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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. If she is harrassing you at the office bring it to the attention of your supervisor or HR as any kind of harrassment in the workplace is taboo. What is workplace harassment?What is workplace harassment? What is not workplace harassment? What is workplace harassment?Workplace harassment is where a person is subjected to behaviour, other than sexual harassment (PDF, 784 KB), that: is repeated, unwelcome and unsolicited the person considers to be offensive, intimidating, humiliating or threatening a reasonable person would consider to be offensive, humiliating, intimidating or threatening Workplace harassment can be committed by: an employer, worker, co-worker , group of co-workers client or customer, or a member of the public. Workplace harassment covers a wide range of behaviours ranging from subtle intimidation to more obvious aggressive tactics, including: abusing a person loudly, usually when others are present repeated threats of dismissal or other severe punishment for no reason constant ridicule and being put down leaving offensive messages on email or the telephone sabotaging a person's work, for example, by deliberately withholding or supplying incorrect information, hiding documents or equipment, not passing on messages and getting a person into trouble in other ways maliciously excluding and isolating a person from workplace activities persistent and unjustified criticisms, often about petty, irrelevant or insignificant matters humiliating a person through gestures, sarcasm, criticism and insults, often in front of customers, management or other workers spreading gossip or false, malicious rumours about a person with an intent to cause the person harm Management action may be considered as workplace harassment where it is used: primarily to offend, intimidate, humiliate or threaten workers to create an environment where workplace harassment is more likely to occur What is not workplace harassment? A single incident of harassing type behaviour Reasonable management action taken in a reasonable way Acts of unlawful discrimination, vilification or sexual harassment More information about the definitions of what is , and what is not workplace harassment is available within Section 1 of the Prevention of Workplace Harassment Advisory Standard 2004 (now known as a Code of Practice
  2. Sounds like a radio problem to me. I have had both XM and Sirius and Sirius does have much better reception. Especially when you get to the higher latitudes. The only real problem I have is in the Western Yukon and Alaska. All those dang mountains get in the way of reception.
  3. I see our little chat this aft got you in motion.
  4. I have to agree. When I go abroad I respect the rights and traditions of the places I go and would expect those that come here do the same. I'm not saying that those that come here from other countries should have to leave their old life behind, far from it. But I think that they should learn something about the new country they now call home and participate in those traditions we hold dear. Maybe then they will stop feeling like outsiders. It's also on us Canadians to welcome the new comers and teach them what it means to be a Canadian, hockey, good beer and all!!!!! FYI, I'm one of those people that weren't born here, but I consider Canada MY home and I would want to live no where else. I also grew up singing the national anthem and saying the lords prayer in school.
  5. When I lived in Ontario we had a joke that went like this: What follows two days of rain? . . . . . . . . . . . . MONDAY!!!!!
  6. Thanks Yep, been living up here full time since the winter of 2005.
  7. That's my awesome photo editing work. I wanted to show where the ice was.
  8. Hey Kemp Janns has a good supply of lure making parts too. Janns Netcraft
  9. Quit yer whining, at least you have open water!!!! Here are some shots my boss took last Thursday on a flight South. I have provided a map with the areas still ice covered for your amusement. ;D I had planned a trip to the East Arm over the July holiday, but she's still gonna be frozed up!!! It was a long cold winter in these parts.
  10. I thought them Bass tourneyments was born down yer way in Possum Fart Arkansas or something like that.
  11. I tend to start off at 1/4 throttle and once I start to pick up speed I run up to 3/4 and adjust my RPM's until I am steady at about 3800. Between 3500 and 4000 RPM is usually the most fuel efficient range for cruising. As for bogging down on cold start up, I have a 90 Merc 2 Stroke and I have to choke the engine 3 or 4 times to keep it from stalling out. On my Merc you push in the key and it shoots a shot of gas into the carbs. It's been this way for the entire 18 years I have owned it since new, so no it's not an unusual anomoly to have to choke it a few times until it warms up enough to run properly on it's own. And yes hit the primer bulb before starting.
  12. Yamaha has a turbo upgrade the will bring there top performance sleds up to 205 HP!!!! That's a whole lot of YEE HAA!!!!!! right there.
  13. Spoken like a true Pacer owner!!!
  14. It sounds like the mech. messed up when doing the link and sink after reinstalling the carbs. When I got my boat new in 1999 it had not been set up properly and I had all kinds of problems keeping it running.
  15. Yeah, for a trail sled it goes like a scalded cat!!!! When I can get it to hook up it tries to drive away from me!!!! SWEET!!!!!
  16. G3 makes a Jon Boat as well. In fact they make a bunch of different models and sizes to choose from in both riveted and welded. I don't think you will find a better selection from any manufacturer. G3 Boats
  17. Yep, they're called Tree Huggers, Hippies................ Up here we call them Tundra Huggers!!!!
  18. Stoty No need to get out of IT. Just move to the bush where they're hurtin' for IT guys. That's what I did and it's the best decision I have made, besides going back to school in 2000 to learn this IT stuff. Now I have been out working in the IT field for 8 years and am an IT manager for the gov. of the NWT. So not only do I have a great job, I live within' minutes of some of the best fishing around and over 20 hours of daylight in the summer to take advantage of it!!!! Good luck in what ever you do.
  19. They fixed my props when I lived there. They do good work. It's amazing the stuff you can hit out in the middle of Lake O.
  20. PFFFFFFFT, PUHLEEZE!!!!!! I just cruise around on me little grocery getter.
  21. Us snowmobiling types do the wave thing too.
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