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Everything posted by StoneFly

  1. Lol,..YUP,..but feed them what? I cant be held responsible for the reprocussions,..ROTFLMAO He said his wife cooks them in salt,...Whatever that means...
  2. Just be happy that those big hooks didnt catch you!!! I was fighting a salmon yesterday and was close to landing it,...my buddy was in the river ready to tail it for me when my leader broke and my 3g balsom float came back like a bullett and clipped him in the nose, I thought he was gonna cry,..lol
  3. I think you are right, lol, and while it always adds to the satisfaction to be able to unhook the fish and release it yourself, it was a blast nonetheless. What was even more rewarding is that there were 8 other guys fishing the hole that clearly only had 8-9 fish in over 2000 ft.sq. and I was the only one catching them, clean in the mouth each time. Not to bring up a tiring topic, but I will argue that these salmon WILL strike in the right cicumstances when in the river. I have proven it to myself countless times. For example: There are 4 fish in a lane that is about 300 sq ft. they are swimming around aggressively. Drift a white roe bag 20 times,..nothing, a yellow 20 times, nothing,...a red once,..bam, hit...., FEEEESH AWWWWNNNN. A grub once, bam, a grub twice, bam, a grub 3x, bam, a grub 4x, bam,..Feeeeesh AWWWWWNNNNN. The same applies to the prince. I love swtching it up and getting a hit on the first drift..., that is KEY!!! The 3 long fights all occured within one hour and Im sorry to say that the entire pool was spooked out after that. So even though it was 0/4, it was 4/10 or so for what was available, lol. The one that broke my mainline was snagged about 20 minutes later by another guy doing the, "big weight heavy line, let it sit and wait thing" (i dont even know what its called), but once he netted that fish, I went over to have a look (and get my float back, lol) and my hook and red mesh were in the fish's mouth, I congratulated him ( ) and he said he was keeping the fish as he handed my float back and I could see in his eyes he felt guilty. Noticing it was a male I just and said, "if I land a female, do you want to eat her?" and his eyes lite up. He said in broken english, "I land this fish, but what you did was AWESOME, thanks for fighting her out for me". I just laughed. Open invitation to all the non-beleivers and Naysayers to see for yourself. RAIN RAIN RAIN!!!!
  4. I will try to keep my Yapp .. ..under Wrap, My season has just started so I wont have as much time to stir things up anyhow.
  5. Stonefly's, Prince Nymphs, grubs and small red roe bags helped me go 0/4 today, lol. Alll fish in the 20lb range, they gave me a good 20 minutes worth of fun altogether though. One broke my main line, one broke the leader and 2 straightened out hooks. While I didnt bring a net, where I was standing for all 4, a net woulda helped me land all 4. While trying to tail them,...my buddy actually touched my leader on 2,..does that make it 2/4...lol The fish were few but movin around like crazy. Only saw one other guy get one, but that was by the tail,..lol Still a fun day!!! Rain Rain Rain!!!
  6. ROTFLMAO,....and dont forget once scientists draw conclusions there is no more need for funding,.. so to translate,..if ya givem some answers theres no more scratch for the kitty. For real though, the essence of research and science in general is not to prove anything it is to disprove!!! you either accept or not accept the Null hypothesis. The Null hypothesis means 'no difference' between treatments among variable/s in a properly controlled experiment. So if the Null hypothesis shows to be false, there is something significant happening and that is always a commentary as to what the difference is caused by. Almost every refereed journal paper ends the same way, 'further research is neccesary in order to vailidate these findings'. dont even get me started on stastical methods that are used to back it up. Not sure how to translate all that into DAWG, lol how you do any of that reagrading this topic is beyond me. did you see those fish jumping 10' vertical slam into rocks and then jump again though? lol
  7. Some fresh fish you got there, nice work!!!...I went to a local notty haunt the other day that should have 100's by now (well it would have 5 years ago),..saw 2..Lol ..steady declines on the nookies,..hope the chromers stay true to form
  8. After all of this,..some fish need to be held gently http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkbgORYJwIM...feature=related a little closer to home... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUfap545ZX8...feature=related what was that about lactic acid buid up from fighting a fish? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLItLzSRHTk they must all be dead!!!
