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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Yup, we gots bears. I have a couple of different plans for retirement. Both require the $$$$ I'll make by selling off the cabin here. I don't plan to stay in the NWT when I'm finished working. The current plan is to move somewhere nice with beaches and killer fishing (Panama). If when I start spending some vacation time there I find it's not for me then Smithers BC is where I'll most likely end up.
  2. I'll be carving my door hinges and lock shortly!!!!
  3. Haven't been overly ambitious at the cabin today. Too dang hot!!! Got the last ledger board up and the first 4x4 post and end rim board. Also got the last post saddle cemented in place. Then it was time to hightail it inside. Snoozed for 4 1/2 hours. Will go out and do some work when the sun starts to drop behind the trees.
  4. You don't want to know. Somewhere around $4K
  5. Not much in the humidex here. Just lots of sun with no pollution to cut it down. Plus there's that whole, hole in the ozone thing. It's not really all that hot temp wise but the sun is very intense up here because of the clear air. Lack of wind isn't helping either.
  6. Installed some sheathing under the stairs and beside the basement doorway today. Also cut down the door frames to the correct size now that I have the doors out here. Gave them a coat of paint as well. Got 2 out of 3 deck ledger boards installed as well as the flashing behind them. Too hot out today though. Next couple of days are supposed to be worse.
  7. Completely off grid. Unfortunately they will not run power as it's too costly to do so through the bush with no roads. Too bad as there is a hydro plant less than a mile away from my place. I will eventually be running solar with generator backup but just running generator at this time. Not an island, it's a peninsula.
  8. I had my window buddy help me with the windows. It will take 3 of us to install the 4 big remaining windows. Sometimes you gotta have a little help.
  9. Spent the day reframing my entry door opening and installing my new bigger front door. I saved $$$$ by reusing the window out of the old one.
  10. Get in touch with your MP, they will likely be of some assistance. When my dad was being given the run around by the auto licensing folks last year his MP got it straightened out quickly.
  11. Not inside info. I saw the video and story today on FB.
  12. 7 New windows installed today!!! View of the front 4 high windows. Front and North side 4'X6' North facing window in living room area. Inside pano shot from the loft looking out the front. View out the loft 4'X6' window. View out the window in kitchen/dining area. Just 4 more big bad windows to put in and they will be going in in a couple of weeks. ;D
  13. I'm beginning to feel like a worn out old rusty tractor though.
  14. Things are slowly coming along. Here's a better shot of the loft. I also finished the final 4 window openings today. Tomorrow they get windows in them. Along with 3 other holes in the cabin. The final 4 have to wait until my extra help is back from vacation. Monday is town day to resupply and then it's onto the deck and porch roof so I can order up my roofing.
  15. As a kid I used to catch them down @ the credit. Caught em that big as well. Used to catch tons and then release them unharmed. Was smart enough to wear thick leather gloves cause those big boys can really latch on to ya!!!
  16. The joy of being close to important infrastructure. My guess is the crew @ the hydro plant 1-2 kms away called it in as well.
  17. The big problem in the States is that there are so many officers being shot at that they are very Leary when ever they pull some one over. They are on edge and in fear for their own lives in a lot of places. I can say if I was a cop down there I would be no different. The problem in this case is the gentleman said he had a CC permit and was reaching. What he should have done if this was actually the case is kept his hands on the wheel and told the officer where the firearm was so the officer could take control of it while dealing with the individual. And then returning it when done.
  18. One of my best times char fishing was casting from shore on islands about 10 miles or so out in the Coronation Gulf out of Kugluktuk NT. What a hoot it was pitching spoons into the ocean and having big feisty chrome char smoke your lures. Most were heading East to ascend the Coppermine River. Biggest we got that day was about 15#'s or so. Good times.
  19. The problem with drop in bed liners is that they move and eventually rub the paint away. If you have your vehicle oil sprayed or under coated the bed will still rust out from the top down if you don't take the liner out occasionally and touch up the areas where the rubbing is occurring. This is not an issue with a sprayed in bed liner.
  20. Got most of the loft sub-floor installed. Loft window is ready to be installed this weekend. Got the saddles for the deck posts cemented in place. Also set up and installed the saddles for the combination out/generator house. Got my window buddy coming to help install most of the windows this weekend. The big ones will have to wait a couple of weeks until our third hand is available. Going to have to bring in some scaffolding on the next trip out to get all set for the big day when it comes.
  21. Any decent locksmith will be able to cut you a key for it.
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