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Everything posted by StoneFly
but now the Aliens can track your every move...Lol
Nice lookin Rig for sure,...Hope you know how to handle it,..those things can be death machines!!!
How long have you been flyfishing? How many resident trout have you caught? If you want Residents, they are up and down every stretch of pretty much every river!!! We catch them by accident all the time while going after bigger game. I assume you know what to look for and where to cast? The ones we have caught are in the 12-14" range generally, and they are fun for sure. Best way and most satisfying is to learn on the river, not ask for on the internet where to go. BTW, whoever mentioned 'Native trout', the only natives we have around here are lakers and specks and I doubt any will be had within 30 min of Mississuaga, on any river, unless of course you drive 250km/hr to Niagara, lol. Rainbows and Browns are not 'native', they are introduced, arguabley have established themselves to a degree as 'Wild'. Cheers and goodluck. By the way, what weight is your flyrod? There are some Bigass salmon in some tribs right now, we catch them on flies but not with a flyrod, there are much better ways. Please no comments on lining or snagging...PLEASE...its done to death already, lol.
I was int the area so I dropped by Alliston for a 1/2 hour this morning,...saw 4 nooks (2 had lampreys hangin off them) swimming around in a 6-7 ' deep pool attacking each other and a 14" or so rainbow, caught the rainbow on the second drift and a 7-8 lb nook 3 drifts later on a tiny red roe bag. That was all she wrote, they fish vanished after the nookie fight. Unless you know the area VERY well and are a VERY stealthy, I wouldnt bother. Why not put on the pads and hit Erindale?
Cool this summer? arctic sea ice melt 3rd highest
StoneFly replied to scuro2's topic in General Discussion
So in Southern Ontario, I think summer breaks down like this for 2009, May: Warmer thank normal June: Average July: Cooler and wetter than normal, especially daytime time temps August: Average to cooler and much wetter than normal, except the second half of August got a heat wave and alot of rain. September: Warmer and much drier than normal. Day time temps thus far and in the forecast are higher than July, this has happened a few times in the last 10 years. We have a High P Zone right now sheilding low temps and rain, ... Does it suggest global warming,..absolutely not,..but its only 4 months. How many times have we had +10C temps in January in the last 15 years? I recall quite a few, this is where the old guys might come in handy. Previous to that it was unheard of. It is a fact that we get extremes in months that we havent experienced much over the last few centuries,..that is why so many records get broken. Stop thinking about Global warming locally,..think Climate change!!! Warming is definately occuring in the arctic, but in southern Ontario, its a little more complicated as well as many other areas of the world. Imagine Frost in mid june in southern Ontario....it will happen!!! the heat units this year for farmers were scary until mid august hit, which is typically when heat gets less,...this year it actually saved the corn crop!!!! Now if that Dam High Pressure zone doesnt get lost soon,..Im gonna borrow Holdfasts rocket luancher and seed the damn clouds myself,..lol -
Everyones first Chinny on the river is snagged, you will learn how to catch them properly and as you do,..you will know how to tell immediately if the fish is caught legit or snagged. After that if by chance you snag one (you shouldnt if you know what you are doing), the etiquette is to break it off ASAP.
Cool this summer? arctic sea ice melt 3rd highest
StoneFly replied to scuro2's topic in General Discussion
No Offence to any of our Veterans, especially the onces that faught for what we have in the free world!!! I dare say Rest in peace and thank you!!! I say that becasue most of them must be dead by now as there hasnt been a War worth fighting since 1945. Every confilct the west has been involved in for the past 64 years is Bull. for the last 25 years it has been about Oil for the most part. -
Cool this summer? arctic sea ice melt 3rd highest
StoneFly replied to scuro2's topic in General Discussion
Doesnt nature always find a way? ever see the black squirels in the city with the red tails? -
Cool this summer? arctic sea ice melt 3rd highest
StoneFly replied to scuro2's topic in General Discussion
Did anyone notice that oil hitting $150 per barrel made the alternative fuel/energy agenda and hybrid vehicle manufacturing hit the roof? Anyone in the field knew thats what it would take,...we will all be better off for it. As long as it continues and gets better, in 5 years from now, it will be much more normal and the pain will be gone. PS. ethanol from crops that could otherwise feed people of the foodchain is not a good thing!!! We have enough energy available in what we dump and landfill to make an incredible difference. There is also alot of $$ to be made, it is however a shift in where that $$ goes. -
Cool this summer? arctic sea ice melt 3rd highest
StoneFly replied to scuro2's topic in General Discussion
C02 is the benchmark for the other culprits, CH4 is 21x, NOx 310x the greenhouse gas potential of C02. There are several others that have not even gained status yet, that is the politics. -
Cool this summer? arctic sea ice melt 3rd highest
StoneFly replied to scuro2's topic in General Discussion
The Brits (royals) are inbreeders and your farts have 21x as much greenhouse gas as your breath, however if you eat some pork,. your breath will 310x as much as normal -
Cool this summer? arctic sea ice melt 3rd highest
StoneFly replied to scuro2's topic in General Discussion
Anyone ever hear of the "West Dallas Lead story". Google it!!! This is a story of the 30 years of the EPA at its finest. You will not find the 100's of refereed journal articles that I have read, but you will get the point!!!! -
