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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Easy now!!!! There is no commercial fishery on GBL. He was subsistance fishing for his family. If I wanted to I could get a subsistance netting permit and I'm not native. Things work a lot differently up here than they do in Southern Ontario.
  2. He will never be convicted!!!!! Like a jury of his peers doesn't feel the same way.
  3. Looks right to me, what's wrong?? ?? ??
  4. Fishing the big lakes, buy a VHF for your boat. A fixed model not portable (more power) and a good antenna (better range). Then if you have problems call the coast guard or marine police for assistance.
  5. Just sounds like your typical 20 somethings. I know I thought I was invincible at that age. I can guarantee that they just grew up in a hurry and will likely never drink and drive again.
  6. Looks like a Scion with Nissan badging. Or as Mike said one of them there Honda Excrements.
  7. I hunt deer but I hunt moose "aswell".
  8. I had that same issue with an aftermarket hose/bulb assembly. The bulb would collapse under full throttle and choke out the engine. Make sure you get an oem bulb assembly as some of the aftermarket ones suck!!!!!
  9. I also do a bit of hunting. I'm not much into big game (way too much work after the shot) But I love to hunt with dogs. There is nothing better than watching a good pointer work for grouse or phesants or a retriever bringing back a duck or goose. I also really enjoy hunting ducks over decoys. It's a blast watching them turn into the spread. While I'm not into big game, I still love to chow down on a good feed of caribou or moose or buffalo or.................................................... My fav is phesant though, MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Phesant!!!!!! LOL Unfortunately there aren't any up in the arctic so grouse the size of phesants will have to do.
  10. Yeah, but it's a dry, hole in the ozone layer, cancer causing heat!!!!
  11. We have had a looooooooong winter followed by a cool spring and finally yesterday summer showed up. For at least the next week or so we are going to have a nice summer. Hopefully all this heat will burn off the bugs!!!!!!
  12. Never had to haul a quad, but dirt bikes and sleds. On the bikes it was compress the suspension using cam buckle straps 2 front and 2 rear. The sleds it's clamp the skis and 2 cam buckle straps on the rear.
  13. All true, I have been dealing with PayPal for 7 or 8 years without a complaint. It's safe and secure. The reason ebay is getting away from other type of payment is SECURITY as there is way too much fraud going on in cyber space. They are trying to protect their buyers and sellers against fraudulent deals done with money orders, cheques etc. from both sides (seller and buyer). The way i see it ebay is trying to make their community a safer place to do business. Which is OK in my book!!!!
  14. Bill You don't want to completely disconect your boat before you launch it, especially if you have a roller trailer. You're boat will have a very good chance of rolling off the trailer before it gets near the water. Always disconect your winch strap after the boat is floating. I loosen off the stap about a foot so the boat doesn't bind on the nose roller.
  15. DOH!!! That's why I always set the parking brake on the ramp.
  16. Back in the 80's I caught one at the four sisters that was 55#, so I believe it.
  17. Why the hell don't they put toilets on these dang Bass Boats!!!!!!
  18. I too have used lots of back lake boats in my lifetime and agree with what the others have said about respecting other peoples property and treating the boat as if it was yours. It's been a while since the last time I used one of them but I make sure they are left exactly how I found them.
  19. Just in the gas tank. You don't want to thin out the oil.
  20. That's why my buddy and I used to shut off our engines in the middle of their race course when we had a fish on. It always ticked us off when they would set up their race course right off the mouth of the credit during August. I HATE SAILBOATERS!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!
  21. Hey Mike You wanna slow down your trolling speed? When you get to your trolling area just pop off one of the spark plug leads!!!!!! That should slow you down some.
  22. That's a nice one Mike, but I think you will want a bigger motor to put on it!!!!!
  23. The props fine as he's running about 5500 at WOT. No power trim.
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