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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. I knew I bought this shirt for a reason:
  2. I have one - don't buy it! Magellan CS is terrible, leave it at that. Magellan no longer supports this model and haven't in over a year. Very slow to pick up satellites. You would need to buy their out-dated maps for the lakes and driving directions. Probably an extra $150-$200. Very clunky and not user friendly system. Battery life is very bad with 3 AAA batteries, you would need to buy the charger and additional magellan battery for about $50. I went toe to toe with their CS when mine died - tried to give me a triton unit in exchange, except I would have to buy all new maps as mine werent compatible. Triton was garbage too. CTC shouldn't be carrying this unit, no longer supported by the manufacturer. I politely indicated that to them and got a $50 gift card for my troubles. Do yourself a favour, spend more $ and get a garmin.
  3. I'm a firm believer in a single tier fishing license fee. Just becuase you keep fewer fish doesn't mean the costs of the MNR will be less. I currently buy a sport license, but only need a conservation license, so I contribute "ëxtra" that way. I answered $20 more as I think we should all pay about $50/year.
  4. I like old pictures. Thanks for sharing.
  5. Maximum $9,000 - $9,500 IMO and that would be top dollar. Although I'm not sure what the boat is rated for, 115 sounds light for an 18.5 footer. Check kijiji for comparables.
  6. Stirrin'the pot a bit maybe? The video does say they tried to revive the fish for 45 minutes. "You catch the fish you put it right back in to let it grow." C&R portion of the video starts at around 3:10. Pictures could have been taken after the revival period. Murdering a fish - that's the first I've heard that phrase. It's a shame the fish died, but murder implies intent, which I don't think is the case here. I'm happy for the girl...hope she's a great spokesperson for the sport. I agree - the Michigan fish looks a lot more than 3 pounds heavier.
  7. Wow, huge fish. Make sure you read the whole story, there's comments after all 19 photos. Would like to know a girth measurement. Would be a good guide for others that claim to have caught 50-60 pound fish. That is a massive fish.....
  8. Very sorry for your loss.
  9. I think the Emerald Isle tourney is privately run. The tournament is fairly highly regarded and there is usually a waiting list. It attracts a lot of great anglers.
  10. Thanks for sharing GCD. Nice spots.
  11. Great that you got some quality time with the old man. That was an amazing story and trip for all you guys.
  12. Sorry to hear about your problems. You may want to get (or make) a couple of rain barrels. You can use those to water the lawn and save the water in the well. It has been really dry lately, probably why you are having issues now. This summer was wet, so probably you didn't have issues then. Hopefully everything goes well for you.
  13. Hopefully this serves as a deterant for others that continue to take advantage of our natural resources. They really need to step up the enforcement and penalties for illegal fishing and hunting as well. Jail time will help. Story for my local paper: A Toronto-area man got 150 days in jail after being convicted of multiple animal related offences including hunting specially protected wildlife. Pak Sun Chung pleaded guilty to hunting protected wildlife, possessing bullfrogs and snapping turtles and violating a court order that prohibited him from capturing and possessing reptiles, amphibians or fish for 15 years. An investigation was launched after conservation officers received information of turtle poaching in the Wallaceburg area of southern Ontario. Officers contacted Chung July 10, 2007. Chung had three spotted turtles, a snapping turtle and 13 bullfrogs in his possession, court heard. The season was closed for snapping turtles and bullfrogs and Chung did not possess the required fishing licence, court heard. It is also an offence under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act to capture or possess a species designated as specially protected. Under the new Endangered Species Act which came into force last year, the spotted turtle is listed as endangered and is afforded additional protection. Madam Justice Susan Hoffman sentenced Chung in Chatham on Thursday. To report a natural resource violation call 1-877-847-7667 toll-free any time or contact your local ministry office during regular business hours. You can also call Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-8477.
  14. When we were in Washington, we went to the American History Museum, part of the Smithsonian Institute series of museums, and learned that the line formation was part of war for generations. The way the balls moved down the musket barrels, rattling back and forth, it's a matter of how anyone got hit in the first place. Once rifled barrels came along, both sides had to adapt to the new more accurate firepower. GCD - getting in past the US agents is the easy part - it's getting back across by the Canadian side that's tough. They seem to let in any rif-raf down there...lol.
  15. There is a BPS in Harrisburg and a Cabellas 1 hr. approx. down the road in Hamburg. I went to the BPS, but unfortunately didn't make it to the Cabellas. Make sure your hit a couple of Walmarts in PA - most had their fishing and boat supplies on clearance as much as 70% off, most items 50% or so. Best deal I saw was for a 7' medium spinning rod - $42 on for $11, but all sold out. Some spinning and baitcasting reels on for 50% off as well.
  16. Wow, just.....wow. Thanks for that very detailed and entertaining report.
  17. My wife and I just returned from a trip to Washington. You would be pretty close if you are going to Gettysburg. I highly, highly reccommend going to Washington. There is so much to do there, you can't do it all in one trip. We were there 2 days and just barely stratched the surface of activities. HIghlights for us: 1) WW2 monument at night - simply breathtaking 2) Museum of American History 3) Museum of Natural History 4) Arlington National Cemetary 5) Holocaust Memorial We also saw many, many of the regular sites - Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, Vietnam Memorial, Air and Space Museum, White House, Capital Buildingsm Reflecting Pond - the list goes on. If you do go, make sure you see the Lincoln Memorial/WWII memorial and other sites in that area AT NIGHT. They are realy and truly breathtaking - not as much during the day. Hope you have fun on the trip - PM me if you have questions.
  18. Mercer was here in Peterborough a few weeks back and did some time on the water with a local CHEX reporter. Well, somehow she got hooked in the lower leg and Dave used this method to get the hook out, showed it on the 6 oçlock news. As said earlier in the thread, this is an accepted mehod of removing a hook that's in past the barb. Luckily, I've never had to use it. In the video they should have removed the spoon before doing it. Glad it wasn't me.
  19. There's a public launch on Chemong at Selwyn Shores - no dock though. It gives good access to Buckhorn as it is directly across from Harrington Narrows. It is located at the end of the 12th Line of Smith. There is a public launch on Chemong at Dutch Marine, just on the east shore, north of the causeway - it looks like it is a pay launch, but it is not. Probably the best launch on the lake, but sometimes busy. The owner prefers that you not power-on your boat. As already mentioned, the one at the west side of the causeway is good, but busy as well. It is located right across from the Sip 'n Dip Restaurant, decent food there. There is also a guy that sells corn at the S 'n D parking lot - best stuff around.
  20. So sorry for your loss. Condolences to you and your family.
  21. Nitro has been plagued by poor customer service and very bad re-sale values in the states due to their build. Bad build = lots of calls and warranty work = bad customer service due to calls and warranty work not being handled the way people expect. There are better choices out there. Ranger Stratos Triton Take your pick.
  22. That was originally on Americas Funniest Videos many years back. The little girl in the video is a relation of an old friend. That happened somewhere along the Indian river, or a small off chute of it. Indian river leads into Rice lake. The carp in the video was really out of it and was near death, hence the reason she was able to pick it up. I think it won 2nd or 3rd place in the season finale of AFV - I think it was back in the mid '90's that happened.
  23. Great pics and story. Sounds like a real good trip. Thanks for sharing!
  24. Host (no particular order): 1) Mercer 2) Bob Izumi 3) Bill Dance Locations: 1) Simcoe or Erie 2) Simcoe or Erie 3) Private Pond, Southern US (I think he only ever fished on private ponds with HUGE Bass) Target: 1) HUGE SM Bass 2) HUGE SM Bass 3) HUGE LM Bass
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