I don't usually weigh in on these debates. However, there are a few other points to consider.
Since the end of WW II there has not been a year of peace. Regional strife and proxy wars have continued non-stop. Canada staying out of a fight will not keep Canadians out of harm's way. A lot of Canadians, including friends and messmates,have died on such misguided fool's errands as "peacekeeping".. To keep Canada out of the fight is impossible. It is already here. To eradicate the threat requires removing every moslem from within our borders. Neither feasible nor wise.
Now to take a page from the history we are currently commemorating. The middle east of today is no different than the Balkans some 110-120 years back. A hot bed of regional strife and conflict. All the big players in the world had an interest in the region, and in the end, they were drawn in and suckered into a bigger fight by a single extremist act. The result was WW I. The Middle East is a similar regional hotbed, and we again see all the big guns taking sides and posturing. We also see a lot of extremist factions using violence to attract attention to their cause/s.. Who knows when the balance will topple, or whether cooler heads will prevail.