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Everything posted by BassAsin

  1. i dont see a dog just a couple puppies! nice lookin pup ya got there!
  2. poaching splake? arent they open year round as they are a man made fish with no size limit?
  3. read the previous posts mike great report bruce, thats quite a mix bag of fish. is the tail on the cat in the 3rd flat with the back? or just the way it appears in the picture? Matt!
  4. so sorry to hear about that, as for a gift i wouldnt no what the heck to do, a comfy couch or lazy boy? sounds like hes gonna be layed up a while. all the mortise pieces were dry, i figured if they were wet they would shrink a bit and open the holes a bit but none the less there may be the need for a screw or two in the future
  5. hahah thanks guys, i did manage to get a glass top for it too! 18 years to go before you get one ricobox!
  6. wish i could still be walkin on water! nice laker and a beauty lookin day for a tan!
  7. i have already thought of the tipping beer Wayne so i'm lookin tomorrow for a 24 1/2" square glass top for it and maybe some pictures underneath as well, it looks good right now and i dont know if i wanna go at it with the knife!
  8. Thanks Rob, hopin he'll be happy, the plan is to carve a 50 in the center of the top tomorrow
  9. i decided to make my dad a gift for his 50th instead of buying him something. i ended up making him an end table that matches a few of his lamps and book shelves i've made for him in the past. tools used: - chainsaw - hatchet - pocket knife - drill - table saw - spokeshave the first few steps were pretty simple in cutting down a few cedar trees, followed by peeling the bark and shaving them down into a hexagon shape, with a knife and spokeshave. the next steps were hand carving 1/2 inch spindles on the ends of 6 pieces with a knife to slide into holes, drilled out. a mortice and tenon kinda deal a dado cut was put into 4 of the pieces with the table saw for the 1x6 cedar board to be slid into holding up the top finally all was put into place, glued and varnished with a clear coat. Matt!
  10. this ones for you T.J. just so you know your advertising does get seen by some! Matt!
  11. how about you send him elsewhere, i fish around sudbury and dont wanna hear him either terry! hahahha enough like him around sudbury as it is!
  12. hunting shows are more and more pushing to get the youth and female involved but these two are just drop dead gorgeous.
  13. sorry drop-shot but i get to fish temagami at least 30 times a year! and i lived in cochrane for a few years and trust me when i say go barbless for wallies up there 50-100 is not out of the question but after a while almost boring believe it or not. oh and the partidge hahah 10 guys could take home 50 a day for a month straight and still not hurt the population
  14. your lucky your old fit in after trying to wrench in the newer one! have you tried shooting it without a choke at all to see the results?
  15. ignore mike is right, and get to hear what some small town folks use and their reasoning behind it, as opposed to a sponsors reasons for using certain lures couldnt agree moore! it is absolutely terrible i'm sure he knows his show sucks too but hes laughin all the way to bank!
  16. hahahah my dad used to have a 15ft alum and an 18hp merc! the motor ran well it was a fairly tall and narrow motor, i was only 5 or 6 at the time
  17. i think i may have found a way to cure the dog G
  18. is this the joke of the day? hahah i give philly some credit. deccent goaltending, size, heart and 5 or 6 players with 25 + goals, not a huge fan of them but to be honest i wouldnt be counting them out
  19. heres the smirk my dog gives me when she knows she did something bad! pork and pics are terrible for stunts like that bernie as for your pup G maybe just a little demon involved!
  20. just look out for next year, hartsberg had them at 17-27-7 clouston has them at 19-10-3 clouston's rochester team was in good standings when he was there and had a deccent playoff position now they are out of the playoffs so is the sens .666 winning record just playing without pressure or his coaching the players like him and the results are quite apparent next year i dont predict habs fans making fun of us for not making playoffs. IF they make the playoffs. kinda sad they bank on other teams to lose so they can make the playoffs. if they could win a game on their own they wouldnt need to watch florida play hockey!
  21. fisherman only use 40% of their baits 90% of the time! haha if wearin a funny shirt paid for me to fish i'd be wearing one too!
  22. i do share the opinion myself, i curse and swear all rapala lures the damn things cost 10+ bucks almost everywhere.
  23. hahah good report and nice lookin plate of feed for ya's.
  24. i think what wayne is sayin is eventually you wont even have a voice LOL
  25. i can see where a lot of people can relate to this Ben but if a twenty dollar lure catches big musky and thats what you like to catch and it makes ya happy so be it, if a 20 $ lure catches perch and that's what makes ya happy then so be it as well. i guess my point is if your catching the fish that makes you happy and gives you a thrill the price of the lure shouldnt have to relate to a species or certain size of fish i guess
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