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Everything posted by BassAsin

  1. no they dont! i know all of the co's in the north bay district as i work with all of them and most of them are understanding depending on circumstances not all but most then again we all agreed the fish was in the slot whether it was a mistaken measurement or not therefore a fine is given rules are to be followed i suppose.
  2. nice looking bass Gino, as for the senkos i'm guess i went through close to 40 already this season! they go quick when the bite is on!
  3. nice lookin bass! the soo area?
  4. thanks glenn, i still have the PM you sent me on getting set up on photobucket but have not really had the internet or access to it since april.
  5. the last few pics
  6. to start off i'll say hello to all have not been around for quite some time now. finally gettin some days off for the first time in 18 days. got to the hometown late last night but managed to snag my uncles 12 foot alum and tossed on the trollin motor for 45 minutes of dusk bassin. managed to catch 3 buckets in the short time biggest was just shy of 3 and other two were twins at 1lb 14 oz, (first two pics) today james and i planned on gettin on the water by 9 hahahahh yeah right he didnt get out of bed until noon so in the meantime waiting at his place i cleaned the boat and washed it, built the storage under the seat we had planned and made a couple runs to can tire. so by the time we got on the water the winds were in the 40Km range and fishing was made very tough, controlling the boat with a smalll trolling motor, making accurate casts to logs,pads,and slop, feeling bites ... long story short we came up short in our 3 hours fishing only pulling 7 buckets and one small snot rocket into the boat. the largest at 3 and a half lbs and 18.5 inches followed up by one weighing 2lb 15oza couple more around the 2-2.5 mark and a couple dinks. its good to be back on the water! Matt!
  7. when i get home i'll take a pic off all the plastic baggies of bait for ya glenn!
  8. nice pics. good to see your training him how to catch and hold them. a lot of nice eyes there. Matt!
  9. gathered up a couple hundred of them last night here in espanola, got 3 gallons (48 doz) in north bay a week ago and heard algoma mills is, well dead now they have pretty well stopped. but trust me pike slayer if your name says anything about the pike you catch you'll go through a pile of them for bait. they work great on the lakers too. and usually wait tilll they quit running to put up a report. hahah good on ya for gettin out Matt!
  10. beauty Laker Bushy! i was expecting a nice painting again but instead it was a sweet looking laker! Congrats on gettin out. Matt!
  11. was out for a while today for specks open about 10-20 feet from shore on North (south facing side) still almost enough snow in the bush to snowmobile in a lot of spots this is a shot from about 20 feet up you can see the ice is pretty crap. might still be ice on them in a week this was north of espanola about 15 miles. Matt!
  12. thanks for the wishes and replies everyone. went and saw her this morning after she got transferred to the hospital here in town and i got a couple days off she's still a little doped up but in good humour, she brings home cooked meals to many of the people in the hospital for short term patients and asked me " well who the heck is gonna bring the lunches in for them? (the patients) followed by " actually who the hell is gonna bring me lunch?" hhaha she's smiling and lookin up hoping to be home in a few days. Matt!
  13. an elderly gentlemans son won a large sum of money and decided to buy pops a new hearing aid. the elder man was bragging to his buddies in the home about it and when asked what kind it was by the man next to him he replied " its 20 to 2" hahaha
  14. So my girlfriends grandmother broke her hip this past Friday. shes 62 and involved in her community more than anybody could imagine. She raises money for minor sports is part of the royal purple, cooks such incredible food for bonspiels, banquets and many other events, she picks up garbage on her daily walk, and many other unselfish and greatly appreciated gestures. She is an amazing person who means so much to a community without ever asking for anything in return. having been diagnosed with diabetes a few years ago, recently having surgery to correct her glaucoma, having to make repeated trips to Toronto and now having broke her hip Friday outside of the high school going in to collect a donation for the united church, it seems as though the saying "when it rains it pours" has struck her with bad luck. As the story turns out two young teenagers from the school assisted her in getting up and calling the ambulance. The school has asked for the two students to come forth as many thank you letters are awaiting them from friends, family and others of Helen. The two young men have not come forth wishing to remain anonymous not wanting any praise or pats on the back from anybody, i guess it just goes to show that there are some people out there who are very thoughtful at heart and help make the world a better place. Matt!
  15. north bay end pembroke huntsville?
  16. where exactly is "north" for the brookies?
  17. I'll challenge Dave on this one! Loser owes the winner a day on the water! Matt!
  18. nice pictures Pam! very nice looking creatures for sure! i lived no more than 2 minutes from drury park for a few years. that being said 2 minutes could mean anywhere in Cochrane!
  19. Don't know how I missed these earlier! but they are very nice shots! the picture of the elder gentleman painting is very unique Thanks for sharing! Matt!
  20. if your gonna be targeting pike and eyes in the early season don't be surprised if you do happen to hook into a few smallies! all 3 live in close population in the early season good luck and bring the camera! Matt!
  21. only if it involves some rapids or waterfalls! then i'd pay to watch the blast off.
  22. if by up there you mean as far as north bay they werent any better 40k steady and gusts to 65 according to our wind-o-meter at work!
  23. the plan is to stop in and visit sometime this summer! we lost one of them this year to a different job but gained one at the same time! change is good!
  24. imagine that another smarta$$ comment that we all could have likely done without! i know i know your in a sour mood i read it earlier on another comment that could have been kept to yourself!
  25. why? then i wouldnt of learned a thing! i didnt see the last post regarding anything along these lines and it now prevents me from asking!
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