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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Good on ya!!! Nice bunch of crappies you got there. I would make a report of the harrasment you recieved from these two yokels and have your buddy do the same. It is illegal and unless they have their hands slapped they will just continue their misguided ways.
  2. Going rate is $100-$125/week plus airtime. Make sure you gat an Iridium Sat Phone and not a Global Star. The global Star system is terrible with narrow signal windows.
  3. And if you speed every day at 4pm you deserve to be caught.
  4. Not if it's not connected to me (ie anonymous info). Who cares if they know someone drove down Yonge St. on Saturday afternoon a exactly 2:43 pm. As long as they don't say that Drifter_016 drove down Yonge St. on Saturday afternoon at 2:43 pm at 110 kmh and here's the proof and his address and phone number. If they only take the data as a whole ie. (on this date this many people drove down Yonge St. during this time). This kind of info can be used to create traffic flow reports which in turn can be used to help manage traffic. I don't think they should be selling speed info but artery traffic should be of no consequence to anybody. It's no different than putting those rubber hose traffic counters on the roads to monitor traffic densities and flow.
  5. No Tom Tom in my car but I do have a Garmin. I really don't think it's all that big of a deal as long as they don't sell personal info.
  6. You can chuck lures down by the Queenston boat launch as well. That way you can drive and not have to do the hill climb.
  7. I hope you contacted the Provincial Ministry of Duck Blind Assembly for a permit and that it is up to code. Wouldn't want you to get charged under Statute which pertains to unlawful construction of a waterfowl hide on public or private land and waterways.
  8. Unfortunately I do remember every single one of them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ci9jA_4O3GI&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1
  9. With the motor in the upright (running) position tap lightly on the bowl of the leaking carb with the handle of a screwdriver. This will usually unstick a stuck float, if not you may need to remove the fuel bowl and give the float/needle a shot of carb cleaner.
  10. Won't work Mike. The only way you will be able to fix it is to either peel off and replace or cut with a razor knife and fold it open glue up with contact cement and fold the patch back into place. You need to make sure that all the gas and disolved glue is removed prior to regluing and you need to glue the carpet as well as the deck. Be forewarned that the former method is the preferred method.
  11. If you want to get rid of ethanol in your fuel just move to the far North!!! I have been told (from several sources) that there is no ethanol in any of our fuels up here in the NWT. :thumbsup_anim: In Alaska there are ethanol pumps but they are all well signed as well. I think a lot of my open water fishing is going to be out in the baby boat with t 4hp on it.
  12. It's a design flaw with the two brands I named. Have seen lots of broken top covers in the hinge location.
  13. I use slow cure gel epoxies and reinforcement strips to fix broken plastics. You need to make sure to rough up the surfaces prior to applying the epoxy so it has some area to bite into if not it will just peel off. I would disassemble the screen and make the repair and reassmble. If I had to guess I would say it's either an Acer or Toshiba laptop.
  14. A little Joy Division. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZwMs2fLoVE&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1 Followed by a little Billy Idol. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdphvuyaV_I&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1
  15. I added a set of air bags on my Honda Pilot and they work great!!! The truck handles and corners way better than without and I can get rid of the suspension sag when towing. They were not expensive for my application either. They were under $100 US and delivery was $11 (special deal) from JC Whitney in the States. Installation was more involved on my vehicle than it will be on yours (the pilot has IFS and coil springs) but still only took about 4 hours even with the extra time it took to run the air lines into the vehicle (I put the valve inside the jack compartment)
  16. You got it!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrcodMDAvZ8&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1
  17. No problem Don't forget to put the bill in a safe place in case there's a problem & remember it's got a 5 year warranty. :thumbsup_anim:
  18. Barry You have a couple of options here. Either install a set of Roller Bunks or a set of Glyde Sticks, both will do what you want.
  19. MJL The whole post is good, but this part is AWESOME!!!!!
  20. Oh, it's pretty simple in this day and age Dan. A little thing they call the internet. Here's some recent pics of the river. Attawapiskat PICs May 1 2011
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