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bare foot wader

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Everything posted by bare foot wader

  1. I have 3 culumuls rods and love them, Ti guides and I hear they are built on a loomis glx blank....but you are paying about 150 bucks just for the Ti guides take a look at the 2013 cumara rods, designed for bass, a few shorter models for work fishing, built on the same blank as the discontiued cumulas minus the Ti guides, it has K concept guides which I'm interested to try out on par price with the other rods you're looking at
  2. not familiar with that model for ice fishing....can you adjust your target separation?
  3. I've only had about a dozen experiences with UPS and only 2 of them were smooth, albeit costly most recently I ordered a new spey reel...UPS tracking number says it has entered canada and is on it's way to northern BC, I go to the UPS depot in town and they have no record of it, they call the distribution center down south and it has been returned to vendor due to insufficient delivery information...my address was correct with PO box and physical 911 address, there was no reason to return to vendor it's funny they called me for my credit number when it hit the border but they didn't call me to ask/confirm delivery address I try to avoid UPS at all costs
  4. http://www.ebay.com/itm/OLD-VINTAGE-FISHING-REEL-PFLUEGER-SKILKAST-1953-4-LURE-BAIT-PLUG-TACKLE-box-new-/400391081604?_trksid=p2047675.m1850&_trkparms=aid%3D222002%26algo%3DSIC.FIT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D11%26meid%3D5105270308359152817%26pid%3D100011%26prg%3D1005%26rk%3D1%26sd%3D400346806086%26
  5. I'm not an expert by any means but IMO the pflueger 1953 and 1943 are worth about 25-50 each, in that condition as is....I'm assuming Al doesn't have the original box and documents? in excellent condition with original box and documents they could be pushing 200 a piece
  6. lamson are alright reels, I have a guru and 2 purists...but from your list, the sage would be the top pick, only because I haven't handled too many orvis products, they both have sealed drags and carbon drags....hardy also has some options in your price range I assume you're fishing a 7 or 8 wt rod? I wouldn't hesitate to match up a 9/10 reel, very little weight increase (and usually helps to balance the rod) and will have more drag and faster line pickup (increased spool diameter). If you're concerned about losing a few inches of fly line swapping lines, and to make line swapping easier, use a loop to loop setup between fly line and backing
  7. sorry to hear you didn't get any good replies...if you want something a bit less travelled with amazing fishing, I'd suggest Washagami Lake...it's teeming with walleye and 15-20+ lb pike
  8. Spiel built my last float rod for me, I asked him to include a BPS weight kit, turned out very nicely...the brass adds a nice touch the butt cap is removable and you adjust how many weights you want for your preference, ie changing reels or I prefer my rod tip to balance lower when I'm in a drift boat vs wading http://www.basspro.com/Bass-Pro-Shops-XPS-Weight-Balance-Kits/product/15083/
  9. no classes that I'm aware of, my old fly fishing club did a few classes way back when but wasn't a regular thing youtube is your friend, mudhole has good instructional videos...I'd suggest joining a forum specifically for rod building and learning the basics on youtube...there are lots of books out there too, but the one's I've found are fairly dated
  10. if the seats don't fold down, put the butt in the front passenger foot well, between the seats and into the driver side corner of the rear windshield, you can gently bend the tips a bit if needed.....rod socks help protect from scratches, dings, etc...but also help reduce noise from rods clacking against the glass or any interior trim I've also done this in my old car with a rod in a plastic tube and about a foot out the driver side rear window (4 door - not sure what your cars are)...I thought I might get pulled over, not sure if it would get me a ticket, but I was lucky enough for a good year or so
  11. argo with tracks, ultimate ice machine
  12. can't go wrong with any pair of irish setters
  13. I like how you interpret written word LOL when I said our, I was referring to first nations, "Canadians", immigrants, chinese, etc, etc....basically if you hold residenc status, you should have just as much rights as anybody else who holds residency status funny you should mention how we developed our perception of first nations issues...what is the first nations population on the saugeen shores? which one of us is getting their opinion from the media?
