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Everything posted by Lunker777
Yea I did... I didn't see anywhere in it installation tips though? Maybe I skimmed over it . I bought it used so maybe there is an intallation guide or something Im missing ... No big deal.
Hey everyone Only 3 more days till the hit is on !!!! I cant wait to get out and start hunting down the lunkers !!! Any one have any special plans for the weekend ??? Its just coincidence that we are going up to the cottage on opener weekend... but Im not going to complain ! Elephant lake, here I come !!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !
Hey everyone I have a Hummingbird 565 fish finder and Im just installing it on the boat right now. I was wondering the best location for the transducer. I have never installed one before so its all new to me. I want to get away from bolting the transducer to the hull if possible, So I was thinking about mounting it on a small peice of wood and then using 3M 5200 epoxy to attach that to the hull.. I dont know if you guys have used this stuff but its pretty wicked epoxy, I think it would work well ! heres a pic of the rear of the hull... I plan on making the whole on the top to run the wire through so I dont have to make any holes under the water line... Let me know what ya'll think ! Also, would a regular 12 V battery do the trick for powering the fish finder... and nav. lights etc. or should that be a deep cycle as well ? Thanks !
Im just tired of the paid programming. But I guess these channels... IE WFN, Military channel, Out door channel.... They get there funding from these so we have to put up with it. I watch a few shows and then change the channel. Facts of fishing, Getting Skooled, Real Fishing, Bass edge, Musky hunter, Scotty martin... theres a few others Ive started to watch but cant remembe the names. All in all.... The wife hates the channel, because its on quite a bit ! haha
yea, its a 14'... 48" bottom!
Hey everyone Im looking for a 1448 jon boat ... welded or riveted, doesnt matter. Usually how it goes is a local marina will get a good buy on some and unless you live in the area you tend to have a hard time finding out ! haha I was just wondering if any of you OFC'ers know of a good deal on a 1448 Jon boat any where right now ??? Old stock or anything like that.... maybe your local dealer has one, or a few ! My buddies dad boat an all welded 1448 Tracker Jon boat for about $1700 brand new !!!! Thats a steal. He got it from Hully Gully last year... aparently they bought a wack load of them when the dollar was strong and then blasted them out the door ! To bad I missed out ! haha Thanks !
Im sitting at work till 12.... so Im not to worried right now. But Im spose to be working on my boat after work and I dont know how well thats going to work out if its raining ! BOOO
Hey everyone, thanks for the replies.... I hope to hook into some nice fish... make the trip worth while ! hahah Should I be using a leader when fishing for pike ???? if so, what ? Also, what type of rod/reel should I expect to get away with ? Just what Im using for large mouths or do I need something specific..... Sorry for the dumb questions... But I know the pike up north compared to here are not the same !!
Dude, Thats great you served in the army.... but don't hold yourself on a high horse for it. There are plenty more where you came from. We are all thankful for our soldiers. I respect EVERYONE of them for what they do because I couldn't even imagine the level of danger and stress they go through on a day to day basis when on the lines. I've talked to one returned soldier about what it was like over there and he said to me..."try being the most scared you have EVER been in your life... times it by 10, and then feel that all day long every day" ....... Wow. Stop calling it "Social Assistance" You make it sound like something bad, the topic is EMPLOYMENT INSURANCE..... I get money taken off my check every week to pay for my EI if I were to lose my job. I don't consider it "Riding the system" if I had to make the choice.... If I knew the guy was a prick, I would keep looking myself to possibly find a better job.Im sure the offer would still be on the table down the road if it come to HAVING to work for the guy.... AND If he is that much of a prick, Im sure there would be open positions pretty regularly. If wormdangler said he was on welfare and couldn't decide to give up smokin crack with 6 babies in the house or go to work... then yes, I would say Get off your . I live in Chatham, ONT.... if you have ever been here, it is the model it seems for people "riding the system" ...It actually makes me red in the face when I see the disgusting welfare rats walking the streets looking for there next fix or riding there 10 speed to the beer store with 2 cases of lucky on the bars. Its absolutley BRUTAL !!! Im sure I wouldn't see wormdangler doing that in his home town... Ive worked for a bad boss before... 1 year... 24 people hired and fired.... Save yourself the wasted time... because, like in my case... it could turn you off the career all together ! Be careful ! GOOD LUCK Wormdangler !
Im going to be staying in Wilberforce, We have a cottage on Pussey Lake .... Maybe we could meet up for a morning/day of fishing ???? if your going to be around !!! I dont know the lake aswell for any obstacles I should be looking out for !
Musky eh ? how big are we talking.... I want to catch some BIG fish hahah if possible ! I think I got lots of white spinners.... Im gunna stop by BPS on they way up to !
Hey everyone.... less than 2 weeks till opener and the trip up north ! I will be fishing Elephant Lake mostly for pike and LMB.... I was just wondering what I should be using for the pike up there ??? I've only fished the northern lakes once and that was through the ice haha So I'm a little lost on what I should plan on bringing.... If I could get a general idea of what to bring that would be great.... I have my LMB stuff pretty well in order.... but the pike things are where Ill need some help ! Thanks in advance !
