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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Stay there Cliff. Another possible blow coming Sunday.
  2. Got to admit I love strolling through BPS. I've seen the big tank 100 times and I'll still gawk at it 100 more. No different than the MNR tanks I've stared at during the Sportsmen and Fishing shows these past 50 years. I also get to see a much wider selection of product, and ideas, than any where else but the trade shows. Once in a blue moon I may buy something that catches my eye, or for the right price. Like the 1/2 price fish fryer I picked up a few years back. I'll probably enjoy strolling through the new Cabelas just as much.
  3. I paid $10 for my last set of 4 rechargeables for the camera. 3 years later and still going strong.
  4. You still have to peel out of it to do your morning constitutional
  5. Sadly Canada's history of veteran services has been rather pathetic over the past 40 years. It starts with Trudeau and has raised a shameful face with every new political generation in office. Our government asks our citizens to put their life on the line, give their all, and die, and once they are no longer needed they are discarded like a used snot rag. They signed up to defend Canada against her enemies. Our government, in turn sends them off to die in god forsaken holes like Cyprus, the Golan, Somalia, Serbia, and now Afghanistan. I am so tired of hearing of Canadians losing their lives for the sake of some dirtbag politician's agenda. Once they are no longer useful/ spent/ broken, the government casts them off, tries to cut obligations, and pretend they don't exist. I watched enough friends come back in boxes, not a single government representative at the funeral. Little or no support for their families. The veterans of this nation have every right to be angry I pray my nieces and nephews in uniform do not have their lives so poorly used.
  6. Even with a well insulated garage, you only keep cold out if there is heat within. Where walls are shared with residence, there is heat transfer and added shelter from external cold. A free standing structure needs some heat source to stay above freezing, especially in this more severe winter. I had one small electric radiant heater with fan, and it kept our fully insulated 2 1/2 car garage hovering at zero during cold snaps.
  7. You are supposed to imagine there are other vehicles, and pedestrians in the roadway. You "imagine" you are parallel parking between two large vehicles. It is not an ideal way to assess driver ability, but it makes it easy for those driving schools that focus on teaching you "to pass the test" rather than how to drive. One of the reasons for the Malton facility, according to one MOT supervisor, was that it was a safer alternative/option that reduces risk and hazard to the MOT employees. I was amazed when told just how high the accident rate was during driver testing in Toronto some 25 years back. Would you believe one a week. That's a lot of tax money paid into lost time and WSIB.
  8. You are quite right about it being a natural reaction/reflex. It takes a lot of training and discipline to not travel in the direction you are looking. The military spent months drilling that particular habit out of us so we would march in a straight line without deviation despite having our heads turned to the right or left
  9. You are in the right place. Judy wants you to adopt her next winter
  10. Back on topic.... These people are ignorant and arrogant !!!!!'s at the PC party. I unsubscribe, place their emails in the spam folder, and despite all that I get another PC spam from yet another different email account. Does it take a shotgun to get these worthless hacks to listen!!!
  11. Outdoorsman.....the other white meat
  12. Terry, I spent 2 years studying theology at university and there is no way I was going to be fool enough to chime in on the "crackerjacks" debate.
  13. Do have to agree with one sentiment. Those who enter politics in Daddy's footsteps tend to be incapable, inept, incompetent.
  14. Hwy 35 just north of Coboconk on Shadow lake has a good reputation.
  15. Have not seen it that solid since the late 70's
  16. I was always taught that in farming their are 3 types of animal; a]Vermin, b]work animals, and c]livestock. If group b fails to earn its place it joins group a or c
  17. Yeah, I clicked and reported the first one as spam, they used a second addy for their second pitch These tories are as slick and as useless as the telemarketers from Mumbai
  18. I am absolutely stunned. The provincial PC party has started spammimg to drum up support. Twice this week I have received emails from the PC party looking for support, and more importantly funding. Guess the economy has to be worse than we thought if the PC's are spamming to fund their election campaign.
  19. Got to seal up all those places where cold air is coming in. I have hydro heat and pay 1/2 what my neighbours pay.
  20. That's a fine looking specimen.
  21. Even better. I had to clear a section of orchard a number of years back. Wound up with 40 facecords of fruitwoods sitting in my yard for 2 years
  22. Fruitwood is nice wood, but it needs1 1/2 to 2 years to dry proper.
  23. Have to admit this is one year I don't miss hauling wood for the fire. Most folks I know who heat with wood are about 25% over their normal rate of burn. A few are going to run short.
  24. Pickled herrings, and pickled smelt, are still a big thing with the son and I. Forget the simple dutch stuff, too basic. Get some of the Scandinavian sil . it comes in close to a dozen different pickling brines and is to die for. Now I'll have to run over to IKEA and get me a fix.
  25. Modern North Americans have got to be the biggest "holier than thou's" on this planet when it comes to food. Not uncommon to eat horse, or jackass for that matter, in Europe. We get on our high horses because the Chinese eat dog on the other side of the ocean. We get into stupid arguments over which species of fish should/ should not be consumed. Reindeer has always been a popular meat in Scandinavia, yet people here will protest the sale of it at specialty import shops. By the way, I like spring bear and curried goat. These are the arguments of a society that has more than it needs, and lacks for near to nothing. A society that consumes far more meat than the world average, and certainly far more than is good for most of us. We have the luxury of deciding what is too cute and cuddly to cull. The ARA's play on these selfish based emotions to promote their agenda
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