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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Well done on the road trip catch. Just goes to show. Never leave home without your gear. There is always fishable water nearby.
  2. Peanuts is one little rascal. Guaranteed to put a smile on my face everyday. That, and she loves fishing as much as I do.
  3. The Canadian and Ontario records used to be listed on Italo's site.
  4. Most fish in muddy waters have a paler colouration. Once they run back out to lake O they will darken. Grand walleyes are always pale.
  5. Been a cutter, arborists asst. for many years,. Not uncommon to get a reaction from wood dust and shavings from numerous species due to sap, tannins, etc... Some can be quite serious. You need to talk with an MD.
  6. Had time to waste on the banks today after running the daily errands. Found a nice spot out of the wind, and found some willing playmates. In the vicinity were some blue herons, a big Niagara bank beaver, and , for a real treat, a bald eagle. To join me was Rockfish. You just never know what you are going to catch on a Lake O trib and we had a nice mix. The mix was rounded off by some OOS incidentals and a line peeler that straightened the hook ( some mutant fishzilla? or a big old carp) Had so much fun we stayed til the sun went down.
  7. So again, if the officer was not qualified to deal with the situation, where was animal control and the MNR? Who cares if it was near one school or a university., A hospital or a nursing home? What is the difference between a community up north and in the south. The only difference is 10X the voting power. Bears are cute up north but a menace in the south. Hypocritical period.
  8. Happens up north more than you realize. Spent part of my childhood around Mactier before the parents headed for the "Big Sewer". As kids we just stayed indoors when the school yard was "invaded" and the Game Warden arrived. Don't remember a bear ever being shot at school. I guess the operative phrases would be 'private school' and Southern Ontario.
  9. Typical Russian nonsense. Putting on a show for the camera. I'm surprised Harper and the boys have not stooped to this on the Hill.
  10. I'd be more askeered of some of the wimmens you find on those downtown streets late at night
  11. Free ranging bears might be a great way of managing the surplus urban population. It's all about balance
  12. Last year spring was late, very late. Even in the Niagara region everything was 2-3 weeks late. Timing of the spawn fluctuates quite a bit over a 10 year period. It's all about the runoff and water temps. One year the trout are dropping eggs in April and the next it's 3 weeks earlier in March
  13. I think it's a good thing that bears are returning to Southern Ontario. They were native down here as well. Seeing as urban folk don't want to see them hunted, they should learn to adapt to having bars and yotes in their backyards. Waiting to see if some urban survivalist type will try to pull a Crockett and "grin a Bar to death"
  14. We hate weekend traffic as well. Our solution. We don't leave until dark. As for the BinL, if he's in, he's in for the full measure. You won't get a discount from the proprietor where your staying. Why should he?
  15. So sorry to hear. Like many , been through it a few times and it hurts. It's good he didn't suffer.
  16. Just a short update. The DFO has deemed, from information provided by the NPCA, that there has been no actual disturbance or damage to the stream bed so they will take this no further action. The MNR and NPCA are still working with the landowner to rectify the situation.
  17. I'm sure a few different media outlets could have a lot of fun with this at the ministry's expense.
  18. Sounds like a perfect day. About the long portage. You know the old saying. "No pain. no gain" I'm sure the pain was worth it.
  19. I would have no problem if fish farming was completely detached from natural and existing waterways. Tank fishing being the ideal. Only a small percentage is produced in this way. The Norwegian model is anything but harmless. In North America we also have impounds. Rearing ponds which draw fresh water from a nearby lake or stream. These are potential disasters for any inland waterway. Where do you think the current Asian carp scare begins. A dam breaks, a flood, simple carelessness, and you have instant disaster in the making. Accidental release of a genetically altered strain of trout could entirely destroy a native population.
  20. Not all Tilapia are tank raised. There are a number of Mexican lakes where tilapia have been stocked for commercial harvest.
  21. Just have to slow down and downsize the presentation if the bite is off. Maybe offer them something they have not seen a thousand times before. The lake sees a lot of angling pressure each year.
  22. Oh the abuse we love to heap on our friends.
  23. Hooked up with Hammercarp for some spring carping in Hammy harbour. A wonderful day to be out and enjoying. Fish may not have been overly cooperative, but no white stripes. First, Lorne up at bat. Now for Rob. Also learnt a lot of new neat stuff over the course of the day. Thank You for a most enjoyable and informative day Lorne.
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