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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. They'll keep taking your money. It's when you file the claim that they point out the clause in extra fine print. The onus is on the homeowner to have proof of compliance, aka a receipt.
  2. The Luxor was a great reel in its day. My uncle and my Grampa bought a pair together in the early 50's. My uncle still has his, and my son now has Grampa's. Both still work flawlessly.
  3. Got out with the good folks at Cag for their spring carp-in. Tough bite today with the colder water temps. Figure the season is 2-3 weeks behind. Even so, a few fish were landed. Even the peanut and I managed one for the team. Despite the poor bite, I was in great company. In all a thoroughly enjoyable day.
  4. Got out with the good folks at Cag for their spring carp-in. Tough bite today with the colder water temps. Figure the season is 2-3 weeks behind. Even so, a few fish were landed. Even the peanut and I managed one for the team. Despite the poor bite, I was in great company. In all a thoroughly enjoyable day.
  5. Current insurance rules require a clean and inspection, on a regular basis, by certified professionals. Else your insurance for the property is null and void as pertains to fire. I got into a nasty fight with an insurer some years back over that point, and lost.
  6. Your target age was where I did most of my programming for scout events. We had a system for getting the kids to have fun while sneaking some education in.
  7. Back in the 70's the only portion that anyone cared to listen to was "The Exorcist " theme. Not many listened to the rest of his work. Still considered an eclectic style by most.
  8. The biggest challenge, on a program level, is in keeping them busy. Not so much that they are overwhelmed, but not so drawn out that they lose interest.
  9. The Mrs would probably love the wings, but wouldn't touch anything else. She'd rather have the KD
  10. OFAH affiliation, might be your best bet with insurance. Most insurers shy away from group insurance for kids. Those that do offer coverage, levy a hefty premium per child. Scouting is literally raped in order to have suitable insurance for their programs, and the insurer will give you a list of preconditions and limitations that must be met; especially any aquatic activities. Not trying to be a wet blanket. Just trying to make you aware of what it all entails. I've jumped through the hoops for years running large scale youth events and been stopped dead in my tracks by the insurers.
  11. You bought a radio from a Canadian retailer, for user in Canada, took a course for certification in Canada. American regs do not apply in Canadian waters. Same reason a camouflage pattern Mustang suit is not approved in Canada. Different regulations. Unless you are boating primarily in the U.S. I don't see the problem.
  12. What can I say, melacholy music for a moody weather day. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXJpgqhWvNY&feature=related
  13. Just wouldn't be perchfest without snow, sleet and the occassional wind storm. Done my share of those.
  14. bigugli


    Sugar counts have been a bit high lately
  15. bigugli


    Admit it! You come back for the food porn
  16. Nice to be able to get out and catch some fish for once. Just my buddy Bill, the Scandinavian fish retriever and myself. There were also a number of willing victims. Mostly mudcats. And the fish retriever with a sucker. Must admit I was quite surprised by the number of fish caught. Water was as thick as a chocolate milkshake.
  17. The point was made a couple of times, but has been overlooked? In an Emergency vet clinic you will have 3-4 staff on hand at all times. That is the Vets fees plus $600 per shift to pay out in wages, let alone the medical supply costs. There are all the other costs as well. Against that you have a number of pets in house for treatment. Some vets are more reasonable than others, but the Emerg clinic is a business without ties, or loyalties, to clientele. It exists to provide a service for a profit. No different than a private hospital or clinic for people.
  18. Smelt is illegal as a live bait. However, in some zones and bodies of water, the use of dead smelts is not allowed.
  19. I'm hoping to catch his show in Kitchener, if the Mrs treatment goes well today.
  20. Emergency Vet clinics are a money pit. Partly because there is a high overhead in keeping 3 staffers on hand 24/7. Years back we took our Lucky into a clinic after hours. She had gotten into the tin foil chocolates on the tree and was sick. We were charged $450 per 6 hour shift she was there. We took her out the very next morning due to the excessive cost and were threatened with being reported to the humane society for "failing to provide adequate care". Our Vet, a traditional rural horse doctor, was appalled at the fees levied and the blackmail tactics. He set things straight with the clinic in short order and we heard nothing more.
  21. bigugli


    It happens to us because, in many ways, OFC is a reflection of ourselves in the mirror.
  22. bigugli


    You haven't been around after I've served up "road kill chili"
  23. Start times for the shows? not shown on the OP
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