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Everything posted by rbaquial

  1. Hehe - thanks... I'm getting married in 2 weeks... I dont need to already start my new life with 'bad luck' - ya know?
  2. HEY FOLKS, Just wanted to put it out there (even though my odds are next to winning the lottery; in finding the rightful owner)... I was at the PROFESSIONAL BUILDING @ EGLINTON & ERIN MILLS in MISSISSAUGA on the 2nd floor - FOUND A WATCH AND A GOLD RING - By the looks of it, the ring was possibly a WEDDING RING (engraved on the insides)... Anyway, I flipped it over to my doctor on the same floor of where I found the jeweler. He's gonna post some LOST SIGNS all over his floor.... I know my odds are slim - but I thought I'd give it a shot - I'd hate to be in this guys shoes right about now...
  3. Thank you sir!
  4. Nevermind - MODS PLEASE DELETE THIS.... Just emailed RAVENTACKLE... Hopefully get a response soon.
  5. Hey Folks, Been searching the internet for almost 1hr looking for some sort of "Assembly" diagram on this reel. Was out at one of my fav. tribs... was using my Centrepin for no more than 45min... heard some sort of stuff on the inside. At some points, it drastically affected the 'free floating' action of the reel.... I wanna lube this thing up before the run REALLY picks up....Here is what the reel looks like. OH! I should mention its NOT the XL version.. (Though mechanically they're identical). Then again, so are pretty much every float reel on the market! Anyway - here they are the pics...
  6. Hope your not talking about PORT CREDIT PIER... Check the REG's dude... I think its ILLEGAL to fish off that pier past AUGUST. - but I think on the OTHER SIDE... you can go there.
  7. Wow dude... that kinda nudged my "soft side" for a second there....had a tear ready to burst... I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I totally know exactly how you feel.... I've never grown up with any pet any larger than a "Gerbil"....literally. When I met my (soon-to-be wife.. in 2 weeks!) now Fiance.... We decided to get a cat. Now... I gotta admit, at 1st I wasn't so fond of the idea. I've always HATED cats... they always gave me that "vibe"... like a ghost watching over you. Anyway, we got our cat... CUTEST LITTLE 'dang THING!! Never been so attached to such an intelligent creature... Anyway, I'm really sorry for your loss bro. I pray I never experience that day... Heart goes out to you & yours
  8. How's the CREDIT RIVER? Anyone seen any fish worth chasin' in the rivers? I know the tribs down EAST have some...Like STEELYHUNTER said... Wait for next RAINFALL
  9. Give these guys a call - they are CERTIFIED AUTHORIZED DEALERS for repairs/maintenance.... Aikman A Sporting Goods Repair 3010 Novar Road Mississauga, ON L5B 1S4 (905) 277-3595‎
  10. Go with LLBEAN (LLBEAN.COM) They have an AMAZING selection... and they're decently priced too. BEST PART - They are "LIFETIME WARRANTY"... ....Had a buddy gimme info on this a loong time back.
  11. OBanion - I'm gonna guess 7ft. to 7'4" HEAVY-XTRA HEAVY w/ FAST ACTION TIP... attached to a modified baseball with 50lb BRAID. OH MAN!!!
  12. Are you using Windows LIVE? or just regular hotmail? (via website)? EDIT: I'm not having any problems.
  13. Whoaaaaaaaaaaaa BRO!!! That's FREAKIN' HUUUUUGE!! Nicely done!
  14. 2nd LAST PICTURE..... I hope that wasn't plugged in.... :| :| :|
  15. What's the address to this place? I tried looking it up online, with no success
  16. Whoa! Pretty awesome!! 1st Grader ALREADY knows how to use a Baitcaster!! Awesome report BTW!
  18. Hmmm.....Are you sure you are you fishing in BASS TERRITORY? (I know its an obvious question, had to be asked) Try tubes? I'm trying out tube fishing for the 1st time this weekend in SARNIA, ONT. Really excited!
  19. AWESOME REPORT!! I LOVE FISHING FOR BLUES!! ... I used to go fishing down in Cape Cod all the time for Blues and Striped Bass!! AWESOME!!
  20. Ha! Ooops! Sorry Ekfa! LoL Well, even still.... results on the forum should still be the same off google; either way.
  21. To answer your question: YES... but because I was @ work, I am limited to certain websites. Thus, why I wasn't able to do the search. I thought I would ask while I was @ work, otherwise I know I'd forget later!
  22. Hey Folks, I've just recently started Float Fishing - Just a quick question... is there a PROPER way to clean a CENTERPIN? (aside from dunking it in the river, and giving it a good shake while spinning). Back when I bought my Matrix (By Raven)... I don't ever recall getting an "assembly" picture or any sorts, or anything like that? My question is... 1) Is there a way to clean out the CenterPin? (properly) 2) How often does it need to be greased/oiled? I know this question seems n00bish, but I wanted to ask. (being my Centerpin never came with any sort of paper work & I'm new to this style of fishing) Thanks A2F
  23. Awesome, Thanks guys.
  24. I have this game for the Xbox360. Lemme just say... ITS TERRIBLE!! The only reason why I got the game in the 1st place, was because the game was on sale for $20! Man, I should've just saved that money and bought a couple Lures or something!! I wouldn't recommend renting it. Its THAT terrible! Checkout some REVIEWS on the game, and you'll understand.
  25. Hey Folks, I've been down to BRONTE PIER a couple times this year... Just had a question... Everytime I'm out there, there's another pier to the WEST... Was always curious if that place is open to the public? fishable? Here's the link to the place I'm talkin' about... http://www.bing.com/maps/default.aspx?v=2&...1&encType=1 If anyone knows, I'd appreciate it!
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