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Everything posted by StoneFly

  1. As long as a strong Low hasnt just passed, Some of my best steelhead outings have been in light rain. you could be drifting for hours without a hit and a little rain starts, then BAM they start hitting.
  2. Notice the Hard hats and the Women in blue to the right of the pic,..BAHAHAHAHAHA
  3. Yeah, I walked around several areas, in Woodbridge, Houston and Button seemed to be the worst, In Maple, just south east of Jane and America was pretty bad too. Thankfully noone was hurt, but still unbeleivable that noone was, just one missing dog.
  4. Yes, I remember that day in 85 well,..that one came 1 km from my house just north of Schomberg,..now That was INTENSE,...I remember driving down the 3rd line after it ended and saw and 8 - 100 year old farm houses were levelled with 2-3 km. My Grade 8 class spent a whole week helping in the cleanup on some of the farms.
  5. I took a walk down some of the streets in Woodbridge and Maple, the damage is surreal. One of the twisters touched down 200m from my home,...
  6. I just drove by the sight in Vaughan where one touched down...quite abit of damage.
  7. That is great advice Muddler. Pags, are you using a Centrepin? or a spinning reel?
  8. AMMO? what the hell is wrong with you? You quoted all your expert buddies and stated it as fact. So a very legit question I asked above,...what it's too challenging for you? what has been happening to G-Bay Salmon populations? what has been different in that area for the last few years to bring it to the state it is in? Do you know what state it is in?
  9. Dude, who is trying to convince ANYONE of anything, much less you. I am simply sharing my experiences. I suggest you get a new prescription for your Spectacles. Anyone can clearly see those lines run directly to the mouth of those fish that are airborne. If you have never caught a jack (and you obviously havent), thats too bad, becasue you are missing out. This thread is not about knowledge busting,..its about trying to help a guy that wants to intentionally LINE SALMON, did you forget that? You dont seem to have much real experience and all your "Knowledge' seems to be second hand from other boards, the only experience you seem to have is about "Amazing how salmon get airbourne when they get a chunk of metal stuck in their side. " now judging by your comments and seemingly slow wit, that does seem to be about your style. LOL, besides most of your comments have been refuted by others throughout this thread. Get over it and Move on.
  10. Juvenille Salmon (3 yr old) that come up river prematurely during the run. They are smaller, they dont spawn, nor die, but they are a heck of alot of fun. They hit like crazy and display acrobatics just like rainbows. I dont know about Lake O tribs, I have never caught a Jack there, but I get a couple every year out of G-Bay Tribs. I remember about 6 years ago there was a jack for every 3 or 4 mature salmon in the pools. Last year I found a couple pools with no mature fish at all, but a few jacks were hiding in them.
  11. Ok, I think you need to show some studies on the state of the G-bay Chinook Salmon Fishery over the last 5-7 years. Lets put your experts top some good use.
  12. Dont forget about the JACKS.... lb for lb, just as much fun as chromers in the 3-6lb range!!!
  13. LOL
  14. I understand your frustration with being wrong. Easy on the comments though I agree whole heartedly that Chinook salmon have no interest in feeding once in the river systems. That is why they feed like mad while staging at the mouths for the long journey for sex and death. That does not mean that they will not hit/strike. You pretty much stated it yourself. To say that on a particular day, say Sept 15 the fish will hit near the river mouths, but not on Sept 16 when they are 1-2km up river is a little bit silly. It is also silly to say they are fresh on the 15th and not on the 16th. I do however agree that once they have been in the river for a week or 2 or more,..they really start to turn. As for the Studies and BOF and Chris K's input, there are just as many that will say the oppsosite. thats the beauty of research, there is never a conclusion and noone ever agrees. just I note, I worked in research for 4 years and it is a business like any other and very self serving. I have no problem at all with every steelheader on the planet staying home during Salmon runs, more fun for me,..Lol. However, if you know what to do, where and when, it can be just as rewarding as steelheading, sometimes even more.
  15. I heard that on the radio today. Weird for sure!! I wonder how other West Coast Rivers are doing for Sockeye returns? Intersting that the Chinnook have returned, but not Sockeye. It seems evidence points to 'Sea Lice' or something else of that nature? Hasn't it been a Very Hot and Dry spring and summer in B.C? In Ontario over the years, I have experienced the START of a chinook run to span 6 weeks, anywhere from Aug 15 - Sept 30, where fish started showing up in the same section of river. This seems to be entirely related to the temperature and water levels. What about Cycles for the species? Cormorants or other predators on the fry 3 years ago? Oil Spill, or other Spill in the last couple years?
