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Everything posted by Jigger

  1. I have a pair of H2Optics that I thought were the cats a$$ until I sat on them one fateful morning a few years ago. Since then I've had a chance to wear a few different brands and ended up with a pair of dark Arnette glasses that I wear on REALLY sunny days and a pair of Smith Optics that I would recommend to anyone. They have the photochromic lens and are by far my favourite pair of glasses ever. High end is not just for show. You pay for a good pair of glasses and you get your moneys worth.
  2. Thanks for the story, Irishfield. Great read! Awesome looking Specks and a beauty laker! Congrats to the lucky guy! Looks like a great time.Thanks for sharing.
  3. I read your post Misfish. I just know that the idea was floated out there a long time ago. Its entirely possible that someone else had the notion as well. If it was yours, great. Forward thinking, indeed. Not like you re-invented the Uni-knot. Geez...
  4. I don't know about closing all the tribs. Maybe, as someone suggested perhaps here or another board, the tribs should be closed on a rotation. One year, closed on the Ganny. Nextyear Wilmot. Then Bowmanville, Oshawa, Rouge and so on down the line from L.Ontario up through Superior. It would take a long time to get back to the front of the line again. Like hundreds of guys and a few gals out there, I grew up streamside and spent maaaaany hours of my youth catching fish out of the Rouge( insert your own home creek). Also, the access is great for new guys to get in on a little easy action and get into the sport this way. I go out sparingly in the spring only to satisfy my need to wet a line and more often than not it will be where no-one else is fishing. I also like the fact that I can just get on a bike like old times and find some running water just because I have an hour to kill. I'd hate to not have that option, even if I didn't fish trout once this year. You don't have to pack up the boat and gear, drive, launch, etc... You just go. Although if you do keep a rod in the car, its also nice to drive over a a bridge and spy a nice looking pool, hit the breaks and throw a spinner in just in case. Like I said, I'd hate to not have that option. As far as the sign and regs go.. Theres always someone that wants to put the odds in their favour and NEED to get fish so bad that they feel like bending the rules to meet their purpose is OK. Regs will always be disputed, boundaries will be disputed, public/private boundaries will be disputed. All to do some bobber fishing. Because thats what most guys fish for trout with. Very expensive bobber outfits.
  5. A friend of mine back in the day took a trip to OZ and brought back this bag with him. Another one of my friends asked him what the deal was with it, friend #1 says " The locals believe that if you lick the pouch, it'll bring you real good luck" So he licked it. We laughed our guts out when he was told that it was a kangaroo... Ahh the good old days.
  6. That ones not too bad. The other rooms are real mind-benders, though. The one you linked to is the only one I've been able to solve yet. Cool time waster!
  7. Nice fish indeed! Thats a beauty pike you've got there Ben!
  8. Alot of fish are swimming easier in that lake tonight. Hope I come close to that one day. 25.88lbs is the Ontario min size requirement. So it'll be a heck of a fish, one pretty close to that size, that gets the record here!
  9. Nice report again man! Looks like you really have the Simcoe lakers and whities figured out. Congrats!
  10. So, what if you just brought your brand new vehicle down for a days ice fishing and its been decided that you're going to walk out to the fishing grounds. Once you get there though, your buddy says "AWWW cmon man! Lookit all those vans and fullsize trucks out there. Can't be bad if THEY"RE on it!!!" You go out and your Jeep goes in the drink. Do you a) hang your head in shame make sure your friend is never seen again c) Stay friends with said buddy, but only if he pays the 30K and d) Split the bill??? You can pick more than one...
  11. When I was reading GNODDYs post, I was thinking" Yeah that really bugs me too!!" But then I got to TJs post at the end and thought " Yeah, it really could be worse"
  12. Looks great. But I don't see one of these, so it can't be official...
  13. Cool looking shad. I've always pictured them a little smaller. Thanks sharing, always like your midwinter reports.
  14. Great read to have with the morning coffee! Sounds like you had a great time. Hopefully the weather co-operates with you the next time you go. Thanks for sharing.
  15. Go out and drill a few test holes first before you drive out. Lots of good fishing within walking distance of a hwy out that way. I don't know where that may be, but I've heard. Trout don't like me.
  16. Broke two last year. Hope they've worked the kinks out by now. Very sensitive and lightweight.
  17. Was there a stimulus package during the great Great Depression? I never read about one in any of my history classes back in high school.
  18. I think before you put your foil liner on, you wrap the pike up and then put it on. Its the only way you can be so...ON with the pikies. Whatever it is, you're on pace for another banner year. Thanks for sharing and congrats on the top 5er!
  19. those shots of the untrekked snow really set the stage and puts you there. Great adventure man! And great looking fish too!
  20. yeah, I'm done.
  21. front page Try not to lose too much sleep Captain.
  22. Hold on, Spaulding. Are you insinuating that the fight was lose/lose for GSP? BJ is notorious for fighting in different weight classes and the fact that he has a sub-par record at ww doesn't mean he was just fighting bigger guys. He tapped out Hughes and took St.Pierre to the limit their last bout. And his three losses are to those same two guys if I'm not mistaken.I think its a little unfair of you to point and say "he was the bigger guy, what else do you expect?" Penn is a phenominal fighter, he just didn't have an answer for GSP. St. Pierre should make a foray into mw next after Alves.
  23. Surprised it hasn't fallen into the ocean yet. Also, they don't have the water supply to continue with their orange racket.
  24. BJ didn't even attempt a sub in 4 rounds. That being said, IF GSP was greased, and Penn had him in that high rubberguard, some of the sweat/Vas may have made Penns legs slippery allowing GSP to pass his guard as effortlessly as he did. Regardless...
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