  14. I don't subscribe to the "this is their land" idea....I know my history very well, I just believe enough is enough, the sense of entitlement needs to end...this is OUR land, enough said there are very few bands that "live in harmony" with the land, that statement right there is ignorant to reality
  15. being mid 90's you are also limited to prop selection, if you upgraded to a 2000 or newer used you can swap in a high thrust prop and install troll master
  16. my favourites: the smallest jiggin rap tipped with something like a minnow head, pinhead, mealworm or gulp krocodile or gibbs gator spoon with 4" dropper to a gamakatsu hook with a minnow(walleye) or shrimp(trout)
  17. they get good reviews and are lightweight, but I would be skeptical about battery life in cold weather fishing in a group 40 holes wouldn't cover a day of moving aorund
  18. how much line are guys spooling on their tip ups? how can a fish take it down the hole when it's free spooling? I have bells on all my flags, even if I'm not watching I can hear it set off...I fill each spool with dacron, I've got there with the shaft spinning and a big laker or pike on a run, but never had a fish come even close to spooling me
  19. cool clip...guys at my site used to feed foxes and yotes by hand until they started getting written up...damn safety/HR folks always ruining the fun
  20. they covered nanofil above, I still find it to be flossy, a bit flat and not as round as they advertise I don't mind the pline hydro float in 15 lb, the coating doesn't last forever but IMO that is reasonable, retie your leader now and then I attach about a 10' leader with an improved albright knot, my favourite knot power pro super slick is good too, I've experimented with coating the last 50' or so with gink and various other floatants and it does work but is far from perfect in cold weather and wears off, if I'm super anxious for a trip and have free time I play around treating the braid, but it's not a game changer by any means, more a time waster no braid is great in icy water...my usual pin line is berkley sensithin, pretty happy with it
  21. few more links, copying all this quickly, hope I don't duplicate anything These requirements for documentation negate all historical records As with rabid wolves, the biologist can say, "There are no `documented' cases of wild healthy wolves attacking humans." In order to be "documented" these criteria must be met: 1. The wolf has to be killed, examined and found to be healthy. 2. It must be proven that the wolf was never kept in captivity in its entire life. 3. There must be an eyewitnesses to the attack. 4. The person must die from their wounds (bites are generally not considered attacks according to the biologists). It has also been possible to identify two very distinct kinds of aggression against man by wolves: A) When the attacks have dietary motivations: o They occur in a rather vast territorial range; o They are occur homogenously in a long period of time, sometimes even many months; o They occur principally against young people; o More than one wolf can be involved; o If the attack is not interrupted, the victim is transported elsewhere and then dismembered; o If the attack is interrupted, rabies does not occur in the injured victim. When the attacks are committed by rabies infected individuals: o The attacks are numerous, concentrated in a small territory, with a behaviour which we can call “bite and run”, and occur in a brief period of time; o Men, women and children are attacked indiscriminately; o Unmistakeably committed by an isolated individual; o The attack never concludes with the transportation of the victim elsewhere or the successive dismemberment. Hydrophobia is diagnosed in the victim and then his/her death is recorded." http://washingtonwolf.info/human_attacks.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenton_Joel_Carnegie_wolf_attack http://www.vancouversun.com/mobile/news/world-news/Local+hero+56year+woman+Russias+North+Caucasus+axes+wolf+attacked/7539073/story.html alaska gov't report on Candice Berner, the teacher attack: http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/static/home/news/pdfs/wolfattackfatality.pdf I couldn't find the full list of historical references, I believe it was a university study sometime ago, this is all I could copy and paste Father and son, family name Olson March 7, 1888 New Rockford, North Dakota. The two men started towards a haystack a few yards from the house to shovel a path around the stack when they were surrounded by a pack and devoured alive.[47] Unknown African American, male 1830 Kentucky, near the Ohio border. While traveling through a heavily forested area, two African Americans were attacked by a pack of wolves. Using their axes, they attempted to fight off the wolves. Both men were knocked to the ground and severely wounded. One man was killed. The other dropped his axe and escaped up a tree. There he spent the night. The next morning the man climbed down from the tree. The bones of his friend lay scattered on the snow. Three wolves lay dead.[47] James Smith March 4, 1910 near Springfield, MO [51]. Wolves attacked him whilst he was alone in the woods, waiting for the return of his brother. When the latter returned he found his brother's bones. In the centre of a circle of five dead wolves, was an empty repeating rifle, showing that he had been overpowered before he could reload his weapon.[50] Trapper and two Natives 1922 Ontario. When a trapper did not return to the post office as promised, two natives were sent to find him. All three were killed by wolves.[28] Ben Cochrum 1922 Manitoba. North of Fisher river on Lake Winnipeg. The victim's bones were found among the remains of 11 wolves. Seven had been shot and four had been clubbed to death. Only after his rifle stock was smashed did the trapper apparently cease to fight and succumb to the wolf pack.[50]
  22. there was also the 19 yr old woman, in nova scotia I believe a few years back, coyotes in that case link added: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/story/2009/10/28/ns-coyote-attack-died.html
  23. the 2010 alaska teacher got some press this one came to mind right away too http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/story.html?id=1dcce3eb-981f-4f7f-b621-d86820d548eb
  24. the myth of never a documented attack against a human is largely spread by P3TA/tree huggers/those that cry when people eat meat, there have been well documented cases and there have also been many other "unconfirmed" cases...the criteria for a documented attack can be questionable and subject to high scrutiny depending on authority involved there was a large talk about documented wolf attacks at my club several months ago which spilled over into a forum, I will try to dig up some links and post them up here...you may have heard some of the drama involving the big wolf contest in northern BC, I am amazed at how many people are simply out of touch with reality sometimes I don't support eradicating wolf populations, ie: the algonquin population or coastal wolves in BC(which are genetically unique) but I do support harvesting of healthy populations, many areas of western canada now have large, healthy and borderline troublesome wolf populations....but every now and then a picture of a dead, legally harvested wolf will spurr some tree hugger to go nuts and cry wolf so to say
  25. LOL my friends father got some 1 yr old bulls on his ranch, we were planning on a rodeo show down and figured we'd warm up on one his donkey's....nobody rode a bull after the donkey, if i wasn't wearing a full cage hockey helmet, my face wouldn't look so damn handosme anymore LOL they are mean, miserable creatures...cute when you are feeding them but do not enjoy being ridden apparently
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