  16. Try a live minnow? If its permitted in that area? Or maybe they were chinnok salmon, apparently they dont hit, Lol.
  17. LMAO,..yeah, I guess the odd one gets snagged, thats my Fly, can i have it back?
  18. No Offence but maybe it's you that has no clue Bud!! I know a number of seasoned Veterans who would disagree with you. Instinct and aggression especially under low pressure, slightly high water conditions = Strikes. I wish I had some video of the many experiences I have had of the nooks cruising into a pool, swimming in circles, biting at each other and snapping at my presentations. A pool that saw maybe 50 fish cruise in over a 3 hours period, swim around for a bit, raise hell in the pool and then leave. there were never more than 5-6 fish in the pool at a time. I hit atleast a dozen of them without a single snag, now what are the odds they were lined in this situation? They werent just sitting pointed upstream with their mouths open at all. Surprise surprise I have expereinced this atleast a dozen times with not a soul in sight. Also, If you cannot tell the difference with how your float moves from a legit strike compared to a Line, well maybe you just havent fished enough. Its not alot different than a seasoned steelheader knowing instantly if a fish is hooked Legit vs. snagged. One thing I will agree with is that the Steelhead bite is more prevalent, but to say Salmon NEVER hit up river is just pure ignorance. Also, I know alot of people who would 100% disagree with your reproduction comment. I think the Experts may tell you it is closer to ZERO. Cheers, PS, Not Trying to ruffle any feathers, just trying to help
  19. Thats why you go when there is a fresh run in the river for just a day or 2. they are still nice and fresh like below was from last August. And dude trust you do not have to line them if you know what you are doing. Ive caught them legit in 1500 sq.ft pools with only 5 or 6 fish in it The odds of lining are next to impossible in that situation. Hint, if roe aint workin, try something else, like a stonefly. You dont have to always fish the stacked pools either which are crowded and pressured. Get creative and look for other spots, the rewards can be amazing. Just try steelheading tactics and you might be surprised with the results. One last thing,...I cut my hand pretty good when I tailed that fish because it had 4 or 5 #4 hooks in its tail from others probably trying to LINE them while bottom bouncing.
  20. Exactly,..so he wasnt lining them, they were hitting, it does happen.
  21. Lol,...why bother? Just find a pool packed with them and Jump in and tackle one. But seriously, dont Aim to line salmon, Aim to Aggrevate them with big red colours, they will pretty much only hit out of aggression once in the tribs. If you are going to intentionally line a fish you will innnevitably snag one outside the mouth and that is illegal.
  22. 6' 200lbs... ..quoted the other 5.0-5.5lbs from another post on this thread,..easy weasy,...again,...have some fun ... nice graph.....I just think Bass are a laugh if you want to do some real fishing,..thats all...again watch what you say about 'a bunch' of OOS fish....get it straight........lemme ask you this...99% of pics taken of fish from peeps that have no clue of what fishing is are of what species? SMB? could that be the lack of challenge or skill? Lol. Next time you see someone land a 10+lb steelhead on the river in shorts and T-shirt and boobs,...Lemme know... then again,..do you remember what boobs look like? except for the WWW that is...Lol
  23. you should see them sucking on a prime steelheads back as it makes its way up river,...kinda sad!! Does anyone ever notice it is worse on Lake O fish than G-Bay? maybe the distance on some southern notty fish are becasue the 'strong' survive? just curious on observations....
  24. Wow 3.0 - 5.5lbs with an actual length measurement....You Bass guys know your stuff!!! Lol. As said,..this was simply a fix between REAL fishing for me,... that 3-5.5 lb SMB was released to go cover her eggs and give the lazy armchair/boat guys a shot in as week or so...although as stated noone fishes that lake,....so maybe I will catch her in August when Im up there again,...To be quite honest,...this was a 4-5lb bass on gear that I catch 20lb+ salmon and 10lb+ steelhead,...rod and reel diffrerent,...but rig and line very similiar,...IMO,..bass fishing is a bit of a joke....anyone one of you Bass guys want a challenge and reward,...message me closer to end of august,...until then,..have fun!!!!
  25. Most peeps use big minnows for pike,..but those are also the same peeps that keep em to eat...EWWWWWWWWWWWW...lol... be creative,...holland marsh/river is productive,..just for garbage fish is ALL..if your not planning on chowing it,...stay away from the green MATS,...lol. you can have a 50 fish day no probs on artifilicials...just make sure the the BASS are in season,...or you might get pounced on for decimating the natural pops...
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