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Big Cliff

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Everything posted by Big Cliff

  1. Oh that is so nice to hear! Great work Bernie!
  2. My first bike was a 1947 Indian 1200 with a suicide clutch and a tank shift. That would have been about 1961, didn't even have a drivers license at the time but rode that bike all over the place. After that there was a few Harlies, (owned 7 of them at one point in various stages of restoration). It isn't the bike that is the problem.
  3. You sir just said it better than anyone else!
  4. Try driving 4 wheels and having to look out for the jerks on two wheels that think they don't have to obey traffic lights. I was in Guelph today making a left hand turn and a stupid young lady riding a bike decided to cross in front of me because she was on the sidewalk even though the don't walk light was lit. I have had my share of people riding two wheelers that think everyone else should get out of their way. Drive down town Toronto: Watch for the signs, watch for the tourists, watch for the streetcars, watch for the pedistrians, watch for the two wheelers, and you think people on 4 wheels are more dangerous? I don't, they just assist in the Darwin theory!
  5. When they give the cops equipment that will go from 0-300 in under 5 seconds they might have a chance. Think about it; a guy is going even 200 km/hr (and many of these bikes can do way more than that) The cop radios ahead, the call takes 1 minute, that guy is already 2+ miles away. Now, if the cop did try to chase him from a dead stop there is no way the cop could catch that bike because by the time he got up to 200 kmph the bike would already be at least 2 miles ahead of him. Where would you have them set up the road block? This isn't a "Smokey and the Bandit" type run, How many exits are there off the 407 in the Toronto area? This guy could have easily taken any of them then everyone would have been pissed off at the cops for delaying their commute. Man some people won't let the cops win for loosing.
  6. Well, with the 407 guy radioing ahead wouldn't have worked anyway, by the time her got the call out this guy was probably two exits away and what could they have said; "a guy on a motorcycle" The bike might not have even been on the 407 by then. As for the guy that tried to pass me on 35; it was a dumb move and he was lucky that I realized what was happening and was able to take evasive action and allow him room to get out of the way. If he had done this to some new driver there is a good chance someone would have not walked away from it. This wasn't meant to bash cops or bike riders, I have the up most respect for both. I asked the question to try to get a better understanding of why I am seeing these things, perhaps it is just because I am spending more time on the road these days. Wagoneer made a good point; "This issue goes all the way back to our licensing programs." Living in Lindsay we see people coming up here from the city every day to do their drivers test because they couldn't pass it in the city. Many of these people can't even speak English let alone read it, how are they supposed to know what road signs say, read a map, hear a traffic report on the radio? They come here, get their license and then go back and drive in an environment where they couldn't pass their test. How safe is that?
  7. There seems to have been a lot of accidents lately involving motorcycles. Today I was South bound on 35 a few kilometers South of Lindsy; I looked in my mirror and there was a guy on a bike almost on my bumper (I was doing about 90 in an 80 zone). There were five cars ahead of me and we were approching a hill, all of a sudden this guy decides to pull out and pass. Long story short I had to slam on my breaks and hit the sholder to give him room to get out of the North bound lanes or he would have been a hood orniment. I seem to see a lot of this sort of thing, had a guy pass me on the 407 not too long ago on the the right hand side, he must have been doing upwards of 180 because tehre he was "gone", in fact just after he passed me he blew through a radar trap. Cop turned on his lights and just about as quick, turned them off again. The bike was so far gone he'd never have caught it anyway. I rode a bike for many years and would never thought of doing some of these stunts, what gives?
  8. It is interesting to see how the perspective changes when you have all the facts and how so many of us were willing to offer advice on a situation before we were sure we were fully aware of those facts. I hope you find peace with your decision. Oh, and congrats on quiting smoking and good luck with it!
  9. Another day older! How the heck did that happen? All the very best to you my friend!
  10. Sorry, what would you have me do, sit in the middle of an intersection behind her in a red light? I guess I could have just blown my horn and scared the spit out of a bunch of other cars at the intersection. I cleared the intersection as safely as I could and before the light turned red. Might not have been the right thing to do but I had seconds to decide and getting out of the way seemed like the smart thing to do at the time.