  9. After all of this,..some fish need to be held gently a little closer to home... what was that about lactic acid buid up from fighting a fish? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLItLzSRHTk they must all be dead!!!
  10. I heard the Don river was doing well
  11. I personally do not Kill Rainbow trout for meat or eggs, nor milk them for eggs, I also dont change a rowbag every 2-3 drifts. I actually use salmon eggs for the most part if i even use eggs. I tend to use alot of flies and pink worms. In addition, I do everything in my power to release the fish properly so she takes off like a bullet. I also prefer the G-Bay tribs, but its sometimes hard to argue with the numbers and sizes that some of the lake O tribs offer. Im Not defending any of the tactics you mentioned. but I would still aregue more fish are killed in the pursuit of meat than anything else, ESPECIALLY on some of the northern tribs. I guess we have each had our own experiences, hence the no kill zone that came into place along the notty. Again, no issues here with anyone taking one for the table, I just dont prefer it unless I give it to a friend who really wants it and that might be once a year. Regarding rainbows, I would much rather see that female make 1000's of little ones. we should also keep in mind the reason the fish are here in the first place. Regarding what you said about Fall spawning, it is my understanding that the majority of the fish the come up in the fall hold all winter and then spawn in the spring.
  12. Well I think those fish are more resiliant than you may think. Let me just clarify that I have no problem at all with somone keeping a fish for the table as long as they are doing it legally and legit. Sounds like you are from some northern area to the GTA. Down here, you see alot of peeps intentionally trying to snag fish because they want to eat them. There are also those that slaughter for eggs and leave the meat to rot. The simple long and short of it is that Lake O pacific salmon have been deemed unfit for human consumption. Anyone that eats them is obviously doing it by choice and that is their right. I have caught a fresh salmon in the mouth on a fly with 5 or 6 #4-6 hooks in its tail most likely from bottom bouncers and that fish fought quite well. There is always someone down this way that wants to eat one, so I dont mind giving one or 2 away per year as long as its a female. Regarding the catch and release argument killing more fish, how do you apply that to other species, like lets say, Bass, Pike or Musky? and I should mention that much larger tackle and hooks are used on those ones which often causes bleeding. Heck, there is a post on the front page right now of a 7lb largemouth that was caught, kept out of the water for well over a minute with videos and pics and running around between docks to find a camera in the dark. Nothing but congrats were showered, and Bass are native fish, not stockers for pure sportfishing. Just curious on the thoughts??? BTW,...no offence to MTB, I would have done the same..Lol...I just to see if the same argument here applies to more than one or 2 species. Cheers,
  13. If they are River meat hunters,..just tell them,.."look bud dont mess with my drift,..I will catch a female fish and you can keep it minus the eggs,...just dont throw your line in as you will decrease the chance of ANYONE catching anything,..I will even take a pic with you holding the fish to show your fans... sound good?",.. THAT has actually worked for me. The bonus is you can teach a Hack snagger how to fish properly while you do it. if its Salmon,..no biggie..; Steelhead is a different ballpark, get the scissors out..lol.
  14. is this the spot? sorta?
  15. Good to hear bud,...water should be pretty high right now,...but its especially good to know they are in...GAME ON!!!! LOL BTW,..Humber is LAME!! LOL
  16. Unless the water get REALLY high they wont pass those barriers at the old mill,....might be better off to wait until October and see if any chromers make it up there.
  17. WOW,..that is one Huge Bass!! Congrats!! and She really took off well considering how long she was out of the water. Strong Fish!!!
