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Everything posted by mattyk

  1. Nice report, thanks for sharing. Looks really cold out there.
  2. Now that is a deal Lew! There are some nice little deals to be found on the net.
  3. be careful out there.
  4. NIce fish, sorry about the rod.
  5. Lake S is pretty much a fresh water ocean. Those are some nasty waves!
  6. Thats looks yummy. Nothin beats fresh fish.
  7. Looks like a nice lure. I cant wait for muskie season. Only a few months away.
  8. Thanks for the effort. This just shows that we all need to vigilant to protect our resources.
  9. Thats crazy! Thanks for sharing the pics.
  10. That really is torutre. Thanks, now im gonna be home sick and depressed until summer time in ontario again
  11. wow, thats amazing. You guys put in some hard work to get those brookies. Thanks for sharing.
  12. Cool, nice pics.
  13. Thanks for sharing.
  14. nice fish, and "ontario" scenery.
  15. Nice whities. Looks like its gonna be a yummy fish fry.
  16. wow, some great pics.
  17. Becareful and good luck! Post some pics when you get back.
  18. I agree with bill and jedi. I think they should close the ice fishing on the Bog.
  19. Now we just need muskie season to open up. Only 6 more months to go
  20. Thats a beautiful marlin! Thanks for sharing the pics.
  21. Nice fish dude!
  22. I have broke quite a few myself also. I find that the cheaper rods break more easily. I had a rapala rod that broke the first time i used it.
  23. Thanks i needed a good laugh. But sorry about your loss. I've had the exact same experience with a friend breaking my noodle rod and boy was i mad.
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