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pike slayer

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Everything posted by pike slayer

  1. as long as you have an unlimited quanity of CANADIAN beer, i mean soda pops
  2. heyyyy i caught a perchhhh!!! come on now!! better then you did sometimes its tought trying new water for walleye with no other tracks on the lake!
  3. your weak!! thats t-shirt weather here!
  4. isnt that a buczel holding that big pike with tdunn in the other topic??
  5. haha ssmfishingguy! i've been doing that allll summer and fall, everytime i go out i send a few pics to him. the reason she has a big problem with it is because shes a nut job!! shes totally against fishing and she was apart of P.E.T.A and a big time veggiration, i swear she doesnt eat anything that casts a shadow haha!! and yes we alll told him not to marry this girl! even his parents didnt approve, his parents didnt even show to the wedding! how sad is that! i feel bad for that guy he never gets out anymore and its not healthy. like ya i understand being married you cant come out every weekend now but geez you need some sort of guy time, you need some sort of balance. your completely right for once dr.
  6. hahaha!! actually try and make it this time unlike new years
  7. Ok, so heres my dilemma! My buddy was my bestest fishing buddy that i went fishing with just about every single weekend got married back in may. Since then i've gotten him out for one afternoon of fishing and his wife made a big deal about it. Now he called me on Monday and said that she'll let him go fishing this saturday because shes working all day. i was like sure we'll head into our old stompin' grounds and go slay some lake trout. Now last night my other buddy called me up and said he heading up to camp for 4-5 days and that i should head up there for a night or 2 and fish with him. the camp is 3hours north of here and i've only been up once in the winter and would love to fish it again for specks, big pike, big lake trout and whitefish. So i told him that i kinda had plans but i'd call my other buddy back to see if he could go up to the camp to. So i call up my whipped friend and say hey chris called and was wondering if i wanted to head up to the camp. now we should both go up early saturday fish all day, stay the night and fish sunday and come home in the evening. Well ohhh no i dont think the wife will let me stay the night!! geezus!! its one night!! come on now!! now i have another buddy that wants to fish sunday and he wants to head up into my lake trout stompin grounds to slay them. and hes saying ohhh no dont worry about me, head up to camp we'll just go another time!(not sure if hes taking me on a guilt trip or what) so now im up in the air and i dont know what i should do?? stay in town and fish 2 days on the same lake and get an old friend out and show another buddy a hot spot OR head up into camp which i dont always get the opportunity to do in the winter. OR i could say to my first buddy that we are heading up to the stompin grounds and just keep driving to the camp and say toooo bad you can deal with it when you get home!! what do i do???
  8. nope nope sorry fished it! no more left for you ssmfishingguy
  9. shhhhhhhhhh it was embarrasing!!! dont need to go tell the world! haha! ohhh and theres 8-9inches of ice on rock lake
  10. everyone does sooooo well there. i went all 4 weekends, each time one jig line and i had my limit within 30min. i brought in 3 other guys and we fished till lunch time and we caught over 30 lakers all using one line each with no live bait. i go back in the spring for an afternoon and my buddy and i got over 20. the lake is stocked. ive never got anything over 3lbs and i wouldnt consider it a "trophy" lake. ppl were just a buzzing when my buddy landed a 6lber out of there. most of those "trophy lakes" in the park are usually harder to get to and average joe wouldnt go back in there so they maintain their trophy status.
  11. nice!!! i sooo know where that is dont worry! your secret is safe with me!
  12. ya i know, i seen it a lonnnnng time ago before i knew this site even existed, i guess its a classic!
  13. this is what i was complaining about before. most lake trout lakes i fish in our area are stocked lakes and theres always lots of fish. like saturday i fished 12:30-3 and my buddy and i got 12 lakers, i was fishing in 15ft of water. all were under the slot size and you dont get to many over in that lake that are over slot size. also like bone lake. only open feb.15-mar.15 and the limit is 2 and no live bait is allowed(not sure on the regs now) the lake is just stupid!! i dont even put a second line in and my buddy and i will get over 20 in a day. you may get one or 2 over slot size. then if you look into the regs and the slot size doesnt apply to upper island lake?!?!?! what!?!? how does upper island not have a slot size?! this lake is surrounded by camps and get fished hard! ive also havent seen a lake trout come out of there that was under the slot size. this new reg has me scratching my head, i'll follow it but im sure alot of angry ppl arent gonna follow it.
  14. thanks ssmfishingguy yee yee!! never ice fished rock so we'll see what happens! i was out on ottertail at this time last week and there was 10" friday on crooked lakes behind northland on the searchmont highway and there was 8-9inches with slush looks like things are getting stiff and ready hehe also i welcome you to on here and great to see you on here! not that many from the sault but there is a small number of us
  15. i know theres floats in the carbs of 2stroke such as in snowmobiles and such. not sure on the power heads. the gas in the floats will just drain causing it to be a pain to start with dry carbs and it could quite possibly be hard on the drive shaft, all depends where the weight is going the most when your going over the bumps, that would be something to take into consideation when building something for your auger.
  16. 2003 polaris rmk 700!! my trail breaker/baby! and i didnt notice but your another saultite to! you name the lake. i'll blaze trail
  17. thats some fine work! you need a nice impact driver for those bolts though! and i love paslode guns to! what did we do without them??
  18. smoooooth!!! is that one of his gills hanging out that your putting back in before that graceful release?? hahaha
  19. the yami has alot of power, just givvvverr and dont stop cause you'll be stuck! when i was out on the lake i didnt even know i even went through slush till the sleds behind me caught up and were packed full of slush haha!!
  20. i was guessing what the types of wood they were and i got them all right but the beach wood on drawer sides. i figured they would be either a birch or maple. lots of time and money went into that piece. if i remember correctly walnut was $14 a linear foot. and jabota isnt cheap either. i worked at black loon for a year and went and did my first portion of my cabinetmaking apprenticeship. it was amazing working with all different types of woods and some really expensive ones to. a great site to check out is www.forloversofwood.com and no its not a porn site haha!! they are out of cambridge ontario. i went on a tour there, very impressive! great place to order different and exotic woods from. ya one day i'll have to stop by and check out your craftsmenship and chat it up!
  21. good work! and with all hand tools impresive! i'd like to see a close up of some of the dovetails on the drawers to see how good you actually are
  22. dara, i was out on ottertail on tuesday and there was 10inches of ice and yesterday i broke trail into crooked lake behind northland on the searchmont highway and there was 8-9inches of ice and there was quite a bit on slush on the lakes in that area.
  23. right on! nice little vid! she was pretty darn cold out there, certainly sobered me up from the night before hahah!!
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