Cool this summer? arctic sea ice melt 3rd highest
StoneFly replied to scuro2's topic in General Discussion
Good to know Im not the Only one who has studied it. I have a Bachelor of Environmental Science (Hons) from the Univerisity of Guelph majoring in Earth and Atmosphere Science. I started 15 years ago (as a mature student), but was already heavy into the journals on the subject. In my first year, Global warming and Clmiate change was mostly a fringe science, I for one am happy to see the GLOBAL acceptance that has transpired over the years!!! Whats more is that yes, things happen in cycles geomorphologically and geologically, there have been warm and cold periods. Just look to the Vikings in Greenland a few hundred years ago. Notwithstanding this, it is an indisputible fact that greenhouse gases can cause warming. When we start messing around with this and el nina's and el nino's and slight shifts in temperatures of the oceans and there patterns, and couple this with our knowledge of atmospheric patterns and cycles,...say hello to more and bigger hurricanes, more and bigger tsuenami's (sp?), more earthquakes, more drought, more floods and more tornadoes hitting major popluation centres, more wild fires...... No it doesnt happen over night, like the movies,..but look over a generation or 2 and track C02 (or equivalent) concentration in the atmosphere with global average temperatures, with occurance of natural disasters etc. Remember that just because in Ontario we have experienced 2 cold wet summers in a row, doesn't mean the rest of the world has, it doesnt mean even the rest of Canada has. I could write pages about this, but my school time is finished long ago,..so this is the 10 minute version,..Lol Sometimes as proud Canadians, we think the world revolves around us, but soooo many people like to be ignorant,...ignorance is bliss. I love this country and would rather live nowhere else, but we are also the same nation that sold 20 million tonnes of Asbestos to India last year even though we have banned it here and dont even get me started on the toxic waste exports. Oh and BTW,...before someone calls me a tree hugging, lefty environmentalist, I got into this field, becasue I knew there were better ways to do things, and there was money too be made, and while its been a bit of a Struggle, I WAS RIGHT!!! Rain Rain Rain!!! -
Cool this summer? arctic sea ice melt 3rd highest
StoneFly replied to scuro2's topic in General Discussion
Dont forget about Nostradomous, 2012, lol and I See massive trees, root balls and all displaced 10 km from where they were uprooted everyspring on some of our bigger tribs,...what is your point? -
Cool this summer? arctic sea ice melt 3rd highest
StoneFly replied to scuro2's topic in General Discussion
Dont forget about Biogas (energy from waste) -
Cool this summer? arctic sea ice melt 3rd highest
StoneFly replied to scuro2's topic in General Discussion
My guess is that you already emit about 3 times as much greenhouse gas as the average bear!!! J/K -
OFN has gone downhill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
StoneFly replied to bigredfisher's topic in General Discussion
Touche,...on another note, NICE NAME!!! LMAO Ever listen to the Dean Blundell Show? -
Well just to be accurate, again these fish were pretty fresh and wont be spawning for a little while. I wont even be heading out again until the next run. All my hooks are #12-14, including the flies. I bummed the grubs off another angler but I do believe they were Berkley, sorta off-white, grey in colour about 1' long. Make sure you use a Flourocarbon leader. As for the presentation, thats harder to explain, but just do everything you can to be in the strikezone and make sure that the first thing and hopfully only thing they see is your bait. Good Luck.
Cool this summer? arctic sea ice melt 3rd highest
StoneFly replied to scuro2's topic in General Discussion
LOL,...Quoting it from A NEWSPAPER was simply to point out that there was a story about methane bubbling up through the pacific ocean in one article and a story about the 'Mystery' of 10 million sockeye dying in the pacific in another article. They were both on the same page of the newspaper. It has nothing to do with the bias of the source. -
Cool this summer? arctic sea ice melt 3rd highest
StoneFly replied to scuro2's topic in General Discussion
The following 2 articles were on the same page of yesterdays star: http://www.thestar.com/article/691868 http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/article/692037 Anyone think there is a connection? -
Cool this summer? arctic sea ice melt 3rd highest
StoneFly replied to scuro2's topic in General Discussion
that is a good point!!! Ice is less dense than water, hence it floats, and your argument holds true for the ice that is below sealevel. HOWEVER, dont forget about the ice that is not submerged, when that melts, the water levels will go up. I sure wish the water levels in our southern Ontario rivers would go up soon, Lol. The little run was a tease!!! -
Well since you brought it up,..how many other species are to be had in the Niagara? I have only fished for steelhead there, but please share experiences...ALL
Sick of seeing garbage along the shoreline?
StoneFly replied to danbouck's topic in General Discussion
I saw this on your signature yesterday, I was gonna post the link, but didnt want to be a hack. thanks for posting it!!! cheers. -
Way to go guy!!! Amazing that a river will hold Salmon, bass, carp, probably walleye and lakers and more all at the same time. Ive never fished too much for carp but I sure know a few AMAZING spots for them (from visuals) if your interested, PM me If you want to know the spots.
Well they were silverish, going on copper,..Lol,..not the freshest I have caught, but not the least either,..they had a load of E tho,..one of the first time I have seen mature salmon take air and they were hooked in the mouth. ..my guess is that they have been in the trib for about 4-5 days.