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Everything posted by StoneFly

  1. WOW, gotta be Stateside,..nice Chromers, but that first pic looks like the tiniest river,...how can it be open this time of year? are the Reg's down there much more lax than up here?
  2. Nice Going Guys, does it seem late for the Chromage up there this year? With the exception of last year, this is the latest in quite a few that I recall, down here atleast. Damn its cold enough now,..one more good rain P.S, Diggity Dawg, Big Fish are more Fun
  3. When people I dont know that well ask me where to catch Salmon and Steelhead I always tell them Erindale park....lol, mainly becasue I dont fish there. I have been there a few times when I lived in the area and actually spent more time in the water unhooking other 'anglers' snagged salmon and releasing them than I did fishing. Now some people may think this is asking for trouble,...but when you tell them they are breaking the law, there is usually no objection. I have done this literally dozens of times without ever having anyone argue with me, my thought is they ALL know what they are doing is wrong and after you have talked to them while they are fighting the stuggling fish and tell them what they are doing is illegal, not too mention a few points on the potential toxicity of the Lake O nooks, I think the point is usually driven home, so when you are releasing their fish for them, they have already been conditioned for it. Ive cut a few lines as well on other tribs, but thats a different story, lol. Last weekend at a different Lake O trib, we actually saw a guy and his 2 kids walking down the river with Just nets, no rods at all. So My buddy starts yelling at them and telling them they are breaking the law and he just saw a CO and they will be charged,.....so the Adult starts speaking in another language and then the kids Chime in perfect english, we were just checking the depth,...lol meanwhile they had a fishfinder with them and a Hibatchi already lit,...LMAO. I dont know if anyone remembers the Pine River about 20 years ago,....but I saw the Worst there!!! Wire Fencing strung accross sections of river with treble hooks all through it, I wasnt an angler then, but was just taking a walk with my GF and saw these guys carrying out garbage bags fool of chinnies. It was the first time I had seen big Fish like that in such tiny rivers and then I saw how they were being caught. Obviously this didnt make me want to pick up that sport anytime soon. I heard charges were laid a week later, wish it happened more down here
  4. Well since you brought it up,..My preference would be Scrap the Nooks (and all the problems that come along with them), stock more Rainbow, Coho, Browns, and if Atlantics take,..them too,...and if Atlantics take,.. then why not Specks as well? If you take out the nooks,...we should have room for all those species.
  5. I noticed this year that since we had so much rain in August and so little in September that Alot of salmon made it into the creeks,..but not too far up and basically sat in pools decaying until we had the good rain a week ago. For you guys that watch them jump...were they making it over? Im just curious as normally fish that low in the rivers havent turned color as much which definately has to do with deterioration as per Life cycle and they definately have less strength. Very unfortunate year for those Salmon regarding the weather,...I wonder if they will still have the strength to get to their spawning grounds (some will argue it doesnt matter as they dont reproduce viably anyways),... And someone pointed out taking pics of the illegal activities that occur on the tribs and posting them here for the MNR....sounds like a good idea.....HOWEVER, I will have to get a bigger memory card...lol and I could fill this board up real fast with the stuff I see going on.....yesterday we saw a family walking back from the river dragging a huge BLACK male salmon,...stiff as board,...Absolutly had to be rotting on the river bank for a few days,...They were taking it home to eat,..I went over and looked at it and nearly hurled....but they did have another copper/black one that looked like it had been just snagged in the belly...WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE???
  6. ROTF LMAO,....thats Awesome,....KEEEENNNNNNNNNNN???????????
  7. check your reg's for the closed areas as well as Catch and release only for Steelhead. not many Salmon left in that Fishery, Steelhead are still ok, but its a little early and unless you know your stuff, the Lower notty may prove a formitable challenge. If you are a Newb, try somewhere like Erindale Park on the Credit in mississauga, you can learn alot from the right people, pay no attention to the goons snagging,....unless of course you want to report them.
  8. Are you still not catching any Ziki? lol I thought we were calling him Spielberg? lol, dont worry Dave, I wont tell anyone that your 'Atlantic' was really a mutated chub from Pickering.... Sounds Like a Decent plan...Maybe half and Half? lol,...but I dont know if our Coho run is significant, I happened to catch 2 this week and those were my first 2,...maybe someone else can comment on How significant the North Shore Coho run is? Just wanted to cover the Bases, but thanks 'Tips'
  9. Yeah man, knew the Nott would be blown,...east wasnt much better,...although the Go TO trib in blown conditions was Gully!!!
  10. I think the first Fish is an atlantic....Dave caught one today about the same size...maybe he can chime in with Fresh eyes....
  11. lol, I was speechless because he was supposed to be taking pictures, not videos,...If you really wanna laugh you should hear the cameraman commentary during the fight when he 'thought' he was taking action pics,..but it was videos of mostly the ground...LMAO with alot of funny comments.
  12. That is absolutely Great!!!! Its about time!!!
  13. Lb for lb, I would put it up there with Steelhead and While I have not caught a 17lb Steelhead,..I have caught many nooks in the mid to upper 20's that put nowhere near the fight this fish did, and even after a 10+minute fight and 20 seconds out of the water, It took off like a bullit...It was Truely Awesome!!!!!
  14. I know its hard to tell Bud,..but Trust, its a Ho
  15. Tribs were high and Stained for the most part,..had a blast with all the nooks,...a BIGASS Coho, 17lb,. I thought for the longest time,...it was a big steelhead,..Best Fight I have ever had!!!,...Dave caught an 18" Atlantic, but no pics. Sorry about the Quality of the Ho pics,..SOMEBODY, after using the same camera to take literally hundreds of pics still cant sort out the Picture and video button, lol and the pics or the video do NOT do this fish justice!!!!. And Of Course, the token 1lb Rainbow...lol
  16. Those are some Beuatiful Specks,..nice job!!!!
  17. As I recall,..it all starts on october 7 at precisely 6:43 in the am,...no fish before then,..tons everywere in the river after. check the Regs tho.
  18. Personally I think the reel is a good frame of Reference to see the size of the fish,..thats the reason I do it,..big or small.
  19. Nice work !!! Is it just me or does that Fish look kinda beat up? Old maybe he is just old? His belly looks all mangled,...maybe one of those salmon I saw attacking each other got to him...LOL
  20. the upper stretches of all tribs that are now closed for Salmon, browns and Steelhead. Each Zone is different, but they all are closed now to some degree for the upper spawning grounds, the Regs will tell you for each zone.
  21. Wow,...Good Stuff Camillj,...really wish I had brought my flyrod in retrospect,..but hindsight is 20/20 I guess. Always Next time....;
  22. thinking about it afterward, when i saw them continually rising out of the water snapping like they would for flies,...it dawned on me....I wonder what would have happened in this situation with a dry fly and a flyrod....my guess is maybe a take....now that would have truely Awesome!!!
  23. Wow, both Videos were pretty cool. Not to Stir up anything,..but it makes me wonder how hard really are these fish to catch...lol
  24. Agreed on the Brown,...But what can you do...by the time I was over thereit was already on the stringer....I question how it was caught,...and to boot,...it was a hen and the guy didnt even know how good those eggs are....some people have horshoes I guess As for the Chinneys,..I have seen them snap at each other many times,..thats the best time to drift a deep pool for nooks when they are aggressive,...this was not a deep pool and i wasnt about to fish it,..it was absolutely amazing to see it that close tho actually biting each other...
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