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Everything posted by radar

  1. Thanks folks
  2. Is there anyplace near MArkham/Pickering area where I can get one of these tow boards? I don't mind a drive if necessary. The key is the rope is tied to the board. Then there are 2 handle ropes for them to hold. I am also looking to find a skiing tow bar in my 16'Springbok. Any suggestions where to look? Google has let me down. Thanls
  3. Here you go Roy! He really did catch fish. Had a great time guys. Excellent job Lloyd - worth every penny! (Didn't post any without your hat tho.) Had to laugh at the heavy duty machete and then the finesse machette for filleting. But they worked well. First meal sure was tasty!
  4. You deserved it. The video was just fantastic.
  5. Grab a map and just head west. Zig-zag as needed. Do it all the time. Much more interesting drive. Less traffic.
  6. The gov't is on a pretty tight hiring freeze. It appears there are no new hires. They do Bull tactics like waiting until the last minute to hire someone when an opening happens to save a few months pay. I work in a different Ministry but it appears to be that way everywhere.
  7. Fantastic!
  8. Thanks guys. solopaddler had provided his contact by PM a while ago. I'm just getting around to doing something about it and thought I see if there was some other choices around here to do some comparrison shopping. I've contacted Boat Tech in Pickering and he says he can order it in too. Grant Mills Boat Tech 1058 Copperstone Dr, Unit 2 Pickering, ON L1W 3V8 905-686-5008 Found this site through the search feature here that has some really good tips too. http://bbcboards.zeroforum.com/zeroforum?id=19
  9. Think its about time to re-do the boat flooring. I will be using vinyl. Anyone know of a supplier in and around Markham or Durham? I want to get a few quotes and don't mind travelling. This board has some awesome posts and content about this topic using search.
  10. AND the winner is......! Yahooo - Congrats.
  11. 15th is perfect
  12. Looking forward to meeting ya guys. Is there a date set yet?
  13. I've PM'd Aile Goby myself. He has my contact info. Those dates yo list work for me too Roy.
  14. I have only been a couple of times - nothing to the interior. Just passing through and staying in the campgrounds, I too was disappointed with jerks. Maybe that too is something to dispell in a markeying plan. I seem to recall though - everything I ever heard was word of mouth. Growing up in St. Catharines it seemed like it was so far away. I would sit in awe thinking of doing those trips. Given tweets and blogs and facebook this would seem appropriate. I also remember a big obstacle (which really was just an excuse) was lack of gear and cost of rentals. Maybe busting those myths might be a way of approaching it. That might be something to work on. Good project
  15. My buddy gas acottage there. Fished it a few times and caught a couple pike. My buddy caught a huge one in the middle beds - not good at guessing size (of course no camera).
  16. I work for the gov't. There is a massive push in the gov't to ensue that Diversity and disbalilty do not limit one's access to services from the gov't. There is actually a new law. I don't think I can answer the question about being able to pilot his own rig but the rest you should be able to get answer. Keep pushing and make them make a decision. (The fact he does not qualify for a G license doesn't sound positive tho). Have him insist on a worker or if necessary a manager following up on this. He should not have do the run around. Have him cite his disability as an issue as to why they should advocate on his behalf. Make them do it. I will look up the new law if you need (just PM me). As for the test, they must accomodate him in whatever reaonable way he requires to have access to the same service as every other Ontarion. (unless the same reason he does not qualify for his G license disqualifies him before he would be eligible to write the test).
  17. Thanks for following up!
  18. Nice job Mike. If this thread gets closed please PM the lodges. I think aplumma has it bang on. I vist and stay at Rice a minimum of 2x a year. I just have to say thanks for all the effort.
  19. Sure is ugly. How do they taste? Wonder how many times I cut myself trying to clean those perch this year?
  20. I have to agree. My son loved to learn how to cast with the spin cast. Then I always kept a cheapy ultra-light spinning outfit handy. He would pick it and play, then always go back to the spincast. Your kids will be attracted to the spinning rig soon enough and love the fishing in the meantime. And yes we lost a spidey outfit over the side last year.
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