  18. Ncie Fish!!!
  19. Some interesting experiences and tactics LOL, 90% of the time I fish the less populated areas and still have a great day with many fish, although there is the odd time a couple buddies and I will hit one of the crowded holes at the beggining of the season simply because the fish havent made it up any further. I have always found most guys get along, respect the space and when you hear 'Feeeeesh on' everyone reels in quickly and gives you room to play the fish. There is the odd tangle but this is usually accidental and gets striaghtened out. Upon approach to a hole, if things are tight, I usually ask if they wouldn't mind if I shared the drift, and noone has ever said no. I find most river fisherpeople to be pretty friendly. The most fun is when you see 20 guys fishing a hole with roe and not much action, so I start out with a fly and get a strike the first drift, Lol. However, one thing that bugs me is when you get guys intentionally snagging salmon. I always take some patience and try to help them fish properly and show the difference that every fish they hook into in the belly or tail and every one I hook into is in the mouth. So if the guy keeps doing it, I have in the past done one of 3 things. 1) Tell them that is illegal and there is a warden around the corner. 2) Get in the river, tail the fish unhook it and release it. 3) Pull out my scissors and cut his line. Never had to resort to pushing anyone in, YET, Lol One of the funniest things I have ever seen was taking BOWSHEP out for the very first time at a quiet little salmon haunt. I loaned him a pair of my old rubber chestwaders and at the time he had a 46" waste, so they were like spandex on him, Lol. So after a few drifts he hooks into a good size fish and as he is fighting it (musky style), was pulling and leaning back so far that when the fish turned and swam straight at him he fell back flat on his ass in 2-3 feet of water and was nearly submerged. I almost fell in laughing so hard and instead of reaching to help him, all I could do was reach for my camera, LOL. Even funnier is that he should have been soaked inside his waders and out, but they were so tight that he was completely dry. LMAO Its almost time river people, lets all play nice out there and have fun!!!
  20. Thats Fantastic, congrats, enjoy the prize!!!
  21. Looks Like Niagara
  22. Im thinkin that sirens are kindof outdated. With all of the technology we have, I mean pretty much everyone has a TV, radio, internet and cell phone these days. I would think there may be an opportunity for some telecommunications wizard to set up some type of application for this, which could also have several other applications. I guess my original point about the 'Warning's' was that even on the weather network that they were not issued in nearly enough time, when they could have been. I was texting and phoning friends and families about severe weather coming last thursday, hours before Environment Canada issued anything for the area. Im also thinking a place like wonderland that has a PA system throughout the entire park could have done something, that tornado was damn close to ripping through there. Just imagine if it had of. As I recall, For years since the 1985 twisters, almost everytime there was a nasty system moving in, environment Canada issued a tornadoe warning, but they rarely developed and never near populated areas if they did. Im wondering if recently it has been more of a case of not 'crying wolf'.
  23. Nice contribution !!
  24. Agreed, and myself being a weather guy also, I do know that that it is relatively easy even for the laymen to know the conditions are present for the possibility of one to occur. Even using simple tools that are accessible to everyone. Notwithstanding this, when Torndoes are reported to the northwest of a major metropolitan area at 4:30 and no warnings (or watches) issued to the south east until 6pm or later while it is occuring, it doesnt add up. I wonder how many 10,000's of children were running around wonderland on thursday evening when those tornadoes ripped past it with no warnings given. As defined by Environment Canada, A Tonadoe 'WATCH' means the conditions are present for one to occur, a Tornadoe 'WARNING' means it is occuring. I often wonder if the agenda is more political than anything else. Slightly different topic, Anyone ever seen a 50% P.O.P ? its always 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%, with the odd time, 10%, 30%, 70% or 90%,...but NEVER 50%.
  25. The part I dont get is why Environment Canada waits until a Tornadoe is seen before they issue a warning,...I mean anyone with an internet connection can go on the weather network and see the radar and know there is a massive Storm heading South East over Huron and G-Bay, the red and purple colors tell it all. Then that system spawns a tornadoe at 4:30 in Durham and continues to March South East towards the more populated areas and no tornadoe warnings until its too late. All of the conditions we had were perfect for a tornadoe, I just dont get it.
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