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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. If I still lived in Ontario I would totally agree with you, but they drive tractor trailers on the ice up in these parts. That shot above of my Honda on the ice is about 70kms from town and the ice was almost 4 feet thick in mid January. I have drilled through almost 5 1/2 feet of ice late in the season. You can land a fully loaded 747 on that much ice. I'm not worried about my light duty SUV.
  2. It depends when and where I'm fishing. Early in the season I'm on foot. If I'm fishing where there is little snow I take this. And for the rest of my fishing I use this little fella.
  3. Same park, different river. Didn't draw a permit huh?
  4. As far as I know no firearms allowed in the McNeil River Wildlife Sanctuary.
  5. Keep it up Eddie and you will find your web site full of porn!!!!
  6. There is only one use for cats..................................MUSKIE BAIT!!!!!
  7. Too Funny!!!! I guess it's that time of year again. Time to break out my one and only Christmas album. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAzE7m6a020&playnext=1&list=PL698A8A72BAC83096&index=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ2MGuaX_A0&feature=related
  8. Gets the old adrenaline going don't it? There's nothing that makes you feel more vulnerable than being 15' from a 1000# eating machine. Don't ask me how I know.
  9. In a month the days will be 4 hours long, it will be -40 and I'll be hibernating!!!
  10. Plenty of ice there. I was out on 3" or so two weeks ago. Now we have plenty and the Yamaha's coming out to play next weekend. Here's yesterdays ice.
  11. Leslie Neilsen died of complications from pnemonia yesterday. RIP Leslie Nielsen
  12. Been super slow since it blew up earlier this week.
  13. Yeah, I caught the end of his show as well and heard that. Too bad it wasn't Italo retiring!!!!!
  14. I'll say, it was -40 with the wind chill when I was ice fishing last weekend.
  15. I have enough gas stockpiled to last me until Christmas. The ferry is back in operation and cheap ($1.16) gas should be here in 2 or 3 hours.
  16. The Mackenzie river ferry has been out for over a week due to low water and Yellowknife is running low on food supplies and fuel. I heard that gas stations in town were running low on gas on Tuesday so I went and filled up the truck and a couple of cans to fill up the sled. On Wednesday 3 of the 5 gas stations were out so late yesterday they started flying in gas from Hay River. There were long line ups today at one station that got some fuel in. Cost of a liter of gas Tuesday $1.169, price of a liter of fuel that has been flown in..............................................$1.999!!!! YIKES!!!! 83 cents per liter increase, and there are people lined up down the street to pay it. The good news is the ferry is opening at 6PM MST tonight and they are only letting supply trucks in and out until Sunday noon when they will let regular folk in and out. I have a full tank and 20 gallons to spare so I should be good until the price goes back to normal.
  17. How about slow, crappy forum performance?
  18. Nothing wrong with any of them, but if you have found one with a nice Yamaha on it......Buy It!!!
  19. Check to see where your cavitation plate sits in relation to the bottom of the hull. You want it about 1" below the bottom of the hull to start and you can adjust from that starting point.
  20. Great job guys. Just today and tomorrow left in this round of voting. So if'n you ain't voted yet, what are you waitin' fer.....................an invitation? Well..................here it is!!! You are cordially invited to vote for us.
  21. Got another email address you can use?
  22. I wonder what happens if I come South to boat? I live in the NWT the only province/territory that doesn't require you to get the card. I've had my card for about 10 years but it would be fun to see what happened if I got stopped and said I didn't have or need one because of where I lived.
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