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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Back, knees shoulder and elbows are all toast. Not all fishing related but they effect my enjoyment of the passion. Back, shoulder and knees are helped with Aleve and the elbows with elbow braces. If you have wrist issues look into a brace for it.
  2. My buddy in North Carolina is heavy into the 3 gun shooting scene and shoots untold numbers or rounds in training and competition.
  3. Because people like to play GI Joe. It is just trim and bling, no different than some shiny rims on your car. People like to customize their stuff, whether it be a car, a gun or fishing tackle. I had some custom work done on my Weatherby OU trap gun. My upgrade made it fit me better so my shooting improved. I didn't do it for looks but there are those that like the tactical look. Not really any different than the fisherman that loves his split grip micro guide custom bass rods.
  4. You do realize that the average Joe can not purchase a military grade firearm right? The AR style firearms are semi-automatic no different than a lot of hunting rifles available. They look similar to military firearms but do not have the ability to run fully auto like military firearms do. A lot of people seem to think because they "look" like military firearms that they "are" military firearms. Even politicians in the US. This is a Ruger 10-22 A 22 caliber semi-auto firearm. This is a Ruger 10-22 Tactical. It's the exact same gun with different trim. A 22 caliber semi-auto firearm. Here's a before and after pic of a conversion. It shoots no different other than having different trim and a larger magazine. It's the same gun but it looks different so it must be bad.
  5. Seems I'm not the only person that feels this way. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/earth/earthnews/9815862/Humans-are-plague-on-Earth-Attenborough.html
  6. I'm also not a fan of wind. Sometimes I'm not a fan of lack of wind too. Like when it's super sunny and 40 C!!!
  7. I don't but my friends that do have better luck when they use a spotter.
  8. Seems the Cali guy is just some crazy white dude. I wonder what his Muslim name is?
  9. This was pretty much what my boat looked like when I got it in 1991. I've done a few things since. First was paint and carpet. Then it was a new steering system and a complete rebuild of my helm area. What started looking like this. I transformed into this. Next it was time to get rid of my 1st gen Minnkota Autopilot and put something a little better in. Next it was time to re-power. Out with the 1991 90hp 2 stroke and replace with 2013 115hp 4 stroke, jack plate, smart tabs and Smart craft gauges. Gotta switch out the seating next. Yeah I know, not really a tinny but it is aluminium.
  10. I would say the gay community was targeted 100%. There was also an arrest in Cali early this morning. The fellow had a car load of firearms and explosives. He said he was going to the pride parade. He came from Indiana. They have not released any info on the suspect but lets see if he too is a radical Muslim. If it turns out he is you can bet your bottom dollar the two incidents are related. The press had to say it was at a "Gay" club, because it is more sensational and makes for better headlines.
  11. Problem is the area is designated a gun free zone just like Chicago. Where ever you have gun free zones in the US the criminals are the only ones with the guns. You look at the shooter on Capitol Hill. He was taken out by a person who had a gun. He had to go to his office and get it but without it there would have been many more injuries and deaths. Firearms are tools, no different than a hammer or a screwdriver in the hands of a competent, qualified individual. FYI, there have been plenty of murders using a screw driver or hammer. Better ban those too. This also wasn't a mass shooting, it was a terror attack by a radical Islamic terrorist. Just like the attack in California late last year or the attacks in France.
  12. Got the decking on the new section of dock done.
  13. I don't understand why his people don't install a butt plug before he comes to Ontario to stop that from happening.
  14. I seem to remember back in my youth the government legislated the use of seat belts. At the time not all vehicles had them. New vehicles were required to have seat belts in them in order to be sold in Canada.
  15. It's done all the time. The cars sold in Canada are different than the ones sold in the US. These differences are mandated by the govt. There are plenty of other examples of products that have different requirements in order to be sold in Canada. Electrical devices and parts for example need to be CSA certified or they can't be sold in Canada.
  16. I've called 911 when following a drunk on more than one occasion.
  17. Exactly!!! Legislate the phone manufacturers to incorporate into their OS' a system that looks at the phones GPS and when the GPS hits 5 MPH the phone is disabled for everything except 911 calls. Very simple to do at the operating system level.
  18. YES!!!! The planet is badly over populated as it is. 20 or 30 million a year would probably help better though. A large reduction in the population will do much more than a few billion dollars to reduce global warming, green house gasses and pollution. Not to mention the strain on the oceans fish stocks.
  19. Nope, you pick up your cheque in Toronto!! So, 5,500 kms to YYZ!!!
  20. I forgot to mention that my first stop after picking up my winnin's would be the nearest Porsche dealership.
  21. When I lived in Grand Valley I belonged to the Sydenham Sportsman club in Owen Sound. I used to shoot their trap and sporting clay courses weekly. They also have skeet, hand gun, long gun and archery ranges. Great bunch of guys and the pig roasts are off the hook!!!!!
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