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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Depending on what you want, and where you live. Anything over 100sq ft requires a permit or 2. Structure cost without a concrete pad run $45-55 sq ft. Insulated? Hydro? Heat?
  2. So when is the province, and it's bureaucracy, going to start behaving responsibly, and live within its means.
  3. I don't think I would mind the Fees if the money was put to good use. I just know that when it comes to this province, that never happens. The original idea behind the provincial license was to fund a special conservation account. Our politicians, in their usual wisdom, saw this as a way to replace provincial budget funds and give to other political pet projects. What makes you think the surtax is any different. Truth be the government is trying to implement all sorts of new charges and fees. Lets face it, the Premier has promised a $20billion urban transit plan. That money is going to come out of our pockets, one way or another.
  4. With the snow coming off the open lake,won't be long before folks in the Soo are tunneling out to the street. I remember a couple of winters with 10-12' snow banks back in the 80's
  5. We've had constant lake effect snow since Saturday night. Thankfully, a lot of it melts down during the day. But... it's not stopping. On the plus side, the neighbours in Buffalo are gonna get clobbered.
  6. Still remember the heat and cooking all coming from the big potbelly stove. Forgetting to warm the seat in the "honey hut" on a cold winter's night... Forget about the bathtub, we had Sauna. Didn't have hot and cold running water til the early 70's at Aunt Lily's. Not til the 80's at uncle George's
  7. For all that they saw, they did not want to retell, and relive, the horrors that many experienced. Even in peacetime, Canadians die or are injured serving their country, and it is never pretty.
  8. Yes the Disney excursions are great. All the gear and bait is provided. you have 3 potential areas you can choose from. In winter, shiner fishing is the preferred method. Lots of bass.
  9. The boxes just have a habit of opening from time to time. Uncle Bob survived 5 years servicing the guns and being gassed in the Great War. He would never go near the cenotaph and could not step into a legion. He never saw me in uniform. I was told it was too much of a strain for him.
  10. Don't have a right to complain if you don't participate in the process. Personally, all the regs, studies, red tape, and meetings, mean nothing as long as enforcement is inadequate.
  11. With all that has been going on i almost forgot. Crappieperchhunter was so gracious, as always, to put up with me and the son for a couple of perch outings out on Simcoe. TO say the least, we had a blast. On the first outing, we had nice weather,and the fish were on fire. one of my best days of perchin in a few years. The second outing we tagged up with BigCliff. Not the nicest weather, and the perch certainly kept getting smaller as the day got colder. However, the company more than made up for the lack of stellar results. As always,Steve, it's great to get together with you and Cliff. Thanks. P.S. I'm still nudging Rob in the hopes of getting him to relocate in the Kawarthas.
  12. This was not what I expected to read, after you had told us about Sue's impending surgery. You have nothing to apologize for. You are a far better man than too many I have known. You just focus on that family of yours. Anything you need help with, you just call.
  13. It's why I have the warmest shack on the ice LOL
  14. Wow!! The things i missed being offline for a month. I am glad to hear that the cancer was detected early, and that the procedure went well. You and your Mrs have our prayers.
  15. For those Christians who feel slighted or offended by our secular school boards, there are alternatives. Catholic schools and other denominational schools might just be one way to help preserve and reinforce your Christian values and traditions
  16. The google ad banners at the top of the page really slow things up for the MAC I'm on
  17. However one looks at it, immigration is necessary. We have thousands of migrant foreign labourers on our farms doing the work that born and raised Canadians refuse to do. There are a lot of menial jobs that our native sons refuse to do in many industries. At least the majority of immigrants understand the idea of earning one's keep. Far too many youth in this country have this sense of "entitlement", that the nation has to look after them. The failing birth rate is an easy fix. Just do like Duplessis in the 50's. Reward mothers for bearing 3 or more children. I know! I know! Easier said than done.
  18. Let them know they are about to get a lot of negative publicity attached to their names, through a forum with over 10,000 members. Then you can let us all know the name of this wonderful business.
  19. We also had caroling in the main auditorium every morning in high school I also remember my parents and grandparents taking me to the cenotaph every Remembrance Day as a child. When my kids were in school, they were led out to the local cenotaph by their teachers, or by myself, on the 11th.
  20. Glad you fellas enjoyed the goodies. Cliff, the freezer jam was great. Good stuff don't last long around here. The MAC sure is different. So far it does not like photobucket, and it does not like gmail.
  21. Been a while. Somebody fired the puter reel good with a particularly nasty virus. Completely scrambled Windows to boot. The machine is still in the shop. Currently borrowing an older MAC. Gonna take a bit of getting used to. Have been too busy to worry about the puter for the past while with harvesting and canning. Had 2 good fish outings with good friends CPH and BigCliff. The first outing was a catching clinic. last weekend was tough conditions and a lot of dinks. Regardless, its always a good time when we get together.
  22. There are always people out there looking for a free ride at the expense of others. Enforcement to protect us is a joke. If you decide to defend yourself and your possessions you get crucified by those same organizations that are supposed to protect you. I have had people try to break in, but they have had little luck, so far. We did have a meat thief some 10 years back. They broke into our workshop where we had one of our freezers. I certainly do not make it easy for them. Noisy dogs are also a good deterrent.
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