  11. Some good laughs from that! Thanks.
  12. Well, this is going back a few years, actually quite a few but here goes (perhaps someone can verify one way or the other) I use to really enjoy going up to Wawa, North/West of town on 17 the White River crosses the highway. We would often park on the right just after crossing the bridge going West and fish a pool at the corner of the river. It isn't very big but we caught a lot of walleye right there off shore mid summer. In BC, we went to Pender Harbour and rented a boat, it was only 14' with a 25 on it but it was a good stable boat. There is an island not too far from the marina (you can see it no problem). We went out there and anchored and used herring for bait, wh were just slamming them. the only problem we had was we only had light spinning tackle and rods with us. between my son and I we lost probably 6 but he did manage to land a nice 5 or 6 pounder. Not bad for a 7 year old. When we got back to shore a very nice man sensing that I had NO idea what I was doing showed me how to clean it. The boat rental wasn't expensive, I think it was something like $40.00 for 6 hours. Might be more now, that was a long time ago. Regardless, get ready to enjoy some of the most beautiful scenery (Ontario not to be excluded) and even the praries have a beauty of their own. My favorite though is still the mountains and almost any little stream you come across will house some nice trout. Please keep us posted!
  13. I'll offer to drive an OPP officer around in my truck for a day. I'll bet we'd pay a month or more of his wages in a single afternoon! Sitting up higher in a truck you get to see lots of things you wouldn't see from any car. If you want distracted driving I have a few stories I could tell
  14. People talking or texting on their cell phones and it's not just the odd one. The other day, a lady stopped at an intersection to make a left turn, she is so busy texting she doesn't even realize that there are no more cars coming from the oposite direction and sits there for a full 45 seconds. I finally just went around her but by then the light was turning red, when she finally decided to go she cut off a car coming through the intersection I have no idea how the other car missed her, all I could hear was the tires, looked in my mirror and saw the car screeching to a stop. My brother-in-law just sent me this and I thought it might be good to share it. https://www.youtube.com/embed/JHixeIr_6BM?rel=0&autoplay=1&iv_load_policy=3 Pass it on, the life you save might be yours or a loved ones.
  15. Ok, there is a small island. In the evening anchor about 100 yards off the island (away from the shore side). Very light line, a small hook, and a minnow (no swivel, no weights at all). You will have to "lob" the minnow out then pay out lots of line so the minnow can swim free. Then sit back and wait. Lake trout will come out of the deeper water to feed in the evening. I landed one in Flack Lake (Elliott Lake) weighing 19 lbs 7 oz on 4 lb test line doing just that. Mind you, we were allowed motors and had to chase it several times because it was spooling me. When you see the line start to run, set the hook!
  16. I would really like to know what the outcome of this one is.
  17. A true hero in my books
  18. Well, first of all, that sort of thing hurts no matter how it plays out. I think I would try to resolve it tactfully. I would ask who they purchased it from because yours was stolen and you know this was yours. Tell them you are going to report it to the police and need the information so they can go after the thief and lay charges! Either they are going to give up the name (if they did in fact buy it from someone in which case they really have not done anything wrong) or they are going to try to bullspit you and you will have your answer. Life long friendships are a treasure, it would be ashamed to see one ruined if it isn't necessary.
  19. Back in 2008, we had one in the yard beside our house about 3 am. MNR have been denying that there were any in the area for years, guess they have to admit it now.
  20. So, how much did this study cost us tax payers? I'll bet most of us on here could have told them what to us is obvious; good food source = good growth and health.
  21. Well Larry, good luck with that one! First of all no one is just going to give up their favorite crappie (or any other spots) openly on the board. You might as well just Google it, you'd probably have better luck. Now, a good way to start might be to introduce yourself, give us some background, let us know a little about you and what you might have to offer in return. You see, with over 9000 members on here the information that is available is almost unlimited. Unfortunatly we get (help me out here mods)????? # of visits a day from people that have no desire to give anything back but would like us to make them the #1 fisherman. I have been a member of this board for a very long time and even I wouldn't come out and ask for spots. (well, after 15+ years, I might but I have also shared so I know I would get help). Welcome to the board, join in, become a member and you will be amazed at how much help you will get!
  22. That's an offer only a fool would pass up!
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