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Everything posted by StoneFly

  1. And ever since the new 'Partners' started running the show, the moldy roe they sell has gone to $7 for 12 pretied bags or $25+ for a larger moldy jar of loose cured garbage. At that rate, every salmon they poach for it must fetch around $200+. I went in August, turned around and left!!! Actually used to be not bad a couple years ago if you cut a deal with Hmmm Hmmmm V....... IMO... the best is trying to renew your license there and they tell you year after year,..you need a new card for $5 more than just the sticker unless you argue, lol
  2. I have no frame of reference as it is the only Pin I have used,..but it works great IMO. Everyone says it has slow start-up,.but using you trotting finger can help that. Looks great against the fresh chromers tooo...lolololol I know Ive posted this pic before, but I love how the fish is more shiney than the reel..!!!
  3. theres this nookie at 24lbs from ealier this year,..Lol,..been a slow one for me,..no time to get out,..but thats changin soon,...apologies in advance, I know these have been posted before.
  4. 30" Male, about 12 lbs
  5. Pencil lead weight? cant a bell sinker clipped on be used? how heavy?
  6. Should be high teens late this week tempwise for a few days, guess I read it kinda quick,..too bad !!! I dream of High Teens Chromers...lol
  7. Outstanding Once again...
  8. Nice Work Bud,...some fresh lookin chromers there. You mentioned the last one to be in the high teens,..you should definately make a point of getting a pic of a fish that big with some reference. Im not sayin I dont beleive you, but 'high teens' is a pic for showin off, sometimes the chrome of the season or maybe a lifetime.....ya know. Cheers!!!
  9. The Pic looks like a release shot,..and the fish is bleeding alot,...i dunno,..Ive always gone by the rule of thumb that when a fish bleeds alot, chances are it will die, not that I would keep a nook anyways.
  10. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet,... that is one Chrome chromer in the send pic!!!
  11. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet,... that is one Chrome chromer in the send pic!!!
  12. that fish is dead and floating now...lol
  13. Nice Work,..too bad about the BUCK,..Im itchin to get out myself,..Soon!!!
  14. I could be wrong, but I beleive the MNR recomendations for eating sportfish in Ontario states 0, ZERO for pacific salmon out of lake O, whether they be out of the lake or out of the river (Barf) and the reason being is that they are a top predator in the food chain and so all the nasties get bioaccumulated and biomagnified in their tissue. Since Lake O is not exactly the cleanest lake around, and since the fish seem to feed like crazy as they are staging out from the river mouths before making the journey to spawn up river and since that can be the most polluted water (ie. storm waterrunoff), Im not sure it is the healthiest thing to eat,..might make MikeyDeees look like a healthier choice. Just my $0.02
  15. This may sound like a dumb question,...but does anyone ever get knots in their leader while spin casting a pin? I have noticed it a few times in the past and something just made me think of it to post now.... I mean, I cast pretty decent and almost never break off with my choice of leader, I just know that knot is not good when it does happen. If memory serves, it only happens when I use a long leader (36"+ or so) and have a long cast to make, (50' or so),...Somehow, undectably during a cast, the leader wraps and knots itself at certain times...any input, thoughts, solutions?
  16. All I can say is WOW to all of those comments. I have fished alot of the Upper Notty including some places in Essa and I know abuot the location being reffered to and to my knowledge it is the only parking spot in the whole town that posts the sign about the $40. I only went there once and didnt even fish mainly due to the crowds. If the fee is for garbage pick up (pigs), then I would like to know if there is a garbage can or several with signs posted above them to please place you trash in the bin or you will be charged $500???. Never in my life have I thrown a peice of trash into the environment and certainly not on a river bank while fishing. I have however diven into other more secluded locations in Essa which dont see many fisherman at all, but have also seen big piles of garbage along the back paths to get in there that were abviously dumped by a commercial contractor of some sort to avoid his landfill/transfer station fee's and I can bet that this had nothing to do with fishing. 5 cubic yards of garbage in 30 sq. ft,....I would have to think adds up to more than a few timmies cups on the ground. Not that I am condening any type of littering, but for fisherman to pay that much for a minute amount of garbage considering Bill or Tonys carpentry are the ones doing the damage, seems a little unjust to me. Why doesnt Essa just instate a Martial law by-law and give someone the right to discipline the bumpkin that is polluting...lol
  17. Great job on the shakers,...I didnt realize they had shown up there yet,..nothing beats the first chomers of the year,..lb for lb they are a Blast!!!
  18. Wow,...huge smallies,...thats the stuff that wins tournies, congrats!!!
  19. Who cares?? How much time did you spend lookin up those 3-4 month old posts? Sorry dude,...cut the guy some slack!!!
  20. Defintaly good to hear...congrats on your rod,...must be a great feeling of satisfaction!!!
  21. Nice report,..cant wait for those bitties to start cruisin up river,..I had enough nook action for this year...lol,...Great pics!!!
  22. Sorry I meant pinkies for bows,..but have had great success with flies with salmon (and bows) when there is pressure and alot of roe presentations,.and its always a silver fish that come up on the fly...I dont beleive its coincidence that 10 guys drift a pool with roe with nittle to no results and the freshest silver salmon comes up in the mouth on a stonefly...that being said,...if noones around,..I start with roe always.....if they have have been in a pool for a week and no rain,..I dont even go out...lol Cheers...bring on the RAIN!!!
  23. I cure my skein and tie it up in all sizes depending on conditions the night before,..do you use it in chunks? I have tried that,..I just find you have to change it sooo often and use ALOT more....red mesh for salmon and usually pink for bows,...that being said,..I only use roe when there are no crowds,..when I feel the fish have seen alot of roe recently ...I switch it up to flies, pink worms etc....havent got skunked yet this year,..same results each time. I dont know why people are so down on salmon in the rivers,..maybe they dont know how to catch one legit,...if you know how,..its quite rewarding as many can attest to as yourself, I would think, especially given the size they get to,..just my opinion of course!! I guess the heebs that are innevitably around because you can see these fish and the ignorance of so many..gives it a bad name...me..I have fished beside 3-4 heebs at a time bottom bouncing,..snaggin etc,..as I contiually hook them in the mouth,..and you know what,..they all end up asking how to do it properly,..I spend some time and try to help them,..I think thats the right thing to do!! At the very least,..I wont have to worry as much about number 4 hooks cutting my hand as I tail a fish I caught legit with a number 12 in the mouth...lol
  24. Dave,....I cant wait to see the pics,..you can probably tell where I was,..and I know where you been going,...I just havent had time during the week, cept for this one hour on the way to QC during the week,...and the odd notty trip on weekends, (no crowds but i get into fish),...still produce though...lol,...cant stand the crowds east on the weekends unless its rainy and cold,..let me know when you get a day off on the weekend soon and we will hit it large!!!! I got a couploe 1/2 daYS OFF COMIN UP ONCE THE CHROMERS HIT THOUGH...LOL...We can swap eggs if you want...lol...yeah i know,..you let her go to do her thing,...
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