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Everything posted by Sharkbait22

  1. Could it get any fatter. Nice catch.
  2. Not taking side on this. Science can help make informed decisions, understand trade-offs, risks, and should point to uncertainties in understanding. Socio economic and political factors weigh in heavily too. My understanding is that the birds fly far and wide such that seeing many birds in one area doesn’t mean they are always there. Huron birds are Quinte birds are Kawartha birds – they get around. So understanding abundance is tricky. I’ve also read that we have helped the birds in ways such as pollution control but also by fishing out large predatory fish. In doing so smaller fish are more abundant for them to eat. I know one thing, don’t release dazed fish near a cormorant or it will be gone. Get them recovered well and if possible get away from the bird.
  3. Well done. Those bows are beautiful and thrilling. One day I will retire and relocate, and not soon enough.
  4. When bombing around Simcoe looking for fish I use one rod, but have a back up in case something breaks. I use the typical lures. I find using two rods more hassle more than anything, especially in deep water. Rarely use bait anymore too. Got tired of hooking fish deep and lugging bait around. Keeps it simple. If in a hut and not moving around I'll break out another rod and bait it with something loud Cicada or rattle and two-hand it when a fish shows up. Back when Nipissing was hot a wise old man sold me on working one rod and that was for walleye.
  5. Really eh. Figures, I recently destoryed my childhood pullet gun.
  6. Here is the short version which explains the situation. http://www.ecoissues.ca/index.php/Doing_Less_with_Less
  7. One thing not mentioned here is the beauty of part-time 4x4 for backroads and messy snow. My current vehicle is full 4wd which doesn't seem to cut it. Live and learn. I think the 4runner is part-time as do most of the trucks. Many SUV aren't. Jeep seems to have several 4x4 configs. Also having owned a few trucks I went to an SUV for the added interior space and security. In the truck I often looked behind me to see this big empty box that I used once and while. Had my hockey gear stolen one year too and I had a cap on the box. Now I have a landscape trailer which I can beat and use for all sorts of jobs.
  8. I have studds (109 of them) and my slides melted a bit last year. I tried to hit the snow vs ice patches as much as possible. Even had my feet down at times to dig in the snow, but they still melted a bit. Legs were a tad sore after 14km. BTW- my scratchers were bought for $60. They tuck up out of the way when not needed.
  9. Irishfield, Thanks for your reply. How do the bolts fit on the skis? I have steel skis with plastic skins. I have a 3" 3/8 (grade 5) bolt. I'm most concerned about it damaging the ski (egging-out the hole). I'll likely see how these store bought scratchers work first but the bolts would be cheap additonal protection.
  10. How do people manage sledding on crusty snow and ice without burning off the slides? Last year on Simcoe, there were a few times we had rain and then freeze-up. I installed scratchers this year and new graphite-loaded slides. These scratchers fit on the skid. It's a 1997 380 Skandic. I've read about people using bolts through the skis. I think Terry might have tried this. Any pointers appreciated. PS someone wake Mother Nature up already. Make some ice!
  11. Bill, Why so. I was hoping they might. I`ll be looking for a new vehicle in 3-4 years and had a diesel Hylux in mind (4runner version or truck).
  12. Is Ontario the last province to allow bait fish as bait? Many have also gone barbless I think. If no one bought minnows there wouldn't be a market.
  13. Go with the bigger engine. Little is gained by going smaller in mpg, but you loose potential power. Newtons laws. The truck is still the same just a slightly heavier or lighter based on engine size. The truck without the engine still has the same mass. Sounds like the ecoboost is an ecobust.
  14. Half the fun is building it. 2x10s are heavier than typically used (2x6 and 4s). But, if you are going to go heavy the floor and skis are the right place. I’d like to see how the modular build goes. Remember to tie it down when on the ice so she doesn’t blow away. Reflectors are a nice touch too.
  15. Thanks for the tips. It seems DSLRs are becoming movie cameras in some ways. Based on my reading they typically cannot autofocus during the shoot and create big files quickly.
  16. I prefer quality and lifetime or 5 year depends on the application. Cork only. After building a number of rods I’m pretty careful with them – develop habits to prevent damage. Even sending a rod out for repairs is a drag. I've been told that US based makers are so expensive (SAGE Winston Loomis) because of the wages they must pay their employees while the materials are typically they same as imports (TFO?). Any truth in this?
  17. I've seen lots of truly great photos and video on OFC. I’m looking for any advice on which camera/movie camera (camcorder?) for a family Christmas gift. Looking for something no more than $1300. I have a 1998 Rebel SLR with two lenses (28-80 + 75-300) so it would be nice to be able to use these if possible. Also wouldn't mind someting wider e.g., 15-80. We want it for better quality stills and the ability to make some home movies. Any advice would be great.
  18. At 250k I can't imagine how hard it would be to keep your arms spread out.
  19. Pink collars sounds like a pet. The only reason MNR would introduce cougars is because someone is making them. I can't see that happening. Imagine the public up-roar?
  20. Check this out http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=568_1233111054 Interesting design. Wonder why we don't see something similar today. Perhaps too dangerous.
  21. Wood for a permanent hut especially if out there all day. Nothing like the dry heat and propane doesn’t work well below 25-30 degrees C. Been there! Cook and dry clothes off wood stove no problem. Too hot open the door and have a fan. For a small portable and moving several times a day go propane. Never tried a vented propane but that might work. Avoid oil.
  22. Some real pruddy pictures and some hogs. Some of the nicest I've seen here. The bug is a larval Tipulidae - crane fly. Yumm.
  23. Thanks for the reviews guys. The electric sounds good. I see Cabelas sells them. Most days I drill ~20 holes while sledding around Simcoe looking for action. Sometimes I'm drilling one or two holes on a known hot spot. Why not gas? Gas in my sled and what's in my sled. Gas on my hands. Fumes in the SUV and ice hut. Summerizing for gas-carb issues. I have enough gas powered tools to maintain right now ~8. I recall a buddy burning his jacket on the muffler on one poorly designed unit. Jacket was down and brand new. Feathers all over the hut. I know they are not all like that but the story is funny. Anyways I was hoping to avoid this kind of debate and get reviews.
  24. I’d like to hear from some owners of the electric and propane models chime in. It sounds like propane units work just fine but are on the heavy side (#35) and $$. Electric are lighter (#25) and cost less, but limited to 20-30 holes or so? The simplicity of electric really is attractive. Where did you find these models? Looking for an 8-10 inch.
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