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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Actually, he used to come up to the Muskokas on occasion in the spring for walleye opener a few decades back. Definitely a different sort of character. Kind of a media pioneer for the Robertsons
  2. Forgot to bring the camera. Good to see smiling faces, both old and new. They even got Spiel out of his cave.
  3. Considering my last year, there is only one resolution. My plan is to spend more time enjoying life with my family. Nothing more important than family.
  4. Bread and circuses, folks. Bread and circuses to entertain and distract the plebeian masses.
  5. More fish, good health and a better year for us all.
  6. Sounds like a great experience. Fine looking specimen you caught.
  7. Everybody seems to be uptight about leaking info on fishing spots over the internet. They do have a point. A lot of honey holes can't take the heavy pressure, or the volume of trash, from an urban invasion.
  8. Living VC's are a rare individual to find in this age. There are fewer than 10. Like many survivors, they probably don't like to talk much about how they earned their "gong"
  9. Non fishing would be a really tough choice. In my impressionable and idealistic years I have had the privilege of meeting and/or speaking with the likes of Robertson Davies, Farley Mowat, the Dalai Lama, and McLuhan just before his stroke. All individuals of considerable intellect and insight. Pretty hard to find better intellectual company. Very much the opposite of some of my classmates now sitting in Parliament. They're not worth wasting lead or ink to acknowledge them. I'm not so much of an idealist any more, and there are few in this world that impress me any longer. Musically I would love to talk with Ian Anderson Only others that would interest me would be the likes of Tom Hanks or Robin Williams. Fellas who can put me in stitches.
  10. I'm sorry, but I would recommend anywhere but Casey's. Last year I went out on a foursome. We had a hut loaded with garbage, and excrement in a bucket. It had not been cleaned after the previous occupant. The argo used to run us out barely got us out or back as it continually tried to stall out and the one drive kept failing leaving us going in a circle until it re-engaged. The driver was tanked on the trip back in. At the very least, one has to keep facilities clean and maintained.
  11. Not the first time they have had a post storm moratorium on cutting permits. As for costs, Toronto has always been 2-300% more costly than the same services provided by arborists outside the GTA
  12. All on the son's camera this time.
  13. Despite being offline for a week, we did manage some ice expeditions. Admittedly some ice was sketchy so we plunked holes beside the docks at a couple of marinas to engage our quarry. We had lots of perch to keep us busy. Many in the 12"+ size. This morning the son hit the jackpot with a 27" brown and a nice little bow to go along with the regular fare of perch. All but the bow going back to fight another day. It's been a great fishing week for the son and I.
  14. We are finally reconnected to the real world.
  15. Only lost power for 3 hours. Still have no phone or internet. Borrowing the neighbour,s laptop, on wifi soI can contact folks. TOUCHY BOARD TO GET USED TO.
  16. My mother will be bringing the cardamom cookies and ginger snaps. She'd be most upset if I replaced her completely
  17. My Gram would also do the Swede braid for Grampa, Jonni and some of the other swedes. Their spice of choice is cardamom or nutmeg in the dough. The other bread would be vetebrod, something I have not seen made in near 40 years With any of these braids, nothing beats fresh from the oven with a big dollop of fresh churned spread on top.
  18. Love poppyseed cakes. There are a couple of German bakers at St Jakobs that make some great poppyseed pastries and bread
  19. No marzipan. The inner loaf is a very rich and buttery soft texture seasoned with that Finnish staple cardamom
  20. Hyyvaa Joulua, and a Merry Christmas to you too.
  21. You must have taken that pic while I wasn't looking. LOL
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