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Everything posted by Paully

  1. sorry to go off topic but... did i see you on an episode of fishin' canada.? thoes were some nice pike, if that was you...
  2. I've seen stuff floating in it... but that about it.
  3. http://www.bighookcamps.com/
  4. I checked out 3 different rivers today... only the first one i saw anything in... the other 2 were a little murky I dident see anyone get anything either.. it was nice to get out thou
  5. LoL @ solo.. good one..
  6. Great Post!! Some real nice pike ..
  7. I still havent seen a fish!!
  8. After reading 4 pages .... I think most here are on some sort of meds! Nice fish...btw
  9. that is expensive! did you catch anything on thoes dollar minnows?
  10. I saw a bunch of guys fishin tribs!
  11. Great... another secret spot is out!...
  12. what a pig! nice fish bro!
  13. Nice fish Buddy! looks like you had a great week. ... now i just gotta load all my friends onto the car and were off to search for that bridge.......
  14. Now i understand... when you dont catch anything .. you let us in on where you're fising but when you kill it .. you leave us guessing! :rolleyes:
  15. Thats awsome how you find so many.......
  16. the first is always the toughest! way to go..
  17. it's only 11:11 ...
  18. Way to go Jwl ... You sure know your stuff!
  19. Nice Phish! but next time give us some on-ice shots! we really like thoes
  20. ... roe and streamers are the lures of choice.
  21. thats just insane!
  22. Thats awsome! :worthy: You sure cant go wrong doing it that way!
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