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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. The Dokis wanted nothing to do with it when asked to particpate years back. We, the non-native community, are taking "their" fish, so we should bear the cost of stocking. I've heard that argument so many times in my travels.
  2. I'd be looking for a couple of rotters in the nooks and crannies Forgot a small gab of bait smelt in the back of the van last year. Even though they were in a plastic bag, the reek was incredible once they liquified I kept blaming the smell on my daughter
  3. Resort operators and outfitters participated in, and funded, stocking efforts in the hope of improving the fishery. it made good business sense. It no longer does,
  4. I know of 2 outfitters who have stopped supporting the walleye stocking program as a result of the netting issue. They were just throwing good money after bad. Of course they will never publicly admit it. They argued against the netting, a few years back, and got their bait tanks vandalized.
  5. It sure beats life in the real world.
  6. Heresy!!!! You cannot leave! There are no other sites.
  7. Right in Orillia. Sitting on Lady S with the K lakes a few minutes East, G bay 20 minutes West and on the southern doorstep of the Muskokas, where I grew up. There is also the need to have a decent hospital around for my regular oopsies
  8. Went down that road 20 years back in Sutton. Put in the deposit and conditional offer on a year round beach community home with full services, regular commuter service to Toronto, 5 minute walk to the beach. Then found out it was a property with stipulations and no commuter service. I made the right noises and the cheque was returned the next day. Sadly , one learns to trust no one as your benefit is not what they are out for.
  9. As to your question of whether it will grow here. In short, no. Requires a much more temperate climate
  10. We used to teach scouts how to make portable stoves and burners from tuna and soup cans. Burn a lot hotter than the sterno cans, but the parrafin and cardboard is only good for 15 minutes. A large dry pinecone smothered in melted wax and wrapped in newspaper will make an excellent firestarter or provide enough cooking heat for 10 minutes. Enough for a can of Chronzy's favourite, or beans.
  11. Operator of the vessel has primary care for the passengers, yes. Does he have deep pockets? Odds are, no. Lawyers were simply out to find someone to foot the bill.
  12. That was one fandamtastic trip. A trip of a lifetime. Thank you for the video.
  13. Got to admit I liked the larger print size.
  14. Even better if wrapped in baacon and melted cheese
  15. What would you rather eat? Kibble or fish. The dog is no dummy
  16. You are one deprived lad. Take a plate of slab sunfish over crappie any day. Flesh is also a little firmer than a crappie. As for the little hook robbing sunnies, my fish theiving dog just loves em
  17. Rain is good. Thunder and lightning not good. I have this thing about holding a lightning rod in my hands out in the open.
  18. Ill bet the young fella was worn out, but will be begging for a next time reel soon. Yay Team 1!
  19. Now is a good time to fish upper Niagara from shore in the Ft Erie area.
  20. Well, a little better news this morning. THe OFAH is taking an interest in this problem. Thanks to all who have contacted different agencies. As it was explained (off the record) to me. Political risk is a large part of risk assessment in government. The more voices singing out, the better. Government does not respond to silence. E-mail the DFO,MNR and NPCA. IF you have an OFAH membership, let the OFAH know your concern. What happened here has also happened everywhere in this province and it takes noise to make it stop. Here are the MPP's concerned: [email protected] [email protected] the biologist at the NPCA [email protected] Rattle their chains. I would think that Hudak, as leader of the opposition might like to embarass the liberal govt.
  21. Pathetic web page. No vendor list, particulars, contact link. It just does not give you that "We want your business" feeling. Place could be full of jobbers and C-list bazaar vendors for all I know.
  22. I've got a President that has survived 4 years of my abuse. It's a great reel for the price.
  23. He is very lucky.Like tnt said, working far to close to the lines. Will probably be out of a job after this.
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