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Everything posted by Paully

  1. From what i hear you gotta find some weeds in about 6 feet of water..
  2. I had a hook through my knee once.... hurt like hell!
  3. if this is the case then its prolly rusty sprinkler water... I once worked a sprinkler tech and that looks just like the water that came out of the pipes..
  4. I've never been on the east side of the lake so thats why i was asking... both times i fished this lake was on the west side and i dident have much luck. Thanks for the tips Gone Fishin' ..i'll take them into consideration next time out.
  5. rusty sprinkler water?
  6. all i asked was ... is it the left side of the horse shoe or the right.... i dident ask which weed clump it was.
  7. i was also there... and also got a big skunko! I was fishing the west part of the lake closer to port perry .... is the east side better for fishing? Btw.. that lake really has a police prescence on it.. i seen durham cops on the water from 10 am to 3 pm.
  8. reading this post...
  9. Thats a sweet fish!
  10. Check this site out... http://www.animatedknots.com/rapala/index.php
  11. Thats when you tie on a musky lure and practice your aim!
  12. As long as you reply ... your post count goes up LoL @bill
  13. This looks more like a picture out of High Times
  14. Im surprised GCD hasent posted a pic of his Brown trout.... :blahblah1:
  15. What do you do with them after you pic em'..... besides eat them? I know an area that has possibly millions of these..
  16. Nice Pike! all this warm weather will get them going.... A little dirt bath never hurn no one...
  17. I usually use my trusty line stretcher...
  18. let us know how you make out..
  19. The pic without a fish turned out best.....
  20. I've got a buddy who likes eating mussles... are the ones you see in lakes around here good to eat?
  21. nice steelies
  22. There wasent too much rain ..... i'd say most are still fishable
  23. Never been there but there's prolly smallies in it.......
  24. i dont think you can fish right by the dam anyways.... make sure you read and follow the rules..
  25. Went fishin yesterday for some carp with a buddy of mine..... dident get a single bite for the first 2 hours or so.. Then all of a sudden my rod doubles over, lands in the water and gets pulled straight into the dark waters.. There goes my 10'6 fenwick complete with a nice quantum reel. The first carp of the season steals 200 bucks from me.... I hope the fish gods will be pleased My Question is... why dont they make rods that float? Alyways... i got a few choice words out and kept fishin with my buddy, well , he kept fishing.... we managed to land 2 in the next hour or so... but none had a rod attached to it If anybody Catches a huge carp with a surprise attached to it ... let me know..
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