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Everything posted by Paully

  1. sorry to go off topic but... did i see you on an episode of fishin' canada.? thoes were some nice pike, if that was you...
  2. I've seen stuff floating in it... but that about it.
  3. I checked out 3 different rivers today... only the first one i saw anything in... the other 2 were a little murky I dident see anyone get anything either.. it was nice to get out thou
  4. Great Post!! Some real nice pike ..
  5. After reading 4 pages .... I think most here are on some sort of meds! Nice fish...btw
  6. that is expensive! did you catch anything on thoes dollar minnows?
  7. I saw a bunch of guys fishin tribs!
  8. Great... another secret spot is out!...
  9. Nice fish Buddy! looks like you had a great week. ... now i just gotta load all my friends onto the car and were off to search for that bridge.......
  10. Now i understand... when you dont catch anything .. you let us in on where you're fising but when you kill it .. you leave us guessing! :rolleyes:
  11. Thats awsome how you find so many.......
  12. the first is always the toughest! way to go..
  13. Way to go Jwl ... You sure know your stuff!
  14. Nice Phish! but next time give us some on-ice shots! we really like thoes
  15. ... roe and streamers are the lures of choice.
  16. Thats awsome! :worthy: You sure cant go wrong doing it that way!
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