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Everything posted by Paully

  1. Great first post! What hydro-Electric dam is that? P.s - thats a tiny wally lol... not too often you can lip one.
  2. Btw... your welcome
  3. Get the mechanic to come to you...
  4. No big deal... Happened to a buddy of mine once too. Cut off both his hand... he's all better now
  5. Rain does not affect lakes like it does rivers.. good luck and let us know how you made out
  6. two words... Depot harbour
  7. After seeing all thoes bullet holes in the buildings it got me thinking about opening a window installation company there
  8. Try the hook-up section of the board...found here.. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showforum=4
  9. Paully


  10. That smallmouth in the second pic is real green! almost like a largie
  11. Thats a thick musky... congrads bud!
  12. Good size fish bud! What did you fool him with?
  13. Under a bridge is always the best during a storm .. Stay dry while the bite is hot
  14. Looks like you had a nice time relaxing! p.s That Atlantic looks more like a common creek chub to me
  15. are you wearing only socks??
  16. welcome... im sure you'll fit in.
  17. Much too early for salmon but if you dont care what you catch try the Ausable river... worms work best. Pinery Provincial Park is another place to try...
  18. nice touch with the hardwood floors in your garage
  19. ... but does the boat leak? if so, i would try for 500.
  20. Wtg! what did you use? tubes?
  21. Most marinas have a launch.. good luck and let us know how you made out.
  22. Looks like a brown to me...
  23. Pink senkos worked real good for me last weekend.
  24. reminds me of another recent post...
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