantic salmon hatchery they had on the Rouge River. I also met with Adopt-A-Walleye guy there and helped set up the walleye hatcheries and donated an outboard for the boat at the Caledon gravel pits.
  5. https://www.salon.com/2022/10/28/whatkilled-off-billions-of-alaskas-snow-crabs/
  6. Miss you guys for real.
  7. He isn't even sure....
  8. Yea, the " upper Grand" is considered by many to be a lot farther up than Bellwood. Above hwy 89 it still exists. Unfortunately due to poor planning and cash coppers tile drying their fields, its a dying fishery. 25 years ago I could catch natural specks fly fishing. Now, carp, small mouth bass and bullheads. Sad tbh.
  9. Moore gets pretty small quickly imho.
  10. Lol, no. I never said it was a load or a road, more like an old track. I noticed it when studying topo maps of the area. Plotted it on my gps and well, yea, drove to a put in spot and followed the channel to Little Miss. Yea, it was there. Mind you this was back in the early 2000's. No bushwacking involved, got there in my 2wd cargo van hauling a boat. My gps has never lied to me, it just takes some research and faith. If it didnt work out, we would have continued on to the big Miss.
  11. Nice spot. We were able to drive there. Camped on an one of the islands. It was interesting. Great fishing and the only place I have ever been where every five out of ten walleye were brought in with a bonus pike eating the walleye. 2 4 1.
  12. Done buddy, no welcome wagon for those new to the town?
  13. Good to hear Ron, you are a pillar in the fishing community and I am proud to count you as one of my friends.
  14. Yes indeed, it was nice to be out fishing again as it has certainly been a long time coming for me. Great to spend some time with friends as well, the catching part is simply the icing on the cake (as opposed to the ahem....icing that fish shot all over Terry, opposites attract?). Thanks guys!
  15. Is it time?

    1. Dano


      Hi my friend, it's been a while.

    2. irishfield


      10 years since I asked if it was time....:D:D

    3. Dano


      Yea, I think so Wayne. 

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