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Everything posted by hammercarp

  1. Go to a local feed store or TSC . Buy a bag ( 25 kg. ) of feed corn. Get the biggest pot you have. Fill it 1/2 way with the corn. Add water to about 3 inches above the corn. Bring it up to a boil, turn the heat down to minimun. Leave it for about 1 hr with the lid on. Check it periodically to make sure you don't use up all the water and scorch the corn. Add a little water if neccessary. Turn off the heat and let it sit overnight. Take the boiled corn out with you in your boat. Dump it in a good spot outside the weed bed, maybe upwind or upcurrant from the weeds. Wait about an hr. Fish with your bait beside the feed bed you have created. Have fun. Hope this helps. Oh ya. If you do this repeatedly you will get even better results.
  2. Frogs swallow their prey alive and whole. Animals that do this are equipped to handle it. They may even require it for proper nutrition. He's just trolling.
  3. Just wack the carp into bite sized pieces. It's a frog buddy not some visiting dignitary.
  4. WTG guys. It looks like you had a great time. Love the video. ff where did you learn to break dance ?
  5. Both bullheads and carp will cause bubbles to rise. If you can get some feed corn for chum I think it will attract less catfish,. You can get it at a feed store or at a pet store. It is cheap and effective. Wild bird seed works too. Just boil it for a bit then let it sit in the pot with the lid on over night. Don't put too much in the pot as it really expands when it absorbs water.
  6. Lots of good advice here. I think you caught the bass because chumming with corn also attracts baitfish. Good luck and I hope you hear your drag scream soon.
  7. I have seen both the big ones and the smaller ones. You can see the great egrets on the Niagara.
  8. It's very good to see your dog is okay. There's a lot of heart and courage in those dogs.
  9. Canned corn or some of the flavoured corn in a jar on a hair rig. Google up "hair rig" and you can find the flavoured jarred corn for carp in tackle shops.
  10. Great pictures.
  11. WTG! . Your post put a smile on my face this morning.
  12. I'm glad you're okay. The QEW has been just murderous the past couple of weeks. There has been accidents on the skyway brigde and one happened about 100 yards up to my right. The accidents on the bridge are inexcusable. There are no on or off ramps, no curves just 4 straight lanes on either side. The accidents happen because jerks know there is no OPP presence on the bridge. So they tearass all over the place switching lanes without signalling and all the rest of the hyper aggressive crap.
  13. Very Nice! Looks like you had a blast.
  14. That is a dandy. I think it's a redhorse.
  15. Thanks for posting the pics.I enjoyed them.
  16. Did it sound like this.
  17. WTG! That was great of you to show those kids how to have fun catching carp.
  18. A female fox. If it's in the spring she'll have kits in a den and they make that noise as an alarm and to scare off intruders.
  19. WTG guys. The fight in that strong current must be incredible.
  20. Good going Michael. At their next fish-in we'll be better prepared to help them out.Hopefully we'll get you some help baiting all those rigs. Too bad we only managed one fish. The kids did seem to really enjoy themselves and I was amazed at thier great behavior.
  21. Nice fatty. Thanks I enjoyed the read and I hope to see you out there as well. Keep'm coming.
  22. I use them for carp . Combined with an Abu Ambassaduer 6500 they are great.
  23. Sorry about the misspelling. I have edited my post.
  24. Go to our website My linkPm a guy named aintnoscalesonme. I have netted carp over 40lbs that he caught on a pin. Lots of our guys do it. aplumma Many skilled english anglers use centre pin reels for carp and course fish. You rainbow guys picked it up from them.
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