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Everything posted by radar

  1. More likely to be an early golf show this season
  2. Missed the "Muskoka"part of the question. Sorry. Good largemouth though!
  3. canal lake. You can google few places there.
  4. Its going to be tough to get HK for 2 nights only in the summer. Rice lake is probably a great bet. My kids have gone nuts with just the smallest of pan fish. Forget size. Bring a bucket and let him chase it in there too. Seprent mounds on Rice has some econo huts - kind of a bare bones cabin that may work ya. Have fun
  5. Beautiful.
  6. This is out of line.
  7. My vote is in. Come on folks she needs some help here!
  8. And that's why this place has been so dang good for so many years. We appreciate your efforts and time. Thanks again.
  9. I think DP 3200 has something there. "I am choosing to not offer a reference". I think it will imply anything you need.
  10. I worked at HGTV when Mike came in and either volunteered his time or got paid peanuts (8$/hr?) to make this numb-nut Jon Eakes look good. He gave up his contracting job for the chance. He said from day one he had an idea for a show and he was going to be heard. His helper Shawn in the early seasons was Jon Eakes' other helper and did a great dang job too. Mike came out and designed a car port for my wife and I and his other buddy (dark hair - great guy - did the caulking contest with Mike on a galley kitchen show and was a judge when they raced to fram the matching windows in the mould episode) did a great frigin job (but $$$). Slowly he won over one of the executives at HGTV and built a straw insulated house for him (paid - expiremtnal thing) . He got hooked up with an up and coming producer Scott McNeil and a really good camera man took Shwn with him (and his buddy who di my car port - damn what's his name?) and boom the show took off. The homeowner covers the majority of the costs and he get sto do what he wants. Brutal hours for the crew. For those griping about what he does - this is television - he ain't gonna do middle of the road and make the $$$ we talk about. AND PS - I bought in a new subdivision - house is crap. and I hate it. Builders screwed with me because I was demenading - but never rude. The workers were treated like gold with coffee, food, snacks and a bevvie at the end of a day if they wanted, so many of my repairs were ok.
  11. If this was in a big city I'd say put it back the way it was. No questions - see you in small claims court. That'll cost him a grand in parts and labour anyway. Considering you kinda want to save face due to the community - if you can afford it try Clamp-it's take. Offer $1800 parts with no labour installed. You were heading for $1500 anyway. He'll probably make the mechanic eat a big chunk. When they are done bring a bottle or a case o beer and say thanks. $1850.00. If they are idiots tell em to - put it back the way you got it replacing anything they damaged. And never go back!
  12. Congrats!
  13. Glenwood resort on Lake Manitouwabing outside of Parry Sound. Great Beach/swiming area. Some fishing. Awesome owners.
  14. I found this site through a google search on walley eI believe and coming across Justin's articles 6(+?) years ago and following the links.
  15. In todays age of crappy service pretty much anywhere - If you are happy why not tip? Let somebody know you appreciate the above and beyond. Unless you are doing it for the love of it, how many people would actually do a day's work for less than $200.00 take home on freelance work (whatever it is)? This is different from a salary or 40/hr week thing. You need to make enough money on the days you work to offset the days you don't so I can see the daily rate.
  16. Good to hear. Thanks
  17. My brother caught a huge slab up by the dam in most northern part on Lovesick(Ducks bay??? or something like that) . Right in front of the campsite at the dam. Been a while since I was there. The owner's at Ardagh said he's heard of them being caught but didn't really know of anyone coming up to target them.
  18. check yer PM
  19. awesome. Thanks for sharing
  20. My little guy is hooked up with his Scooby doo rod. He did pretty good last year nailing some perch and sunfish. (another buddies 4 year old was killing the crappie on Rice with one last year - priceless!) Sometimes he just wants me to drop a couple of pan fish in the live well and he'll play around in there for a while. I'm not pushing anything on him with fishing yet - just as long as he's having fun. And yeah I've been eyeballing that rocket rod - not sure I want him to have that with a hook yet!
  21. Thanks guys. Valen's was looking pretty good. I was even thinking Santa's Village. Any thoughts on Emily PP? I'll check out the rest too. I was trying to keep it closer to home, but I'm not agains 3 hours or so out. Lunkerbasshunter you hit it bang on about having a fall back option. My little guy is....how do you say..... rambunctious and needs lots of stimulous.
  22. Boat or Shore don't matter. I have a 16' Springbok with a 40hp but I don't know if I'll bring it. Thisone's for the kids, I may just stick to shore fishing. I was all set to book Balsam today but there isn't a site available the weekend I want.
  23. My buddy and I want to take our kids (ages 2 and 3.5) camping last weekend in June somewhere within a few hours of GTA. I've been to many of the Prov. Parks but I can't think of one that is particularily good for kids. Tent camping and toilets with swimming in a lake and some pan fishing is all we are looking for. Any suggestions? Recommendations? Ones to avoid? Thanks
  24. Anyone know of any of cottages on Stoney Lake near Burleigh Falls for early June? Also looking to hire a couple of guides (4 or 5 of us going) for my Dad's birthday present. The pickins are pretty slim on-line. Any help is appreciated.
  25. As TOMC replied, about 50%of the guns used in crimes are stolen from legal gun owners, who may have done everything the law required to store them, but the crooks got them anyway. I was a jail guard in Toronto and spoke with a few gang guys who broke into an apartment and spent 3 days opening the firearms safe of a collector (they got off on that charge by the way). And as for conscience or careful usage, these chickensh** punks would fire at anyone to save face and look cool. For the record I am against banning them, but what about much stricter storage laws. Why couldn't handguns be stored at one central privatized storage facility in an area (I know its much easier to do in Toronto or urban centres) with much more serious security, yet the owners can access them when needed. An inconvenience yes, but the problem is growing. Secondly MUCH more strict penalties. How about: 1. 5 years if you illegally possess a gun/ammo 2. 10 years if used in a crime but not discharged. 3. 15 years if discharged 4. 20 If someone is injured. 5. 25 if somone is killed 6. Automatic 25 years no parole on second weapons offence of any kind.
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