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Everything posted by StoneFly

  1. I would pay alot more than $40 if it meant, then Chinnies were out, but Steelhead, Browns, atlantics (?) could take they're places, my thought is that there would be much more room for these more desirable fish and by default,..the loogans would be out due to time of year, lack of sight fishing etc.
  2. So we went out for closing day of the upper Tribs. Were afraid it was all gonna be blown out, so We chose to hit the river we thought would clear up the fastest....it was dirty but fishable. Got to shore just after sun up and saw alot of nookies movin up and a few spawning as well. We werent targeting nooks at all,...but latched into around 20 while fishing the deeper pools..... First Little Rainbow.... Lost another decent Rainbow a little later,....and then my First Ho Ho...Beautiful spawning colors.... Then Went down to one of the bigger more well known pools just in time to see this nice Brownie caught.... I guess he was keeping it...lol on our way back up,...played with a bunch of Boots,..but no more Chromers,....then while i was walking...I saw an Amazing site....I took many pics, but they didnt turn out so well. there were two 20 lb + males nooks,..looking quite dark,..and not the least bit bothered by me,..so I got nice and close.....2 things they did that awwwed me...one was continually rising 12" out of the water and snapping, like they were going for flies...and second, attacking each other like sharks or Pike after walleye,...it was amazing to watch so close, they were biting each others tails, Jaws and even Bellies....lol.., I took so many pics as I watched for 15 minutes,...but this one below is the only one that remotely captured what I saw... Maybe this shows it better,...the second fish just bit the one you see around the Belly.... Not the best of conditions, nor the best outing ever, but still alot of fun for closing day!!!
  3. ...only 50lbs? that thing looks absolutely massive,..almost Fake!! lol
  4. Sweet and I know you released her for me and Ken to catch on Wednesday,..lol....Hopefully its not as blown as it looks like it might be Might have to try the failsafe.
  5. Nice Fish Dave,...thanks for calling me ya dooooosh,....lol,..Just kidding. is the spot you told me about last time we went out? BTW, given your size,..I would guess the first to be more like 7-8lbs and the second over 10 no doubt.
  6. Looks like a nice Hen to me, my guess is steelhead. Nice Work, no lookin back now after all this rain comin,
  7. Agreed, BIG ressie,...I got a 1lb last weekend, similar colours. Should be alot Chromier to be a lake Runner. Nonetheless, Excellent job!!!
  8. Lol, true enough,...However 'those ditches' can be blown one day and great the next or not,..depending on the 'ditch', I like to optimize my time fishing, and those graphs do help alot, especially if you have no way of knowing how much rain a particular area got.!!!
  9. For Some reason,...there is never any up to date data for certain East Tribs or sometimes no data at all. One particular river that I love to fish hasnt had any data for over a year. Its kindof a piss off...
  10. WTG,..nice Multi-species report!!! I really wish those atlantics took down I here, that would be absolutely AWESOME, personally I odnt think its gonna happen. Question: is the lb for lb fight better than Steelhead? cuz even if it were the same,...that would be insane with the size those atlantics can reach
  11. Given the new evidence and the 180 on recomendations for both regular and H1N1 that developed recently, I would be leary of any of it.
  12. Well Done!!! Gorgeous looking Fish!!!
  13. Lol, Not sure about the college,...but I meant if you want to catch some migratory fish,..there are much better choices than the Humber...
  14. then you must have heard about the press release today and the new plan? you dont have stock in Smith Glaxo...whatever do you?
  15. I dont mean to Flog a Dead horse,...but surely everyone heard about the new findings released today about regular Flu shots increasing a persons chance to contract H1N1 by 2x. The reports are 'unpublished' however there is probably an urgent reason for that. http://www.google.com/hostednews/canadianp...xrXRQvzljFetL0g
  16. I think their sheer size is probably a lure also ( no pun intended lol), not too mention that it costs $6-7 for one salmon steak at the grocery store. Now we all know there is no comparison to whats in the grocery store and whats in the river,..but my thought is the snaggers do not. Im not advocating what I have done in the past regarding snaggers, but it ranges from education to offering to land their fish which I do and then promptly release it, to tangling my line intentionally, to cutting lines with my scissors. I generally wont call MNR or police as I know they will do nothing.
  17. you should check the regulations,...this is the only way to esnure your own piece of mind that you are fishing within the law. Actually I have read that salmon can travel 30-40km or more in 24 hours in the river. When it is high and the obstruction is minimal, I dont doubt it. I have witnessed Chromish salmon nearly 100km up river a few days after a particularly heavy rainfall.
  18. Lol, Ziki,...go catch something will ya...
  19. No doubt,...Lol...I went back this Eve as my buddy bugged the crap outta me,...we hit every hole with everything,.. Salmon roe, Steel roe,..flies, pink worms.... and 2lb 4' leaders to boot,....it was a fluke,...best I came close to today, in the exact same hole was this nice Resi,,...altho for the first 2 seconds I thought it was DejaVu... The Water was Soooo GinClear, I saw the bottom of holes I have never seen the bottom of before.....I got really stupid and daring with the structure also...lol...but still...Rain,..Damit..lol
  20. LMAO...there is a reason I offered,..he doesnt know, he would have PM'd if he did. right back at ya...lol
  21. lol....not the TRIB, the SPOT,...you are wronf so far....anyways,..no need to continue this here,..if you think you know,..PM me. Sorry if you took it the wrong way Bill, Not trying to be argumentative.
  22. Well I offered $100 for a PM to it,..my guess is you have no clue,..lol...really how could you? Rhetorical.
  23. Bahahahaha,..thats every 100m on every river,...cmon you can do better than that...lol,..but PM if you do...lol
  24. What Gave it away? The sand or the Weeds in the background? lol Another from Today,..but a weeee bit smaller,..lol
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