Hey everyone, Well the steel flex went on yesterday and I was away at a meeting all day for work so when I came home she was nice and hard ! One thing that kind of concerned me was the color.... it well... CHANGED color ? It was green, wait..."olive drab" when we put it on but it dried brown ? Except for on one spot. We put 2 semi thin coats on... and deemed that ok. Put the first coat on... waited for about 3 and a half hours and then put the second on. Its weird ! I also noticed in some spot where we had layed it on thick and it was running ( vertical areas ) that there was kind of a brown line at the front of the run... Heres some pics to show ... Here you can kind of see the brown line but its kind of blurry... And here are the rest.. So ya, I guess Im ok with the color... seeing as its beneath the water line... but still its kind of weird. It fees like it has dried properly.... we are still going to wait another day before flippin it over just to make sure its cured completely. Another step closer to a finished product !!!! =D> =D> =D> PS, This is my post from "www.tinboats.net" ...Steel Flex is a popular product on that site... It an epoxy used on air boats .... good for sealing leaky aluminum's. Its like a thick paste and when it cures.... after about 16 hrs.... it turns rock hard and seals EVERYTHING !!! I've heard very good reviews with the stuff... so I'm pretty confident. All I have left to do now is a little flooring on the inside and then carpeting everything. Also I need to paint the topside of the boat but I haven't decided on a color yet. I was going to do it in the "olive drab" color but since the bottom didn't turn out, I'm stuck now and don't know what color to paint her ! She is ready for the water mechanically... but not cosmetically ! haha Any opinions on a color for the top side ? I was thinking black ! Thanks for looking !
1 - Your right 2 - I was at the game and there wasn't an empty seat in the house. in between periods, the lines up and wait for bathrooms are so long... It looks empty till about 12 mins left in the period haha 3 - We weren't booing the cup winner.... We were booing The person handing the cup to the winner !!!! BETTMAN ! 4 - What age is " old " ? 5 - Again, your right . Overall.... VERY disappointed in the game, Couldn't believe it ! Still got to see a cup lifted I guess.... not the same feeling if Detroit would of hoisted it though. Congrats Pens !
When the leafs win a cup again, we'll all be COLD !... ya know with the whole " HELL FREEZING OVER" hahah
What engine did it have ? and was it 2wd or 4x4
Yea... lucky bounces.... 5 of them in game 5 !!! :dunno: Who is this guy ? haha
Good game.... Game 7 baby ! WOOOO
I dont think he was low balling me, he knows I used to be in the business and that I know the tricks of the trade hahahah But I know they did have 0% for 60 months yesterday, I saw the paper. HE said they changed it this morning. Oh well.... I even at the figures he gave me yesterday I wasn't planning on doing anything.... my insurance would go up almost $60 a month... so that right there was the decision maker for me ! Plus I think its a smarter move to drive my car till its paid off... that way I can start fresh and not have deficiency in my new loan !
Well thank you all for the input... It really helped me out. BUT..Last night he had called me gave me a price of $425/mnth over 60 mnths @0% ( I owe alot more on my car than its worth so thats where the higher payment comes into play) He was selling me the truck for $20000 So I asked if A-plan would help the price abit and he said he had to do some figuring and would give me a call back... Called back this morning and says that 0% is now off the truck... so that will make my payment REDICULOUS ! So I dont think I'll be getting a new truck for a while... Ill have to ask the father n'law to borrow his ride ! Thanks again for the help !
....Why ?
.............? Are you saying "we" as in the pegnuins ? If so....
Wow, thanks for all the help people ! I just went to the dealer to talk to the sales person. Still not sure what Im going to do, but for what its worth, the ranger sounds like a pretty good deal. I can get a 4x4 sport ext. cab.... pwr pack, cruise, tilt for $20000 + tax
Not the info Im looking for but thanks... Toyotas are to much $$$ .....AND If I could afford a Toyota... I would buy a Gm ... Enough said.
WOAH WOAH WOAH.... Crosbys act he put on over that "slash" to the back of the leg should of got an award... Hes lucky the Wings didn't score on that play. He was CLEARLY trying to draw a penalty . Once the play was at the other end, all of a sudden hes all better. Im not sayin the slash on Datsyuk deserved a penalty because I think I was already asleep for it so I didn't see it. But you can't compare the play on Crosby to anything that "deserves" a penalty ! Its almost like in game 4 when Helm took a slash to the hand.... sitting on the bench with an icepack being attended to by the trainer... that clearly did some damage.... Crosby went to the bench and was out next shift, didn't skip a beat. I consider it "gutless" when you lay on the ice for 10-20 seconds trying to act hurt... then when you relaize the play is at the other end and nothing is coming of it... skate off, wait... back on a minute later !