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Everything posted by BassAsin

  1. that a few good days, those are nice size whities too! Matt!
  2. it was a blast i was pleased that the fish co-operated seeings as i had brought my dad to " my never get skunked spot"
  3. does that mean she has two quarters from 1991? they are very very rare
  4. not long enough Simon! thats some great lookin action ya got goin in the back yard! know you have me anticipating some big spring pike!
  5. thanks for the report, those are nice and healthy lookin eyes, the fish looks healthy too! good job on the big one Matt!
  6. numbers are as follows so far 45 pike 1 bass 10 specks 1 rainbow 1 whitefish 62 perch 13 pickeral 9 lake trout for a total of 142 fish to date! seeings as we are only 47 days into 2009 365/47=7.766 7.766x142=1120.7 this means that i'm on pace for my best season yet! 1120 fish for the year and gonna have to catch one with no tail to make that 0.7 i guess! lol Matt!
  7. sounds like a nice day Jaques! were the rockets caught on a rod and reel? great work, thanks for the report! Matt!
  8. nice lookin day on the water Kevin, those smallies are nice lookin and the pb pike is great for her!
  9. the rest of the pics
  10. howdy all! hope the family weekend went well for all! to my suprise i got a call from ma and pa a few days ago wed or thurs sayin they were gonna come and visit for the weekend. (personally i just think my dad needed to learn a few more fishin tips from me HAHAHA) so they got up here around 7 30 pm friday night and had grabbed a bucket of chiken from clucky duck when they got to town so i didnt even have to whip up a fancy pickeral dinner for them. ate dinner and watched a movie then went to bed. saturday morning I woke up early and cooked up some bacon and eggs for the folks in bed. got some stuff together picked up just enough minnows (2 doz) and off to my little pike hole. i popped 4 holes for my dad and I and before i even got my switches packed up with some slush my dad had a pike on the ice. the action never stopped from 12 30- 5 00 we must have got 20 bites. the day total was a good 14 pike and 1 JUMBO about 12 and a half inches. so we packed up nad scooted home to my suprise some of moms old fashion cookin!!!! ribs, potatoes, veggies and chocolate covered strawberries for desert! sunday was another nice day just like the day prior the sun was shining bright the wind was light and only about -6 what a beauty day! we grabbed another 2 doz minnows on the way to lake and walked out to my spot. to my suprise there were 3 people fishing in my holes. So i decided we would hit another good spot i do well at for larger but less fish usually and just as i finished drilling the 4th hole and gettin a bed made for the pooch my dad says "look over there" pointing at our spot from the day before. i turn my head and not a person in sight. we packed up and made our way over there. Once again the action started immediatly i drilled out some holes and again before i could get the 4th hole drilled my dad had iced a pike! i get my two switches packed up with some slush and as i'm goin to grab my lines my dad pulles up another. so we've had one line set for no more than 5 minutes and 2 pike! the day totalled up to 9 pike each none bigger than about 3 lbs but lots of action. my buddy rob came out for a short bit as the bite died off but managed to land a small pike as well. my dad pulled a 13 inch perch out which we thought was huge and sure enough just as i'm pulling my last line i hammer a nice 13 and half incher myself! a lot of the pike had a small bass 4-8 inches in their guts that they would spit up when we pulled them out! a great weekend was had by all, it was warm enough for my dog whos now 9 years old and a little less tolerable of the cold my mom visited some old friends my dad and i had a blast of a time spending some quality time together on the ice sharing lots of laughs and most of all enjoying each others company. to end the day sunday i did cook up a nice feed of pickeral for us before they hit the road! a few pics are attached here Matt!
  11. sorry simon, was not supposed to be like that, as i'm sure you know, had too many problems with the XLT and so have 2 of my friends! keep them reports comin my friend love seeing them and love seeing a limeyangler topic come up! cheers, Matt!
  12. Yellow box spiderwire, XXX stealth i believe its called stuff is amazing dont get me wrong i do use PP but am a bigger fan of thw spiderwire
  13. those are some nice lookin fish boys! 12 inch perch are tasty and so are them whites! nice size to all the fish, the eyes are prime for the pan! looks like all the fish are healthy from out of there! great report and thanks fer sharin nice pictures by the way! Matt!
  14. congrats to the both of you! i can relate 210--175 amazing feeling, its the simple things we take for granted, like no longer feeling out of breath from walking upstairs little stuff is so much easier! great job to the both of you!
  15. HAHAHAHAHAHAH should be flown upside down that is the sign for distress is it not? hahahaha sorry to all those of you who are habs fans, not for the comment but for being habs fans hahahah
  16. yes a new rod and and reel, but what about a fish? i am just kiddin LunkerBass
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlObZqhUWpg i must say i was a fan of hogan's heroes too!
  18. i think to "pimp" it out your gonna need the following! pink streamers from a girls bike handle bars a puprle horn a barbie dolls head for a hood ornament and some pop up headlights! great report, love the vids all the time makes the report that much better and so does the non stop fish ya catch and your driving a popcorn machine? a 600 triple? please dont say its an Xtra Lettuce and Tomato. i just call them popcorn machines cuz they sound the same over time. POP! POP! POP! hahahah Matt!
  19. huge fish man, looks great, looks "small" until the pci where u are holding it and have something to compare it too! WOW! congrats again
  20. Harvey's not BK hahahhah
  21. looks like a great day doesnt look like there were any mishaps some good lookin fish and nice whitie i must say good on ya for gettin out Matt!
  22. AGREED!
  23. http://www.geocities.com/scosmo451/Shortnose_Gar.gif check that out glen
  24. dig out the skates wayne!
  25. SE side of broom island terry 20-40 FOW
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